...The web distribution commonly known as e-commerce or e-comm, is the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on such technologies as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at one point in the transaction's life-cycle, although it may encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail, mobile devices and telephones as well. The beginnings and development of electronic commerce are intimately linked with the evolution and spread of the Internet. For nearly a decade, the Internet sector recorded impressive growth figures but it is interesting to return to the beginning of e-commerce. Initially, the lack of central authority able to define rules and sanction let fear some form of anarchy on the Internet and greatly hindered the development of commercial activities on the network. It was formed, almost naturally, a sort of code of conduct which has long regulated the behavior of the network. Using the network for commercial purposes has long been rejected on these behaviors. There are also other factors explaining a delay in the arrival of e-commerce. Indeed, the main language in the beginning of the Internet was almost exclusively English. In addition...
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...I. E - COMMERCE Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown dramatically since the spread of the Internet. A wide variety of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. A small percentage of electronic commerce is conducted entirely electronically for "virtual" items such as access to premium content on a website, but most electronic commerce involves the transportation of physical items in some way. Online retailers are sometimes known as e-tailers and online retail is known as e-tail. E-commerce or electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. If we want to define a term e – commerce we can choose between various definitions. According WTO it is “production, distribution, marketing, selling and expedition of goods and services by using of electronical measures.” According the Commission that formulates...
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...progress towards a European Contract Law for consumers and businesses January 2011 EU Registration number: 16094042309-21 2 LVMH Submission Public consultation on the Green Paper from the Commission on policy options for progress towards a European Contract Law for consumers and businesses Executive Summary The LVMH Group welcomes the opportunity general contract law are creating obstacles to to respond to the European Commission’s cross-border transactions as businesses face public consultation on “policy options for a considerable administrative burden to comply progress towards a European Contract Law for with diverging national legal systems. Moreover, consumers and businesses”. LVMH supports despite international private law rules regarding the Commission’s work in the area of contract choice of law and national mandatory rules in law and supports its aim of developing cross- consumer contracts, consumers are not familiar border commerce by increasing legal certainty with their rights when shopping online and for businesses and consumers. We believe hence lack trust in online transactions. further work on an optional 28th regime is an opportunity to enable businesses to operate with legal certainty across the 27 EU Member States while ensuring a high level of consumer protection across the European Union. We believe that the aims of guaranteeing a high level of consumer protection throughout the ...
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...In anticipation of our meeting next week to go over the launch of my e-commerce business, I would like to discuss the issues outlined in this document. It is my understanding that the laws that apply to traditional businesses also apply to e-business. My concern is the company will have greater legal exposure because of the ability of consumer access worldwide and twenty-four hours a day. Any controls that could be implemented prior to the launch would be ideal. My goal is to avoid future e-commerce legal problems by planning a legal risk management strategy and implementing industry best practices. My understandings of the issues are documented below. Please be prepared to clarify any misunderstandings I may have during our meeting next week. Issue 1. Types of intellectual property applicable to e-business Wikipedia (2006) describes intellectual property as ¡§a legal entitlement, which sometimes attaches to the expressed form of an idea, or to some other intangible subject matter. This legal entitlement generally enables its holder to exercise exclusive rights of use in relation to the subject matter of the intellectual property. The term intellectual property reflects the idea that this subject matter is the product of the mind or the intellect, and that intellectual property rights may be protected at law in the same way as any other form of property.¡¨ The main types of intellectual property are trademarks, patents and copyrights. Trademarks will protect our company...
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...CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN POLICY STUDIES REGULATING E-COMMERCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT OF A JOINT CEPS/ECRI WORKING PARTY C H A I R M A N: TI M J O N E S C H I E F E X E C U T I V E, P U R S E U S R A P P O R T E U R: NURIA DI E Z GU A R D I A FORMER R ESEARCH FE L L O W , CEPS OCTOBER 2001 This report contains the conclusions and policy recommendations that follow from the discussion and analytical presentations that took place at the meetings of the joint CEPS/ECRI Working Party. The members of the Working Party participated in extensive debate and submitted comments on earlier drafts of the report. Its contents contain the general tone and direction of the discussion, but its recommendations do not necessarily reflect a full common position reached among all members of the Working Party, nor do they necessarily represent the views of the institutions to which the members belong. A list of participants and invited guests and speakers appears at the end of the report. This Working Party was chaired by Tim Jones, Chief Executive at Purseus and former Chief Executive of Retail Banking at NatWest, London. Nuria Diez Guardia served as Rapporteur for the Working Party while a Research Fellow at CEPS. Amparo San José and Alfredo Sousa greatly contributed to the drafting of Parts I and II of the final report, respectively. ISBN 92-9079-349-X © Copyright 2001, Centre for European Policy Studies. All rights reserved. No part of this publication...
