...country risks and competitive analysis. This essay will be discussing those three main aspects and its details with related examples and theories to explaining how to evaluating country’s attractiveness in investment perspective. 2. Country Opportunity The argument mentions market and resource can be considered as a part of country and industry opportunities which influence the attractiveness of a country. For example, economic growth is so much important to be considered before making decision to interning a country. Groh and Wich (2009) states their research illustrate that market size is one of key factor for the Central European transaction economics like Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Furthermore, by the development of developing countries, emerging markets shows more and more attractiveness because of market and demand growth (Mello, 1997). Also, with the high level technology innovation environment and raw materials, it shows higher attractiveness for foreign investment. These resources highlights a country’s productivity power which brings a good view for most companies in long term perspective (Shan & Song, 1997). However, only introduce market and resource is not enough to analyses all factors related with country and industry opportunities aspect. It is so necessary to consider that incentive and competition factors. More...
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...FISCAL INCENTIVES, THE COST OF CAPITAL AND FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PAKISTAN: A NEO-CLASSICAL APPROACH Submitted by ZAHIR SHAH Assistant professor, Government College of Commerce Mansehra, N.W.F.P A research paper submitted to Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) to be presented in the Annual Conference 2003. FISCAL INCENTIVES, THE COST OF CAPITAL AND FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PAKISTAN: A NEO-CLASSICAL APPROACH1 By ZAHIR SHAH• Abstract This paper analyses the attractiveness of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Pakistan with special emphasis on the cost of capital element in effecting the rate of return and the internal cash flow for investment of the investing firms. Using the Jorgenson’s Neo-classical Investment Model the cost of capital is computed after considering the taxation policy and the treatment of invested capital. The paper elaborated fiscal provisions and their implications on the investment environment specifically available to foreign investors in Pakistan. The computed results show consistent and influencing impact of the cost of capital on FDI inflows. The objective of the study is to explore the a realistic and in depth investigation of the tax concessions and the response of investors. The paper argues that fiscal incentives are more appropriate in attracting FDI as these have no direct drain over public resources and are increase the after tax return by availing the tax holidays and depreciation allowances. 1. Introduction ...
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...Direct Foreign Investment in Bangladesh. It also identifies the overall direct foreign investment system in Bangladesh. Problems and opportunities of direct investment in Bangladesh follow the rules and regulation prescribed by the investment forum for schedule countries on companies. The functions of the country or company cover a wide range of investment and functional activities to individual, firms, corporate bodies and other multinational agencies. It is very important to the national economy as a whole because the expansion and condition of the company or firm affect the level of business activity through their effect on the nation’s money supply. The direct foreign investment extended its credit facilities to different sectors to diversify its credit portfolio in compliance with credit policies of direct investment of the foreign country such as Industrial, Housing, Contract work, Working capital for trades, manufacturing processing plants and export oriented industries and other business. Introduction This Century is” Century of Globalization of trade and economy”. The world is facing competition in marketing of the products in global market. In this circumstance the companies goes to investment, those has available capital to invest out side the country where they can get competitive advantages in terms of cost, Expansion of market, Raw materials. The countries have available work force, Natural resource or agro-products, expertise to attract the foreign investors, is offering...
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...FDI Potential: Are National Policies and Incentives Sufficient? Foreign direct investment (FDI) is increasingly becoming a preferred form of capital flows to developing countries in recent years, as compared to other forms of capital flows. The reasons for this are not hard to seek. In the context of the gloom and despair of the heavy debt burden plaguing these countries, FDI promises to be the bright ray of hope for harnessing capital flows to the country’s economic development without the pangs of capital repayment with interest. In this context Feldstein and Razin (2000) and Sodka (forthcoming) note that the gains to host countries can take several other forms: • FDI allows transfer of capital and technology, which is not possible through financial investment in goods and services. • FDI also promotes competition in the domestic input market • Profits generated by FDI contribute to the corporate revenue in the host country • Operation of new ventures by FDI leads to employee learning in the host country who learn how to manage and operate the businesses. This contributes to human capital development of the host country. • Profits generated by FDI contribute to tax revenues in the host country FDI is different from other major types of external private capital flows in that it is motivated largely by the investor’s long-term prospects for making profits in production activities that they directly control. Foreign bank lending and portfolio...
