...Organizational Change & Leadership from a Systems Perspective Joshua Dooley BSHS/425 Gina Harper In human service, the practitioners' goal is to grow the independence of the users of the service. They achieve their goal through education, civic engagement, social change and health promotion in all society levels. The human service practitioners also advocate human system's accessibility, integration, affectivity and efficiency (Agranoff, 2004). To achieve all this in the dream human service the best kind of leadership to is transactional leadership. Transactional leadership style begins with the principle that all members of the team agree that they will totally respect and obey their leader during work. In this leadership type, the transaction states that workers will be paid for their compliance and effort (Agranoff, 2004). With this on mind, the leader is given rights to reward or punish, depending on the job done. Under transactional leadership, members of the team are not given many opportunities to improve their job contentment. It is entirely on the leader to give them control of their salaries through introducing incentives. These incentives require them to offer quality job services which benefit the organization through quality and high production. In case the standards are still not met in transactional leadership, the leader can opt to use management by exception practice, where the team members are punished...
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...Leadership is the driving force that holds these elements together, aligning them, and enabling the agency to function as an integrated system. Up until now, dialogue of leadership in general focuses on a leader’s role in ongoing processes of an agency. An ever more vital role for a leader in an organization is that of a change. We will now confer the particulars of transformation of leadership, with particular importance of organizational change and creating a culture of high-performance managers. Necessities and strains for organizational change are derived from what originates from the agency’s environment, staff, clients, and often from its own leaders, are so widespread as to be considered a constant of human service administration. Influences within the organization such as low morale, fatigue, inadequate management skills, and high turnover can also present change opportunities. Program redesign, agency reorganization, developing program evaluation systems, enhancing diversity, and altering an outdated or dysfunctional organizational ethos can all be done more successfully using planned change processes. Best leadership for Angel Wings of Love Since the field of human services is continuously evolving the worker must be able to adapt to change in the area of human services. The paper will explore the common methods of organizational change that a manager or staff member(s) may utilize to improve daily operations or responsiveness...
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...Leadership Defination of Leadership: Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task".[1] For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others,[citation needed] while others define leadership as "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal".[citation needed] different types of leadership: * Ambidextrous leadership * Democratic Leadership * Innovation leadership * Transactional leadership * Transformational leadership Innovation leadership involves synthesizing different leadership styles in organizations to influence employees to produce creative ideas, products, services and solutions. The key role in the practice of innovation leadership is the innovation leader.[1] Dr. David Gliddon (2006) developed the competency model of innovation leaders and established the concept of innovation leadership at Penn State University. As an approach to organization development, innovation leadership can be used to support the achievement of the mission or vision of an organization or group. In a world that is ever changing with new technologies and processes, it is becoming necessary for organizations to think innovatively in order to ensure their continued success and stay competitive.[2][3][4][5][6] In order to adapt to new changes, “the need for innovation in organizations...
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...Henderson, Kimberly Butler, Ronda Evans University of Phoenix Building Community in Human Service Organization BSHS 461 Chris Shreve July 18, 2011 Organizational Structure and Processes People working with marginalized, displaced or special populations experiencing obstacles to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness human service workers considered. Human services encompass a wide range of responsibilities. In human services, professionals have a broad range of skills in their collective roles in helping people with various social issues. The human service field can include a variety of job titles such as Director, Counselor, Therapist, Caseworker, Program Coordinator, Social Worker, or Victim Advocate (Martin, 2007). The human service field includes the human service agency as well as the human service workers making up the human service agency. According to “Management of Human Services Program” discusses the human service organization as a group of people large or small working together to improve the live served (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, 2007). Human Service Organizations come in when people facing various social problems have no support systems to help them in overcoming their issues. The settings in which human service professionals practice can vary. Lewis, Packard, and Lewis mention tiny storefront agencies to multifaceted community organizations to statewide public service departmental settings (2007). However, these settings may also include such settings...
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...Organizational Structures and Processes Summary For The Department of Health and Human Services Organizational Structures and Processes Summary Introduction “The department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the primary agency the United States” (USDHHS, 2011, pg. 1) government uses for supplying essential human services and for protecting the health for Americans. HHS dispenses more funding money than any of the other government agencies collectively and symbolizes roughly a quarter of national expenses. Most HHS funded services are provided at the local level by county and state agencies and works closely with local and state governments or through private sector grantees. There are 11 operating sections managed by the department programs, which include three human service agencies and the U.S. Public Health Service has eight agencies. There are more than 300 programs, obscuring a large range of activities. Impartial treatment of beneficiaries nationally is also provided by HHS and the collection of national health and other data is enabled. Organization’s Structure In the Department of HHS, the organizational structure is organized in a tree-like structure, most of the other offices of administration branching from the center, the secretary portion. The deputy secretary and the Chief of Staff are the heads of the department, and the Executive Secretariat, Office of Health Reform, Office on Disability, Office of Intergovernmental, and External...