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...Introduction Generally, e-business (electronic business) is running a business on the internet. It is not only buying and selling but also providing services to customers and collaborating with business partners. The first one using this word was IBM when it launched the thematic campaign around the term in October, 1997. Recent years, many companies are rethinking their business in terms of the new culture of the Internet and capabilities. They are using the Web to buy supplies from suppliers, to make sales promotions, and to do the marketing research. In order to understand the moral, ethical and legal issue, it’s necessary to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages compared to the traditional business (The Economist, 2000b). For the buyers, the main advantage is the sale price will be 9% - 16% lower than in brick-and-mortar store (Varian, 2000). Other factors such as vast goods and services offering are also benefits. However, there is a drawback for some people; the cheaper prices are superficially an advantage because online shopping could not provide them with a gratifying social contract. For the seller, there are two significant advantages which should not be forgotten. It can allow interactive communication among user and distance-collapsing. Companies do not have to pay for the higher rent for the retail stores and warehouses. Most e-business companies use the computer to cut the cost of employees’ wages. Companies do not have to wait for cash as they...
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...Technology readiness index measures the readiness of consumers to accept different types of technology • The score suggest how an organisation can launch a new technology successfully. Why people don’t shop online – Security – Not being able to touch the product – Time delay in receiving the product – Trust in the e-tailer Five stages in consumer decision process – Awareness of need – Search for more information – Evaluation of alternatives – Actual purchase decision – Post-purchase contact with firm electronic books are portable computer devices with flat screens that are loaded with digital book content via communication interfaces Social search (using your friends’ activities to suggest something for you). Stickiness is anything about a web site that encourages a visitor to stay longer. A web site is sticky if a visitor tends to stay for a long time and to return. When you purchase or sell from an online trader outside the EU, the EU legislation on consumer protection does not apply Data protection-‘directive on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data’ – Strike a balance between protection of individual and free movement of personal data within EU Personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully, and only collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes or get consent. No transfers outside the EU unless equal protection You can keep the information of your previous buyer...
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...ISSUES IN E-COMMERCE Electronic commerce or ecommerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction that includes the transmit of information across the Internet. Electronic commerce has expanded quickly over the past years and is anticipated to continue at this rate, or even step-up. The innovatory development of network technologies began electronic commerce as a global trend. E – Commerce utilizes electronic systems for not only buying and selling of the goods and services but also in marketing, supply management, fund transfer. Today most of the businesses rely on electronic systems at least at some points. World Wide Web, the resultant of Internetworking is the main contributor where telephone, mobile phone, fax also serve the purpose. Even though e-commerce technologies provide great benefits, any kind of online transaction give potential for immense misuse of these technologies. Several organizations become the target of e-commerce related crimes ranging from virus assault to business frauds, including e-mail theft, stealing sensitive data of person and credit card information. U.S government’s new internet fraud center does a survey that gathers and studies consumer complaints. Online auctions make nearly 50% of the complaints obtained by the center. Other major types of complaints are security and commodities complaints 16.7%, credit card complaints 4.8%, identity thefts generate 2.9% of the complaints, loss of business chances 2.5% and professional...
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...Chapter 07 The International Legal Environment: Playing by the Rules True / False Questions 1. | The form of law found in the United States and England is classified as civil or code law. True False | 2. | The form of law found in Germany, France, and Japan is called civil or code law. True False | 3. | Common law is based on an all-inclusive system of written rules of law. True False | 4. | Under code law, the legal system is generally divided into three separate codes: commercial, civil, and criminal. True False | 5. | Islamic law prescribes specific patterns of social and economic behavior for all individuals. True False | 6. | Code law prohibits the receipt and payment of interest on loans. True False | 7. | In Marxist–socialist societies, law is subordinate to prevailing economic conditions. True False | 8. | The World Court can settle disputes between a company and a government. True False | 9. | When dealing with foreign countries, a marketer should refer to “international commercial law” for guidance. True False | 10. | Disputes relating to commercial transactions must be settled in courts and cannot be settled informally. True False | 11. | The statements made by the parties during conciliation may be used as evidence in the subsequent litigation. True False | 12. | If conciliation is not used to settle a difference...
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...SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Internet privacy policy: violations and regulations. Social media context Natalia Wójcik Index number: 51149 1 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………….3 2. Theoretical background…………………………………………………………...4 3. E-commerce and e-marketing influence on privacy violations…………….5 4. Social networking, Web 2.0……………………………………………………….7 5. Social media privacy policy………………………………………………………8 6. Privacy policy concerns based on a particular social media example….13 7. Process of implementation of social networking regulations…………….17 8. Conclusions and final remarks…………………………………………………22 9. Bibliography………………………………………………………………………..24 2 1.INTRODUCTION Throughout the last 20 years the role of the Internet has grown enormously is every individual’s life. The Internet has its roots in 1960, when the US government attempted to build robust, fault-tolerant and distributed computer networks. However, the beginning of the worldwide process of Internet expansion may be dated to 1980 and was triggered by the development of new networking technologies and mergers of many less significant networks with the financial support of the National Science Foundation and other private commercial funding. This led to further advancement in technological improvements and their incorporations as well as wider participation of ordinary users all over the world. The Web rapid expansion reaches back to the 90’. According to the Internet World Stats: Miniwatts...