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...Management Department Michael F. Price College of Business University of Oklahoma Investing in China has been one of the hottest and most critical issues in the ever-changing business world since the early 1980s. Huge amounts of foreign investment poured into China during this period primarily because of China's huge market, plentiful cheap labor, and rapid economic development (Davies, 1998; Luo, 1998; Shi, 1998; Sun & Tipton, 1998; Wang & Ralston, 1995). From 1980 to 1988, the number of foreign-joint ventures approved in China increased from 348 to 15,955, and the amount of foreign capital pledged increased from $1.7 million to $28.2 million (Pomfret, 1991). The foreign investment in China totaled $27.5 in 1993 and that amount rose to $37.5 billion by 1995. At present, there are over 318,000 foreign funded companies in China with the total amount of realized foreign investment from 1978 to 1998 totaling $250 billion (Shi, 1998). While the interest in investing in China is worldwide, two major investors are the U.S and Taiwan (Pomfret, 1991; Shi, 1998; Sun & Tipton, 1998; Walker, 1996; Wang & Ralston, 1995;). What is also interesting to note is that while almost all U.S. companies investing in China are large multinational corporat ions, many of the investors from Taiwan are small and medium-sized companies (Business Week , March 29, 1993; Wang and Ralston, 1995; Xu, 1996). U.S. small and medium-sized businesses seem uncertain about investing in China or, more likely, they are uncertain...
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...ABSTRACT This paper describes the International Finance course at Harvard Business School for instructors considering adopting the associated material. The paper begins by arguing that the forces of globalization have fundamentally changed the scope and activities of firms thereby altering the practice of finance within these firms. As a consequence of an increasing reliance on tightly-integrated foreign operations, a parallel world of finance has been opened within every multinational firm and this world has, heretofore, been overlooked. The course materials are designed to address the many aspects of financial decision making within global firms prompted by these changes that are not addressed in traditional materials. The paper provides an overview of the structure of the course and its seven modules with particular emphasis on the three modules that constitute the core of the course. The paper also describes an analytical framework that has been developed through the creation of the course materials to guide critical financial decisions on financing, investment, risk management and incentive management within a multinational firm. This framework emphasizes the need to reconcile conflicting forces in order for multinational firms to gain competitive advantage from their internal capital markets. The paper concludes with a discussion of the course's pedagogical approach and detailed descriptions of all the course materials, including 19 case studies, corresponding teaching notes,...
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...(Part I): Conceptual Underpinnings and Economic Analysis Luzi Hail, Christian Leuz, and Peter Wysocki SYNOPSIS: This article is Part I of a two-part series analyzing the economic and policy factors related to the potential adoption of IFRS by the United States. In this part, we develop the conceptual framework for our analysis of potential costs and benefits from IFRS adoption in the United States. Drawing on the academic literature in accounting, finance, and economics, we assess the potential impact of IFRS adoption on the quality and comparability of U.S. reporting practices, the ensuing capital market effects, and the potential costs of switching from U.S. GAAP to IFRS. We also discuss the compatibility of IFRS with the current U.S. regulatory and legal environment, as well as the possible macroeconomic effects of IFRS adoption. Our analysis shows that the decision to adopt IFRS mainly involves a cost-benefit trade-off between ͑1͒ recurring, albeit modest, comparability benefits for investors; ͑2͒ recurring future cost savings that will largely accrue to multinational companies; and ͑3͒ one-time transition costs borne by all firms and the U.S. economy as a whole, including those from adjustments to U.S. institutions. In Part II of the series ͑see Hail et al. 2010͒, we provide an analysis of the policy factors related to the decision and present several scenarios for the future evolution of U.S. accounting standards in light of the current global movement toward IFRS. Keywords: accounting...
