...Article of ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR BUS568-01 Yuhyung Shin. CEO Ethical Leadership, Ethical Climate, Climate Strength, and Collective Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics Jul2012, Vol. 108 Issue 3, p299-312. Major Hypotheses Although there are a large number of studies on the Ethical Climate, it is still lack of understanding of the antecedents of the Ethical Climate or the relationship between the Ethical Climate and the outcome of work. Ethical Climate (EC) is the formal or informal policies, practices, and procedures of an organization. The EC of an enterprise determines its morality, value, and behavior, and then affect the ethical behavior of its employees. Due to the behaviors of the employees of an enterprise are impacted by same policies, practices, and code of ethics, they tend to have similar views of the organizations’ EC. Many scholars believe that the leader has a significant role in shaping the EC of the enterprise, but the key is to detect that how does the moral leadership of the CEO affect his business. CEO as a role model in the work environment strongly influences the behavior of the employees. In addition, the moral leadership of the senior leaders influences employees' pro-social behavior, and thus contributes to form an EC, and affect the company's ethical conduct. Based on the above, this study proposes the Hypothesis 1: “CEO ethical leadership is positively related to ethical climate.” Organizational citizenship behavior...
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...Ethical Principles and Organizational Issues Sidney Holsey ETH/316 February 23, 2014 Irma Flores-Brothers Ethical Principles and Organizational Issues Ethical principles and organizational issues are an area of the corporate world that successful businesses practice and adhere to on a regular basis. The significance is ever important as the growth and development of technology in continuous. Companies need to be conscious of ethical responsibilities of their products and decisions. Privacy is becoming ever problematic due to the fact that companies can gain access to individuals’ information by way of website history. This information is attainable as a person frequents to a website and develops customer trends through cookies, web bugs, and other means. Succeeding ethical principles is necessary to keep corporations operational and clear from any negative consequences that unethical practices may lead to. This paper will look at a variety of areas ethics relates to the corporate world, such as, privacy, technological trends, and liability, as well as several other significant areas. Close to four million consumers and close to 46k megawatts of producing ability, Atlanta’s Southern Company is the primary energy provider attending the Southeastern region of the U.S. on behalf of its affiliates (southerncompany.com, 2015). One of the leading producers of uncontaminated, safe, dependable and reasonable energy in the U.S., Southern Company is the owner of electric...
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...ABSTRACT Evidence is presented to support that organizational performance can be enhanced through ethical leadership. An ethical corporate culture has been associated with trust, commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, employee commitment, and financial performance. There is an opportunity for managers to take a proactive approach to incorporating ethical concerns into strategic planning. In addition, there has been public policy support for top management to be responsible for organizational ethics. Academic researchers can assist by investigating the relationship between ethical leadership and organizational performance variables. The Role of Ethical Leadership in Organizational Performance There is increasing support that it is good business for an organization to be ethical and that ethical cultures emerge from strong leadership. The rewards to organizations supporting ethical cultures include increased efficiency in daily operations and decision making, employee commitment, product quality improvements, customer loyalty, and improved financial performance (Ferrell, Maignan, and Loe 1999). Three different approaches are used by companies to implement ethics initiatives. Through compliance an organization can use internal controls to gain ethical conformity. Organizations may use ethics in public relations to enhance their reputation and gain extra media attention. A third, more committed approach involves using a value-based philosophy...
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...The role of Leadership in Organizational Integrity, and five modes of Ethical Leadership Components of Ethical Leadership. Ethical leadership begins with the way leaders perceive and conceptualize the world around them. Ethical leadership, organizational ethics, and social responsibility are inseparable concepts. They are developing concepts, to be sure, but inseparable. How ethical leaders relate to and come to understand the world around them involves judgment and action. These can be developed. In sum, the leader's role is to guide the human potential of the organization's stakeholders to achieve organizational aspirations in ways that liberate rather constrain their imaginations and judgment. Ethical leadership must, then, be effective, efficient, and excellent if it is not to waste human potential. It is not enough to be ethical in one's individual actions to be an ethical leader. To be effective, efficient, and excellent, four components of ethical leadership must be understood and developed: purpose, knowledge, authority, and trust. The relationship between these four components can be visualized as interrelated components, as described in the figure opposite. Attention to any one component alone is incomplete and misleading. * Purpose-The ethical leader reasons and acts with organizational purposes firmly in mind. This provides focus and consistency. * Knowledge-The ethical leader has the knowledge to judge and act prudently. This knowledge is found...
