...Tate Bennett Professor Jack Wood COMM3300 7/11/2024 Genre Criticism: Barack Obama Introduction Many politicians have come up with a slew of slogans for their campaigns. Slogans like “All the way with L.B.J.” for Lyndon B. Johnson’s campaign, “This time vote like your whole world depended on it” for Richard Nixon’s campaign, and “Stronger together” for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. These are all examples of a rhetorical artifact that fits within a political-slogan-type genre. For my second paper, I will be analyzing Barack Obama’s slogan from his 2008 campaign. His slogan is as follows: “Change We Can Believe In” (Obama 2008). I believe this slogan follows the proper guidelines and structure of the many political slogans that have come before...
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...out activities in order to obtain the best results. It also determines the most effective manner to communicate with an organization’s stakeholders. Strategies are guidelines consisting of planned actions and program components. Public relations practitioners have to analyze situations and conceptualize appropriate strategies to better the organization’s public relations position in the eyes of its stakeholders. In order to identify the appropriate strategy to use, public relations practitioners fall back on the four key theories of public relations – discourse, rhetorical, ethical and critical. These theories help in defining the public relations plan and strategy by assisting in evaluating, examining, planning and performing public relations activities such as gaining publicity, providing entertainment, disseminating information and developing national public information campaigns. Depending on the outcome the organization hopes to achieve and its current circumstances, professionals would seek to apply the most appropriate theory applicable to their situation. Rhetorical theory Rhetoric is defined as the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. (Online Oxford Dictionaries, 2012) Rhetorical theory, examines the various methods in which language, signs or symbols are carefully selected and organized by the practitioner to produce persuasive and meaningful messages in order to better the organization’s position in the eyes of its publics. (Toth, 1992) The practitioner...
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...Rhetorical Analysis Many people believe hospitals are one of the safest place to be when sick, injured, or in need of care. This article suggests hospitals have many risk factors that are taken into consideration during the care of a patient. Post truth is defined as one's opinion with reasoning, instead of a pure fact. People will still consider a hospital a very safe place, even though the risk factors can be very high. Pathos and logos are the main rhetorical component I will be focusing on. Majority of this article is based on reasoning and opinions. Logical and Ethical components are combined in this article about risk factors in nursing. The set-up on this website is very different than most websites. It has seven different sections,...
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...ENG-105 Peer Review Worksheet: Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that feedback. Name of the draft’s author: Saffiyah Khan Name of the peer reviewer: Annette Brown Reviewer After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (3-5 sentences) of the paper that includes your assessment of how well the essay meets the assignment requirements as specified in the syllabus and the rubric. This paper talked about the attempt the CDC tries to make the disorder simple. How the parents of children who are affected by the disorder don’t understand it and often try to hide the fact that their child has a disorder. The CDC tries to make it understandable that the common folks and the parents of children who suffer can understand this. This paper talked about the attempt the CDC tries to make the disorder simple. How the parents of children who are affected by the disorder don’t understand it and often try to hide the fact that their child has a disorder. The CDC tries to make it understandable that the common folks and the parents of children who suffer can understand this. After a second, closer reading of the draft, answer each of the following questions. Positive answers will give you specific elements of the draft to praise; negative answers will indicate areas in need...
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...claim. I feel angry and sad for people who may believe these claims. I usually don’t believe it before doing a research about it. Furthermore, a lot of questions come to my mind, why the writer makes this claim without proof, or stating the source. I think that writers should not make an unsubstantiated claim about products, or any other services without backup or reliable sources. 2. How do you approach research? . I usually approach research by critical inquiry. I start by defining a challenging research questions. Next, I consider the rhetorical situation of the research such as, the audience, purpose and scope. Moreover, I begin by conducting a library and web based research. I would gather information, and evaluate a variety of reliable sources. Then, I create a research plan, and draft my paper. Overall, my approach to research is basically reading, thinking critically, gathering information, and taking notes and then evaluating them. 3. What are your biggest challenges in doing research? . My biggest challenges in doing research are research paradigms, research designs, methods, and data analysis techniques. Moreover, Finding or collecting information, and using reliable resources. I take plenty of time reading and searching, but sometimes I miss some information that’s maybe important. Another challenge is choosing the right topic and how to integrate visuals. 4. What are some tips that you think will help you and others in conducting research? . I think the most...
