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Ethics Violations


Submitted By darrell5467
Words 863
Pages 4
The Rapid Change of International Business
James Taylor
Zale University Dr. Rugger

The Rapid Change of International Business

4. Discuss the forces that are leading international firms to globalization of their sourcing, production, and marketing. (a) Political forces has lead to increasing trend toward multilateralism (in which the United Nations plays a key role) and toward the emergence of national and international nongovernmental organizations that act as watchdogs over governments and have increased their activities and influence. Political forces are also setting a trend towards unification and socialization of the global economy (Moghadam, 2010). (b) Technological forces play a fundamental part in making globalization possible. Without airplanes, telephones, satellites, computers and televisions it would not be possible to transfer information from one place to another, thus allowing for the speed and the intensity which characterize the modern world. These technological advances give rise to a rate of diffusion and transfer of knowledge which is greatly superior to that of the past. In other words, it was the new technologies that allowed the emergence of the “global village”. (c) Market forces combines the promotion and selling of goods and services with an increasingly interdependent and integrated global economy. It makes companies feel if they are without walls with the Internet an integral marketing and cultural tool. Understanding consumer needs within target countries helps formerly local companies build a global marketing mix where product, price, place and promotion that are geared toward specific country needs. (d) Cost forces enables greater trade and competition between different economies, leading to lower prices, greater efficiency and higher

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