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...National, State, and Local Human Service Organizational Structures and Processes Summary National, State, and Local Human Service Organizational Structures and Processes Summary Team A selected three organizations to analyze and understand their organizational structures and processes, and also to compare and contrast their similarities and differences. The organizations selected include the Red Cross, Arizona Child Protective Services, and Native Connections. Each organization will be examined for their organizational structure and whether the organization is governmental, private, for-profit, or nonprofit. The paper will analyze the departments, divisions, or specific areas of program delivery and how the organization builds community. How building community affects the value of the organization will also be discussed. The organizational culture will be examined and why the culture is important to the organization. The Blake and McCanse’s Leadership Grid and Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model will be related to the each organization’s human relations model. A relevant strategic plan or organizational chart for each organization will be examined and a summary will be given of the differences between the national, state, and county or local human service organizations selected. Organizational Structure Organizational structure defines how the organization is arranged and operates (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, 2007). The Red Cross is structured in a combination...
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...Leadership Styles with a Federal Human Resource Agency Tiffany Cooper, MA Walden University What We Do My current organization manages and provides technical and operational leadership for the Civilian Personnel Operations Center. In this capacity represents the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army and Civilian Personnel Operations Center Management Agency position before Army Commanders, Civilian Personnel Advisory Centers, Major Army Commands, installation Judge Advocates General and Equal Employment Opportunity Offices, individual employees, applicants, the Office of Personnel Management, and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. Furthermore, the organization establishes and executes programs designed to provide timely and accurate personnel services to the region's customers, while exercising delegated personnel management authority from serviced commanders to provide a variety of human resource services and advice. These functions include classification, staffing of competitive and excepted service positions, facilitation of streamlining initiatives, execution of reductions in force, coordination and delivery of region-wide training, maintenance and disposition of civilian personnel records, and processing and documentation of all personnel actions. Lastly, serves as the authenticating official for all personnel actions within the serviced area. Leadership Styles Melting Pot Situational leadership is the most appropriate in the support services function...
Words: 415 - Pages: 2
...UKessays * Skip to content * United Kingdom * My Account * 0115 966 7955 ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form * UK Essays * Services * Instant Price * Order Now * Essays * Dissertations * Guarantees * Contact * tourism The tourism essay below has been submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. 1. UKEssays 2. Essays 3. Tourism 4. Importance Of Human Resources In The Hospitaliy Industry Tourism Essay Importance Of Human Resources In The Hospitaliy Industry Tourism Essay In order to gain competitive power for the hotel, human resource management is an elementary issue. Human resource management can be regarded as the foundation for the hotel to acquire competitive advantage. Honoring the employees through effective communication, training programs for the employees and benefit programs is what effective hospitality management is all about. Human resource management and effective hospitality management is the corner stone of successful business in hospitality industry. The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various...
Words: 3162 - Pages: 13
...HSM Personal Leadership Plan Hsm/230 01/15/2011 The type of organization or agency, I will be pursuing in my career choice, will either be in Mental Health as a Substance Abuse counselor, a Rehabilitation Center, and/or ultimately getting my MFT to do Marriage, Family Therapy specializing in substance abuse. In the mean time, I will pursue working in the Administration field of Human Services. So, in all areas that I have chosen for my future, the ethical issues and leadership are directed towards the same area, and are all of similar concerns. Although, let’s focus on Administration, since that affects the human service agency as a “whole”. I personally feel that it is possible that the straight forwardness of transactional leadership may be very effective. However, I would lead with, transformational leadership as my motivator. I feel that leadership that focuses on engaging people through relationships, is more efficient and effective. Working together as a team to reach the goals that are set forth, makes everyone feel more important, which makes people ‘want to’ work harder and want to achieve the highest goals that need to be accomplished. “Gardner (1990) in his examination of leadership today argues that there is a moral dimension of leadership that is related to the responsibility to constituents. He said, “We believe, with Immanuel Kant, that individuals should be treated as ends in themselves, not as a means to the leader’s end, not as objects to be...
Words: 797 - Pages: 4
...‘people’ are an organizations’ number one asset and has the ability to determine the success or failure of the organization. These individuals’ possess the capability of growth and development; thus, the importance of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors. Although an organization does not own people, it does shoulder the responsibility and power to implement tools to increase job performance to achieve the overall mission. In the not-so-distant past, business leaders and employees alike considered Human Resource (HR) professionals as “Employee Champions” whose primary function was to engage in one-on-one interactions with people communicating organizational policies and procedures, collecting resumes, explaining company benefit packages, etc. In the past two decades, the internet has become a powerful information tool that has revolutionized business practices by facilitating changes in how organizations conduct business. The purpose of this paper is to describe how information literacy influences the Human Resource profession and how the internet has effected change in how HR departments deliver services as well. Implementing electronic human resources (e-HR) to conduct Human Resources (HR) transactions using internet technology has manipulated not only individual performance and behaviors ensuring business success it has revolutionized how people view HR (2010). Human Resources Office (HRO) The concept of Information Literacy in the Forest Service HRO and its...