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...and logic throughout the communication. Key components of this method of conveying data are; tone, content, purpose, and attention to the specific audiences the information will be relayed to. Authors of academic documents should bear in mind that information needs to be basic enough so that people of varied backgrounds can leave the conversation with the knowledge relayed in the writing. Some ways to accomplish this is by paying strict attention to; grammar, choice of font, language, punctuation, diction, and word usage. Those who wish to prepare documents for academia are responsible for their words and should approach the task with careful consideration. Wk2 DQ1 In what situations are compare-and-contrast essays effective? When would that style be ineffective? What is the difference? The situations preferable for using compare-and-contrast essays are when I am trying to win over client on business proposals. It gives the client the opportunity to look at the competition as well as, our product and decide which would be the best fit for their organization is. In business, it is imperative that you show the difference in a way that is positive toward the organization making the proposal. This style would not be effective when individuals are presenting a narrative or thematic illustration. In this case, the author wants to present information that only pertains to the topic being discussed. Therefore the...
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...Self – Reflection As the curtains drop and the semester approaches its end, the opportunity of evaluating one’s self explicitly arises. I firmly believe in the notion, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Throughout the course of this semester, I wrote three pieces of work, which contributed towards my development both as a writer and as a communicator. Writing in Freshman Composition gives me an opportunity to express myself through not only speech but also the power of words, thereby sparking a sense of inner confidence with regards to my growing proficiency in the subject matter. The Freshman Composition course consists of an explicit set of course – learning outcomes, with a special focus on developing strategies for reading,...
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...Chapter 1: Introducing Public Speaking Four Characteristics of Public Speaking: 1. Public speaking features communication between a speaker and an audience 2. Public speaking is audience centered 3. Public speaking emphasizes the spoken word 4. Public speaking is usually a prepared presentation What is the historical tradition of public speaking? As far back as the fifth century B.C.E., all adult male citizens in the Greek city-state of Athens had a right to speak out in the assembly and vote on proposals relating to civic matters. The ancient Greeks were the first people to think formally about rhetoric as well as a subject. Many of Aristotle’s ideas influence the study of public speaking even today. What are the main components of the transactional model of communication? How is this model different than the linear model? The linear model process involves several key elements. Specifically a person with an idea to express is the source, and the idea, that he or she conveys to the audience constitute the message. Sources communicate their messages to one or more receivers, who try to make sense of the messages by decoding. In the transactional model, the participants in a public speaking exchange seek to create a shared meaning – a common understanding with little confusion and few misinterpretations. How does critical thinking influence public speaking? When you engage in critical thinking, you carefully evaluate the evidence and...
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...This English class required me to focus on four different learning outcomes: writing, reading, researching, and reflecting. The writing learning outcome included creating an effective and flexible writing process to evaluate various rhetorical situations. The reading learning outcome included reading complex sources from a variety of Medias to also evaluate rhetorical situations. The researching learning outcome included searching for print and electronic sources and imply their information to ideas and integrate them into the writing projects. The reflecting learning outcome required me to look back at previous works and decide what changes can be made and how future works will be improved. This English course successfully improved my...
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...ACHIEVEMENT REQUIREMENTS GSW 1110 Section 146L Fall 2015 |Instructor: |Joseph Celizic | |E-mail: |cjoseph@bgsu.edu | |Office: |421 East Hall | |Office Hours: |Tuesday & Thursday: 4:00 – 5:30 | | |(and by appointment) | |Mailbox: |210 East Hall (my mailbox is above my name) | |Learning Commons: |140 Jerome Library | |Learning Commons Phone: |372-2823 (call ahead to make an appointment) | REQUIRED COURSE TEXTS AND MATERIALS • Kirszner & Mandell’s The Brief Wadsworth Handbook (BGSU Special Edition). 7th edition. Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2013 • A laptop with a word processing program (Microsoft Word or Open Office) that you must bring to every class, fully...
