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Etruscan Influence

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Etruscan impact on Europe

In her paper Bonfante explores the Etruscan influence that expanded “beyond the frontiers of Etruria proper, in Italy and beyond the Alps.” She explores materials such as amber; which the Etruscans imported and then was later buried in the graves of aristocratic chiefs, to wooden furniture. She also explores the newly revealed stone statues that resemble Etruscan models which were based on the kouros statues from ancient Greece. The ‘situla art’ of the Alpine regions of Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia was influenced by Etruscan art, dress and customs of the 8th and 7th centuries. Pg. 210. Situla art meant the images on the bucket shaped wine containers called situlas. Bonfante points out that their art and archeology show their “similar society and way of life” pg. 210. The situla images showed their activities in a narrative that centered in the lavish lifestyle that they lived. For example, sometimes one can see carts, horse riders, women with baskets on their heads in the art. She notes that some situlas “very frequent are the banquets, with furnishings like some actually found in the princely tombs: round-backed thrones, couches with decorative figures” Situlas are proudly displayed. …show more content…
214. It was found near the city of Rimini in a rich grave from the 8th century. The back of throne has carved design that could indicate the lifestyle the people from that region and time lived. It confirmed the importance of wool working and the women who wove textiles. She mentions that textiles were a specialty from the North and South. She ties the idea of a rounded mantle from the throne to the Etruscan tebenna, “This seems to be true of this shape, long preserved in Etruscan and Roman ritual costume as an ancient, sacred memory of the past” pg.

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