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...Ethical Leadership: the Call of the Times The recent global economic crisis and the various political changes that challenged existing governments show the need to change our concept of leadership. Leadership challenges in the present times are reflective of the ever changing needs of our society. Leaders must be able to respond and address the needs of its constituents. Our society is ever changing and the people’s consciousness is also changing. And we continually face these challenges in our work place as well. Ethical leadership seeks to address the gap in the current leadership context. What is Ethical Leadership? Ethical signifies it is based on some moral ethics. What would be the basis of this ethics? There has to be some form of standard or expected outcome from the type of leadership. According to Freeman and Stewart, many executives and business thinkers believe that it is a matter of leaders having good character and the right values. Brown and Trevino define ethical leadership as “the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such conduct to followers through two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making” (Brown et al., 2005: 120). Another definition is that ethical leadership is a stewardship that preserves the aspirations and culture of the organization. Whatever the definition is, this type of leadership gives emphasis to the impact of the type of leadership...
Words: 1200 - Pages: 5
...data, ideas or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. We also certify that this assignment was prepared by us specifically for this course. Student’s Signatures ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Table of Contents Definition of Problems 3 The Lack of Ethical Culture and Stakeholder Orientation 4 Low Board’s Professionalism 5 Poor Trust and Excessive Emphasis on Marketing 5 Identification of Possible Action Alternatives 6 Analysis of Each Alternative 7 Doing Nothing 7 Hiring a New Board of Directors 7 Developing a New Code of Conduct 8 Developing a New Organizational Strategy to Reconstruct the Ethical Climate 10 Decision 10 Implementation 11 Evaluation 13 Conclusion 14 References 15 Case Decision Making Paper- Red Cross In a world of intensive competition and numerous marketing challenges, maintaining trust in the organization-stakeholder relationships is an extremely difficult task. Numerous organizations have failed to achieve the desired strategic...
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...Running head: CASE STUDY 48 RECORDS CHECK Demonstrating Leadership: Case Study 48 Records Check Lekyla Whitaker PSL5002 Writing August 12, 2013 Abstract This paper will attempt to discuss the relationship between ethics and leadership. Many people can call themselves a leader; rather it is ethical or unethical. Normally, the view of leadership has been that the main goal of leaders is to increase production and profits through motivation and leading others. Good leadership refers not only to competence, but to ethics and transforming people as well. Every leader is responsible for influencing others to perform an action, complete a task, or behave in a specific manner. It is believed that the nurturing aspect of leaders can raise organizational cultures and employee values to high levels of ethical concern. Ethical leadership requires ethical leaders. If leaders are ethical, they can ensure that ethical practices are carried out throughout the organization. Title of Paper Certainly, leadership is not a skill that is always naturally obtained. In my opinion, most successful leaders take training and learn through life’s lessons and experiences. The dictionary defines leadership as “taking others to places they would not normally go”. However, to personalize this definition, it’s my belief that leadership is the act of taking ourselves to places we would not normally go. Leadership can also mean how well we manage our functional responsibility as a professional...