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...FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT ASSIGNMENT SWOT ANALYSIS IN INVESTMENT TARGETING: The case of Vietnam Instructor: Phạm Thị Mai Khanh (M.A., LL.M.) 1. LƯƠNG VĂN ĐẠT | 1211150027 | 2. BẠCH QUANG TRƯỜNG | 1217150149 | 3. NGUYỄN VĂN TÙNG | 1217150154 | 4. NGUYỄN VĂN TUẤN | 1211150151 | 5. NGUYỄN NHƯ NGUYÊN AN | 1214150006 | 6. NGUYỄN TIẾN ĐẠT | 1217150028 | 7. NGUYỄN MINH ĐỨC | 1214150034 | Hanoi, December 2014 Table of Contents ABSTRACT 4 I.Policy framework 5 1.Strengths 5 2.Opportunity 7 II.Economic factors 9 1.Strengths 9 2.Weaknesses 13 3.Threats 15 III.Business facilitation 19 1.Weaknesses 19 2.Opportunities 21 APPENDIX: Playing roles 23 I.Phase 1 23 II.Phase 2 24 III.Phase 3: Evaluating 31 IV.Phase 4: CONCLUSION 37 REFERENCE 39 list of figures Figure 1: Number of SOEs, 1992-2011 6 Figure 2: Vietnam ranked first for economic activity both sexes aged 25-29 amongst host countries in 2010 10 Figure 3: Monthly Wage Levels in Asia (US$) 15 Figure 4: Vietnam’s Private Sector Minimum Wage, 2008-2014, and 2015-2020 (est) 16 Figure 5: Global competitive Index 17 Figure 6: Main competitors of Vietnam in attracting foreign investment 18 List of tables Table 1: Regulatory Quality – Worldwide governance indicatiors (Percentage Rank (0-100) ). 6 Table 2:Vietnam's workforce by ecnomic component and by economic...
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...Assignment 1 BUS 100 May 16, 2012 The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD, 2010) has identified alarming levels of growth in urbanization and consumption in a new report, and describes the crucial role of business in the transition to sustainability. According to the report, "Business and Development: Challenges and Opportunities in a Rapidly Changing World," published by WBCSD (2010), "The world is experiencing a historic shift of economic and political power from the traditional base of industrialized countries to the emerging economies." As the report points out, by 2050, three of the four largest economies -- China, India, and Brazil -- will be those of countries now described as developing. As development in those and other countries intensifies, their populations will become increasingly urban. By 2050, when the world's population is expected to be about 9 billion, 70 percent of the world's population will live in urban environments, with the great majority living in cities in developing countries. "Urbanization is happening fast," the report observes, "And most of it is being poorly managed, putting hundreds of millions of the urban poor in harm's way."As the economic emergence of developing countries continues, global consumption patterns will become more critical. "Global consumption patterns and trends are putting unsustainable and increasing stress on the Earth's ecosystems, the supply of material resources needed for industrial growth...
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...Nigeria and United States by: * Evaluating how their business environment is influenced by government economic policy which may be identified through the application of economic theory. * Critically evaluating the local economic business environment measured against the choice of a comparative international economic and business system. (Pictorial techniques may be used which are appropriate to illustrate and justify the evaluation, e.g. Graphs, charts, economic curve diagrams, etc.) (700 – 1,000 words) Question 2 * Critical evaluation of measures used by governments and central banks to manage the economies of their countries. * By critically evaluating, using convincing arguments in support of the measures used to reduce, minimise or alleviate economic difficulties many countries face. (Examples should be used in the submission to illustrate the justified view) (1,100 – 1,500 words) 1. BUSINESS includes all doings linked with production, trade, banking, coverage, finance, energy, advertising, packaging etc. ENVIRONMENT refers to all external forces, which have comportment on the functioning of business. The environment includes factors outside the firm which can lead to opportunities for or threats to the firm. There is close relationship between business and its economic environment. Business obtains all its needed inputs from the economic environment and it absorbs the output of business units. ECONOMIC POLICY is the term used to describe administration...
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...BRAC University Journal, vol. V, no. 2, 2008, pp. 81-91 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK MANAGEMENT PRACTICES - A STUDY IN INDIAN SCENARIO Sathya Swaroop Debasish Department of Business Management Fakir Mohan University Vyasa Vihar, Balasore - 756019 Orissa, INDIA ABSTRACT Indian economy in the post-liberalisation era has witnessed increasing awareness of the need for introduction of various risk management products to enable hedging against market risk in a cost effective way. This industry-wide, cross-sectional study concentrates on recent foreign exchange risk management practices and derivatives product usage by large non-banking Indian-based firms. The study is exploratory in nature and aims at an understanding the risk appetite and FERM (Foreign Exchange Risk Management) practices of Indian corporate enterprises. This study focusses on the activity of end-users of financial derivatives and is confined to 501 non-banking corporate enterprises. A combination of simple random and judgement sampling was used for selecting the corporate enterprises and the major statistical tools used were Correlation and Factor analysis. The study finds wide usage of derivative products for risk management and the prime reason of hedging is reduction in volatility of cash flows. VAR (Value-at-Risk) technique was found to be the preferred method of risk evaluation by maximum number of Indian corporate. Further, in terms of the external techniques for risk hedging, the preference...
