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Organizational Structure & Supervisory Roles


Submitted By NikaAdams
Words 1829
Pages 8
Leadership is the driving force that holds these elements together, aligning them, and enabling the agency to function as an integrated system. Up until now, dialogue of leadership in general focuses on a leader’s role in ongoing processes of an agency. An ever more vital role for a leader in an organization is that of a change. We will now confer the particulars of transformation of leadership, with particular importance of organizational change and creating a culture of high-performance managers. Necessities and strains for organizational change are derived from what originates from the agency’s environment, staff, clients, and often from its own leaders, are so widespread as to be considered a constant of human service administration. Influences within the organization such as low morale, fatigue, inadequate management skills, and high turnover can also present change opportunities. Program redesign, agency reorganization, developing program evaluation systems, enhancing diversity, and altering an outdated or dysfunctional organizational ethos can all be done more successfully using planned change processes.

Best leadership for Angel Wings of Love
Since the field of human services is continuously evolving the worker must be able to adapt to change in the area of human services. The paper will explore the common methods of organizational change that a manager or staff member(s) may utilize to improve daily operations or responsiveness. The ascension of hierarchy in human service organizations, expectations of leadership has increased. With this demand and increase, positional power and visibility has attracted the greater attention to and reliance on the manager’s leadership style. Leadership is a key factor in coordinating and aligning the organizational process. As with any aspects of organizational functioning it should

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