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..."Real leaders concentrate on doing the right thing, not on doing things right." As defined by Rushworth Kidder (1995), an "ethical dilemma" is not a choice between right and wrong, but a choice between two rights. For example, considering a bribe would be a "moral temptation"; deciding whether scarce resources should go to a gifted curriculum or a dropout-prevention program would constitute a dilemma. Dilemmas arise when cherished values conflict. A principal who values both teacher autonomy and student achievement will face a dilemma when teachers want to enact a policy that lowers expectations. This kind of conflict is heightened because school leaders are public officials with obligations to many people who often have competing values or interests.Leaders' moral duty expresses itself not only in the obvious day-to-day ethical dilemmas, but in the mundane policies and structures that may have hidden ethical implications. Robert Starratt (1991) notes that every social arrangement benefits some people at the expense of others; simply to assume that schools embody desirable standards is "ethically naive, if not culpable." Thus, the principal must not only behave responsibly as an individual, but must create an ethical institution. As leaders, principals have a special responsibility to exercise authority in an ethical way. Greenfield points out that much of a principal's authority is moral; that is, teachers must be convinced that the principal's point of view reflects values...
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...” Individuals weave complex webs with threads of deception, corporation, escalation, lying and unethical behavior that can manifest from the inside or outside of any organizations. This behavior can and will encompass unsuspecting employees and investors who may inadvertently become involved without their knowledge. This article explains, to its readers, why it is imperative to understand where this organizational killer starts, be aware of how it escalates and how moderators can prevent the deception from escalating into an organizational level phenomenon. The happy news is that escalation of deceit to the organizational level (the end) can be prevented altogether. If escalation has already started and caught in an early stage, this phenomenon can be halted and reversed using these two moderators; Commitment and implementation of a corporate code of ethics explained by Sommers, (2001), Adam and Rachman-Moore (2004), O’Dwyer and Madden (2006) and Effective Control Systems, Rosanas and Velila (2005). A morally matured person acts and behaves around the universal ethical principles, whereas, morally immature people will act and behave around egocentric motivations, Kohlberg (1969). Understanding the maturity level of the corporation’s management team is will determine the success a monitoring system would provide. For example, when a control system’s put into place, a morally immature people will most likely not monitor...
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...should follow a moral code known as business ethics. We are responsible to follow this code of ethics and should never cheat under any circumstances. Business ethics are applied in almost every business to ensure that a certain level of trust will exist between the customers and the business. Integrity, Honesty, fidelity, charity, responsibility, and self-discipline are some values that are considered as part of the Business ethics. We have to take responsibility and rectify this Issue in order to improve our image and our ethical performance Our priority now is to initiate a well implemented ethical program in order to improve the ethical culture of the company. Well, Building an ethical culture is not an easy mission and can take time, but it is not as hard as many companies may think. Everyone in this company should understand the meaning of an ethical culture, and what it takes to build one. This report will outline how to reinforce an ethical culture within the company and provide some specific recommendations needed to achieve...
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...Ethical leadership problems that resulted in columbia/hca's misconduct There were organizational ethical leadership problems that resulted in Columbia/HCA’s misconduct. They were focused more on profits. Leadership allowed or asked billing to swindle Medicare and other federal programs. They paid doctor’s to sign off on records that a patient had a detailed procedure even though they did not. They used a patient dumping system or released patients to other hospitals even still they were not in stable form. They hired Alan Yuspeh as the senior executive to oversee ethical compliance. Employees had training meetings and programs, certification tests for the employees for billing codes, made sure that new employees would be take ethical training, obligatory retribution and had a 24 hour number to call to report any crime. This has made them very successful. HCA's Current ethical Program They have developed a code of conduct for employees They have employed ECO's at each facility Created a hotline for employees to report unethical behavior leaders from HCA starts a ethical and obedience officer course The only advice that is not yet fulfilled is Audit, monitor, and periodically estimate the program’s success, and provide a way for employees to report concerns about illegal conduct without fear of retribution Question 3 Columbia/HCA should have implemented ethical training program from the beginning given incentives for being ethical ...
