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Ethnographic Research: Participant Observation

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Observation Participant observation is a qualitative method with traditionally associates with ethnographic research and it considered as the foundation method for ethnographic research (Whitehead 2005). Usually ethnographic researchers used the data that collected through the participant observation to build up the design for other method especially interviews (Reeves et al 2008). The participant observation was selected as a primary data collection for the qualitative phase of this study because it helps to identify relevant topics for interview discussions as the topic is new. Moreover, participant observation helps to gain a sense of what exactly happens in that particular context regarding the topic of interest. In ethnography it …show more content…
In contrast Hammersley and Atkinson (1983) mentioned that too close rapport with the study subject or the participants being observed may loose the objectivity to some extent. However, Roper and Shapira (2000) argue that whatever the observer role was it can be very useful and enlightening if done correctly. In this study the primary researcher adopt a role of an observer as participant. This is because symbolic interactionism becomes meaningful only if the researcher took the role of participant as well (Agrosino, 2007). Moreover, it was felt that this type of observation will enable the researcher to collect more information by immersing themself within the study setting more fully rather than as a passive …show more content…
Field notes will be recorded in a field notebook (Speziale & Carpenter, 2003). Field note will consist of every thing that actually is observed by the researcher include participants behaviour, conversation, coming to and going from the setting, physical gestures and responses (Speziale & Carpenter, 2003). In addition to the objective observation field note consists of the subjective responses to what the researcher observed (Emerson et al 1995). Daily field notes help to improve the interpretive and iterative process of ethnography through the repeated collection and recording of the data (Emerson et al 1995). Taking field notes also facilitates the ethnographic aspect of reflexivity (Speziale & Carpenter, 2003). In field notes the ethnographer not only records his or her observations of the ethnographic setting, but also his or her reactions to what is observed or experienced (Emerson et al 1995).

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