Words: 1107 - Pages: 5
...director of a faith base substance abuse residential recovery organization in Kansas City, Missouri for homeless women, committed to overcoming their addiction and becoming responsible, productive drug and alcohol free members of the community. Author’s Tsai, Rosenheck, Kasprow & Mcquire (2012) study differentiated between programs that were once religious but are now secular from programs that have always been secular and programs that currently have a religious orientation. As a director for a non-profit organization and private business owner, this organization is to be considered a “service provider” facility, working directly to house, heal, feed, clothe, and educate females experiencing homelessness. Supervise a staff of 10, including an assistant director. B. Describe the population The organization would provide services to 30 single females in a Bible-based residential recovery program. Funded by Federal, State, City and private funders. The funding will be used for staff salary, food, utilities, up keep of the building, etc. Females would range from 25-45 years of age. C. Identify the appropriate code of professional ethics Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals (2015), Retrieved from http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals 1. Inform consent – Standard 2 Human service professionals obtain informed consent to provide services to clients at the beginning of the helping relationship. Clients...
Words: 3555 - Pages: 15
...functional areas of business, including management, law, human resource management, leadership, accounting, finance, economics, research and statistics, operations management, marketing, and strategic planning. In order to succeed in business, the organization must bring together the functional areas accordingly to achieve organizational goals. A critical role in any business is the manager. The manager plays an important part in utilizing each area to align the organization collectively towards economic prosperity. In this paper, I will examine the role of the manager in each of the functional areas of business. A business organization is a very complex structure. In order to be successful, a business needs to coordinate and organize many areas within the organization to achieve its mission. According to the University of Phoenix’s MBA Overview Model (2014), the functional areas of business include management, law, human resource management, leadership, accounting, finance, economics, research and statistics, operations management, marketing, and strategic planning. An essential component to any business that intertwines the functional areas is the manager. The role of the manager plays an important part in utilizing each area to align the organization collectively towards economic prosperity. In this paper, I will analyze the role of the manager within each of the functional areas of business. “Management and organization lie at the heart of performance of both individual...
Words: 1253 - Pages: 6
...Leadership & Management Table of Contents Question 1 2 Question 2 6 SWOT 6 Motivational option 8 Recruitment decision 8 Leadership style 9 References 9 Rent A Car Question 1 In 1957 Jack Taylor founded this rent a car enterprise and now Rent a car enterprise is one of the foremost car hire companies and is the largest purchaser of cars in the world. In order to deliver their service company has 75000 employees and follow the concept which believe by the founder of the rent a car called” Take care of your customers and employees first and profits will follow” from that perspective management of the company set four interrelated objectives there are (Farndale E , 2011) * customer satisfaction In here management mainly concern about their customers and the quality of the service they deliver to their customers. In order to measure the quality of their service company use enterprise service quality index. (Bardwell J, 2004) * Fleet growth Through the fleet growth management consider about the convenience of the employees as well as customers. This may lead to grow the customer loyalty of the rent a car enterprise. * Employee development. In here management consider about the carrier development of the rent a car employees because company believe that customers expect to be treated in a particular way by a service oriented business. Therefore to deliver great service enterprise needs well- trained and well- motivated staff. (Hallowell...
Words: 3371 - Pages: 14
...Leadership and Supervising in Human Services Felecia Banks, Mandy Howe, Robert Kirk, Shacorie Benjamin, Tiffany Holmes BSHS 462 July 16, 2012 Instructor: Kimberly Eaton Leadership and Supervising in Human Services Learning Team D has constructed this paper to demonstrate the importance of leadership and management techniques within human services fields and how they are applied and defined. Three main roles will be identified within human services management and leadership as well as how they are important to providing not only a functional and efficient work environment but also excellent service to human services clients. Several factors will be discussed in relation to human services management and how they affect human services employees, which are also applicable to other fields as well. Possible problems or barriers will be discussed and summarized as informational points to demonstrate what types of challenges human services managers and leaders will face. These types of problems are also applicable to other fields as well, as many of the topics discussed in this paper are readily discovered in any management or leadership role. A few challenges drawn from personal experience by the team members will be discussed and analyzed within the paper, providing a unique insight into how management principles apply to real-world situations involving ordinary people. The Three Roles of the Leadership Model The first role in the leadership model is a manager. As...
Words: 1562 - Pages: 7
...Position Understanding leadership styles is an excellent way for one to understand an effective way to lead others in an organization. Leadership styles have long been an interesting subject for those involved in organizational behavior because it allows people to understand the motivation behind decisions made in an organizational hierarchy. According to Yukl, (2010), “Most definitions of leadership reflect the assumption that it involves a process whereby intentional influence is exerted over other people to guide, structure, and facilitate activities and relationships in a group or organization” (p. 3). Leadership styles can vary based on the individual. Some people are task-oriented, which means one focuses more on getting the job done. Others are person-oriented, which means one focuses more on the emotional element of people than getting the task completed. The ideal person, especially in management and as a leader, is one who is both task and people-oriented; this person cares about how others emotions are as well as how the job is completed. In this paper, the strength and weaknesses of this author’s leadership style will be assessed as well as a brief comparison and contrasting of leadership style will be examined. The author’s personal leadership style will be looked at in an organizational setting and what position would be perfect for the author in an organizational setting will be discussed. Strengths and weaknesses of people-oriented leadership style The style the...
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