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...Research Study Capital-Market Effects of Corporate Disclosures and Disclosure Regulation Christian Leuz Peter Wysocki June 26, 2006 Commissioned by the Task Force to Modernize Securities Legislation in Canada Christian Leuz Christian Leuz is currently the Professor of Accounting at the University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business. He is also the David G. Booth Faculty Fellow. Prior to this position, Professor Leuz was the Harold Stott Term Assistant Professor in Accounting at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Fellow at Wharton’s Financial Institution Center. His research interests include transparency and corporate governance, financial disclosure and securities regulation, and the links between the institutions of market economies. Professor Leuz earned his doctoral degree and “Habilitation” at the Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany. His most recent publications have appeared in the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Accounting and Economics and the Journal of Accounting Research. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Accounting and Economics and serves currently on the Editorial Board of The Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, and the International Journal of Accounting. He has received several grants and honors, of which the Geewax Terker Prize is the latest. Peter Wysocki Professor Peter Wysocki is an associate professor of management at...
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...participating in the process of regionalization and globalization. To have rapid development, the country's economy have to take full advantage of the efficiency of the Foreign direct investment, which most countries consider as the most effective way to engage in the global competitive economy and effectively exploit the comparative advantages of the country. Vietnam has also implemented innovative reform of economical management mechanism under the motto "Vietnam wants to be friends with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit". The accomplishments that we achieved on economic development, in general, and Vietnam Textile and Garment Industry, in particular, are highly appreciated with the great contribution of foreign direct investment. Vietnam Textile and Garment became one of 10 key export sectors of the country (ranked second only to crude oil), contribute greatly to the country's industrialization and modernization. Therefore, a comprehensive study of theoretical issues, evaluation of the practical results achieved in order to provide policy solutions to further improve the efficiency of foreign direct investment' operation in Vietnam's textile and garment are pressing issues today. 2. Objectives of the Seminar The purpose of this study is analyzing and assessing the status of foreign direct investment in Vietnam, in general, and textile sector, in particular, to see the achievements of activities of FDI for...
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...A study on the franchising opportunities and the barriers to it in Pakistan A Proposal Submitted by: Faizan mujtaba malik TP027822 BA (hons).International Business Management In Partial fulfilment of requirements of the programme Bachelors of Arts in International Business Management Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation 06-11-2013 Abstract Recently countries over the world have been in a very fast economic development race with the most modern and appropriate strategies and technologies. However, franchising has been of the most successful and useful strategies that helped in the development and improvement of countries. On the other hand Pakistan is one of the developing countries that suffer from the lack of such strategies and technologies that would play the role in the economic development of the country. This report provides an overview of franchising strategy with its advantages and drawbacks. Moreover the report is about the market in Pakistan and provides a much clear image of the environmental factors and current situation in the country. The aim of research is to study the opportunities of franchising in Pakistan as well as the challenges that organizations face in the market of Pakistan specially in franchising. The research focuses on the environmental factors, political and social and cultural factors and its impact on the franchising market in Pakistan. The report also focuses on how technology and infrastructure can...
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...1.0 QUESTION 1 “PEST analysis is used by businesses around the world to devise a strategic approach to their activities”. Discuss this statement describing in detail the components of the said analysis. 1.1 INTRODUCTION Apart from a company’s internal resources there are several other factors that have a profound impact the performance of a company. The internal resources usually refers to the employees of the firm, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and so on whereas the external environment refers to the market, clients, stakeholders, etc. 1.2 PEST ANALYSIS According to Kotler (1998), PEST analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth on decline, business position and direction for operations. The use of PEST analysis can be seen effective for business and strategic planning, marketing planning, business and product development and research. In order to survive, be profitable and maintain their competitive advantage, organizations have to recognise and take advantages of the external environments as well as identifying and consider threats when developing strategies. One of the most commonly used analytical tools for assessing external factors in a business situation is PEST analysis. Pest is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological external factors. PEST analysis is beneficial when conducting research before beginning a new project or to help conduct market research. Also, PEST analysis helps to determine...
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