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...The E-Environment SLEPT analysis Before creating business plans or when evaluating existing ones it is important to 'scan' the external environment. This takes the form of a SLEPT analysis, i.e. an investigation of the Social, Legal, Economic, Political, and Technological influences on a business. In addition it is also important to be aware of the actions of your competitors. These forces are continually in a state of change. Social factors relate to pattern of behaviour, tastes, and lifestyles. A major component of this is a change in consumer behaviour resulting from changes in fashions and styles. Social factors include the influence of consumer perception in determining usage of the internet for different activities. The age structure of the population also alters over time (currently we have an ageing population). An understanding of social change gives business a better feel for the future market situation. Legal changes as well as ethical and taxation determine the method by which products can be promoted and sold online. Laws are continually being updated in a wide range of areas, e.g. consumer protection legislation, environmental legislation, health & safety and employment law, etc. Businesses need to take a pro-active approach and be ahead of these changes, rather than hurriedly making alterations to products and processes in a reactive way. Governments, in behalf of society, seek to safeguard individuals rights to privacy. Economic changes are closely...
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...PACIFIC INTERNET USE FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AN INTRODUCTORY SET OF TRAINING MODULES FOR POLICYMAKERS UNITED NATIONS Bangkok 2007 INTERNET USE FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AN INTRODUCTORY SET OF TRAINING MODULES FOR POLICYMAKERS United Nations publication Copyright © United Nations 2007 All rights reserved Manufactured in Thailand The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed do not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the United Nations. Mention of firm names and commercial products does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations. This publication has been issued without formal editing. ii PREFACE The role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in national competitiveness and development, as well as in generating jobs and revenues for countless citizens, is well documented. Their meaningful and useful access to Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), particularly the Internet, will significantly enhance this critical role and will drive demand for and innovation in the ICT sector even more. This set of training modules was therefore developed to serve as a policymaking reference on Internet Use for...
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...Consider the importance of personal data protection online. What potential problems are there and what solutions are available to the individual? Various researchers have evaluated the importance of the Internet, but little attention has been paid so far to online personal data protection. (Donald et.al, 1997) The purpose of this study is to introduce some potential problems of the Internet, the importance of online personal data protection and some solutions. The paper is structured as follows: the first section will present some background of the Internet, the second part will show some potential problems, and the third part will introduce the importance of online personal data because of the potential problems. Finally, this paper will introduce some available solutions. At present, the Internet has become an indispensable part of people’s daily life, because it can be used to communicate and do business with others. For example, “in 1996, Internet shopping revenues for U.S. users, excluding cars and real estate, were estimated by Jupiter Communications, an e-commerce consulting firm in New York, at approximately $707 million but are expected to reach nearly $37.5 billion by 2002” (Achs, 1998). However, a lot of problems of the privacy of personal information have caused people's concern and make them less confident about the Internet. The first potential problem that causes people’s concern is cyber-thief, because it is one of the most convenient method to obtain...
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...bs_bs_banner European Law Journal, Vol. 19, No. 6, November 2013, pp. 759–778. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA ACTA and the Enforcement of Copyright in Cyberspace: the Impact on Privacy Iryna Ievdokymova* Abstract: As the reach of the Internet expands, governments increasingly seek to introduce initiatives aimed at controlling individuals’ online activity. One such initiative, aimed, inter alia, at introducing enhanced online copyright enforcement standards, is the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The paper analyses a possible effect of Art. 27(3) of the agreement on the data protection and privacy rights, as spelled out in the EU legal order. Firstly, the EU legal framework on Internet surveillance for copyright enforcement will be addressed. Next, the principles and safeguards applicable to data processing in the context of communications surveillance will be illustrated with reference to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. It will be argued that ACTA, if interpreted broadly and implemented without safeguards, would provide an incentive for graduated response systems, which, as it will be shown on the example of the French graduated response, may trump privacy rights on a massive scale. I Introduction Could cyberspace be considered a zone of liberty, for the most part unrestrained by government regulation and intrusion into individual rights and freedoms...
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... Emerging Consumer Issues This Update explores the emerging field of mobile commerce, generally defined as business-to-consumer commercial activities conducted via a mobile device. Technological developments within the wireless industry are giving rise to healthy growth forecasts for the mobile sub-set of electronic commerce. This paper describes the main types of mobile commerce applications available to Canadian consumers. Consumer protection issues and a number of policy initiatives are also discussed, in light of experiences of earlyadopting countries. Monitoring the consumer issues raised by mobile commerce will assuredly be required as technological developments and consumer uptake further evolve. Mobile Commerce: Winter 2010 The Consumer Trends Update is published by the Office of Consumer Affairs, Industry Canada. It provides brief reports on research or policy developments related to themes explored in the 2005 Consumer Trends Report, which is available at: www.consumer.ic.gc.ca/trends. The recent boom in mobile devices, in terms of both the scope and nature of usage, is heightening the potential for mobile commerce. A majority of Canadians today have access to a mobile phone 1; in fact, some have access to more than one, and a growing number even rely exclusively on wireless The pace of technological adoption: telephony. 2 Recent models integrate voice the U.S. payments example communications with various non-voice functions, such as reading e-mail, viewing...
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