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...evaluation and synthesis of information • Communication Skills: To include effective development and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication • Teamwork: To include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal • Personal Responsibility: To include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making ENGL 1301 Expected Learning Outcomes. By the end of ENGL 1301, you should be able to demonstrate the following: Rhetorical Knowledge • Use knowledge of the rhetorical situation—author, audience, exigence, constraints—to analyze and construct texts • Compose texts in a variety of genres, expanding your repertoire beyond predictable forms • Adjust voice, tone, diction, syntax, level of formality, and structure to meet the demands of different rhetorical situations Critical Reading, Thinking, and Writing • Use writing, reading, and discussion for inquiry,...
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...The rhetoric refers to techniques to persuade the audience. When considering the rhetorical situation the first thing I consider is who is my audience? What does the audience already know? What does my audience care about? You have to find how I am going to communicate my message to the audience. Making sure that I convey a proper way to persuade the reader. After selecting a topic I need to think about specific questions I want to address in my research questions. I ask myself do I want my question to be clear, focused, or complex. The research questions are going to help focus on a broad topic and specific issue to help develop search terms for my research. Identifying research questions by selecting nouns important to the meaning of your questions and leaving out ones that don’t help. Concept mapping helps refine your questions as you focus on your topic....
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...and learned digital technologies later in life. 4. Communication- The collaborative process of using messages to create and participate in social reality. (Individual identities, relationships, organizations, communities, cultures, and ideas.) a) Process a) Collaborative b) Involves Messages c) Creative d) Participatory 5. Contexts of Communication- Each context or situation has unique characteristics or features that influences how messages are used and how meanings are constructed. 6. Face-to-Face Communication- Refers to situations in which the participants who are physically or bodily present speak to one another during the interaction. 7. Mediated Communication- Refers to communication or messages that are transmitted through some type of medium. 8. Interpersonal Communication- Refers to communication with or between persons. 9. Small Group Communication- Refers to the communication among the members of a small group of people working together to achieve a common goal or purpose. 10. Public Communication- Refers to situations in which a person delivers a message to an audience. 11. Mass Communication- Refers to messages transmitted by electronic and print media to large audiences that are distant and undifferentiated. 12. Communication Metaphors- Comparing one thing to a different, usually more familiar thing. 13. Transmission Metaphor- The communication model that describes communication...
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...Sweatshop Labor and Ethics What is sweatshop labor and is it unethical for clothing companies to engage in such practices? Sweatshop labor is a practice in which workers are taken advantage of by companies paying sub-standard wages and overworking them in difficult situations or dangerous environments. Sweatshops are most prevalent in the “apparel and shoe industries and in toy making.” (Meyers, 2004) Even if such exploitative relationships are mutually beneficial and driven by market demands, manufacturers are engaging in unethical labor practices and companies should forego such conduct “even when the conduct is legal.” (Mayer, 2007) Consumer Demand It can be argued that consumer demand can directly impact how companies make business decisions. Consumer demand can dictate the production of goods, which can cause companies to look towards the bottom line in order to maximize profits while minimizing cost. This can lead companies to make decisions that fall into an ethically grey area. Ethical Perspectives Ethical decision making can be guided by each individual’s ethical perspective. While each perspective has its own strengths, it also has its own weaknesses. Examining the business decisions resulting in the Challenger disaster in 1986 through a behavioral ethics perspective, analysts are able to demonstrate that ethically ambiguous decisions plague companies to this day. At the time, NASA was notified by the contractor that there was statistical information that...
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...Statement of Intention Each year, the number of deaths by drowning is considerably too high for the effort put into programs already established to prevent it. It should be known, that we, as a society, are not re-evaluating the current programs enough and thinking ahead; which is important in a rapidly populated nation. It is because of this, that my intended audience is Australian politicians, specifically the Australian Water Safety Council (AWSC), the foreign affairs minister and the minister for international development in the Pacific; as they are in control of outreach on the issue. Politicians are likely to only be persuaded by statistics and emotive appeals (if they are parents) – meaning I’ll attempt to maintain a calm and measured...
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