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Eulogy Values

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“Only your LSAT score determines what law school you get into,” the former pre-law advisor told me, implying that one four-hour test down the road would determine my law school prospects — and in turn, my income — for years to come. At the same time, throughout our college experiences, many of us have a similar mindset of taking classes that offer “easy As” — giving the best grades for the least amount of work. And likewise, when many of us were in high school and aspired to join the Honors program, getting a 1400 was at the top of our bucket lists to secure a coveted scholarship.
But despite the hype, the mathematical metrics of an exam score or GPA offer little correlation or relevance to the workplace. No lawyer was asked to solve LSAT …show more content…
But regardless of our careers and graduate school fate, what really matters at the end of the day are our “eulogy values” — traits that will be remembered far past our time on this earth (Brooks). Indeed, no one will remember us as competent professionals or as wealthy entrepreneurs, but rather as kind, caring children, siblings, parents and friends. Graduate school admissions and hiring processes should value these attributes over mere numerics, and recognize eulogy values for their true worth. Doing so will yield more inclusive campuses and more collaborative workplace — collective goods which are critical — yet often lacking — in the world. And those attributes are far more important than the standardized metrics and expectations we will all be subject to at some point or another. After all, when we depart this world, what do we want to be remembered

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Personal Values

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