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...What are the ethical considerations in this case? After reading the case, it is clear that the company is facing lots of issues in upholding very basic codes of ethics. Foremost of all, it appears that the company policies are not well implemented across all levels and human resource department does not function properly in recruiting the right candidates for the organization.An organization should ensure that “the right employees with the right skills in the right places at the right time.” (Mello. J, 1998) Phelan Carter is promoted to a treasurer only because he has been the former assistant treasurer and therefore this position needs to be filled. But he moves up the organizational ladder with the wrong ethics of handling the organizational businesses. The purpose of the code of ethics for the company is to guide its staff when carrying out their duties and responsibilities when confronting such ethical issues. Failure of the now appointed treasurer to realize the necessity to practice justice and prudence is a failure of its human resource department. He lacks the cardinal virtue plus perpetual and constant will to give others whatever is due them. Using the preceding principles of prudence and justice as a guide, the following code of conduct, the company failed to protect, preserve and uphold intact investment, cash or other assets placed in trust with their treasurers on their clients behalf. Who are the stakeholders that are harmed or benefited in this situation...
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...good of the Human Service organization, client and the community (Schissler Manning, 2003). Human services leaders are morally responsible for serving the community and meeting human needs (Schissler Manning, 2003). Although human services organizations are obligated to uphold local, state and federal laws, they are expected to advocate for change in regulations and statutes when legislation conflicts with ethical guidelines for the human services industry or with clients' rights. A Human Service leader must be proactive in order for them initaite change and make a difference within their organization or their community (Schissler Manning, 2003). They must be able to develop a sense of community within the organization and within the society to which they exist. Ethical leaders have the power to transform both the organization and their communities. The values and morals that they have and convey through their actions and decisions can lead to a moral and ethical workplace, which can contribute to a moral and ethical community (Schissler Manning, 2003). Moral and ethical leaders will protect each client's right to privacy and...
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...Option 2: EthicsGame Dilemmas ETH/316 Option 2: EthicsGame Dilemmas Introduction The project that was presented included the application of personal values in working through two different ethical dilemmas. In order to work through each of the dilemmas two analytical skill sets were used to come to a resolution. The first skill set involved the use of the four ethical lenses. The lenses include the Results Lens, Rights/Responsibility Lens, Relationship Lens, and Reputation Lens. The second skill involves the use of the Baird Decision Model which is a five-step process that gives a systematic approach to the resolution of an ethical dilemma. The five steps of the Baird Decision Model include: * Step 1: Be Attentive * Step 2: Be Intelligent * Step 3: Be Reasonable * Step 4: Be Responsible * Step 5: Be Reflective The combination of the ethical lenses with the decision model provides the groundwork to come up with, good value based, solutions to ethical conflict (Rian Brown, 2014). Mysterious Blogger The first ethical conflict that was presented was that of the “Mysterious Blogger.” In this simulation the Director of Information Technology, who is responsible for managing all internal information system functions which include systems programming, application programming, networks, and computer operations, is presented with an employee who is leaking the proprietary company information to the public through a blog sight as an anonymous...
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...recent years, there are many corporate ethics scandals, which raised significant enquires about the roles of leadership in shaping ethical conduct (Brown, Trevino & Harrison 2005). Leaders by nature are responsible for motivating their subordinates to carry out a task or to behave in a certain manner. According to Starratt (2005), ethical leadership requires ethical leaders, as it is believed that how the leaders conduct themselves have direct impact to the organization in terms of organizational culture and employee values. Also mentioned by Resick et al. (2006), ethical leadership focuses on how leaders use their social power in decision-making, influencing others as well as the actions they engage in. Therefore, if leaders are ethical, they can maintain high level of ethical awareness and ensure that ethical practices are carried out throughout the organization. Often, ethical leaders display a high level of integrity that is important to stimulate a sense of leadership trustworthiness. These factors provide the foundation for personal characteristics, which directly impact a leader’s ethical beliefs, values, and decisions. However, studies also show that leadership integrity only accounts for one minor portion of a person’s trait. In this essay, we attempt to provide insights and discuss ethical leadership and also attempt to prove that ethical leader is mostly about leadership integrity. Moral Person and Moral Manager While production and profitability goals are...
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