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Evolution Vs Religion

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For decades, people have been told about evolution, but few people are told about creation. Several museums say millions and billions of years ago, but only the creation museum and a few others say 6 thousand years ago the world was created (as the bible teaches). People go to state parks and they say millions and billions of years ago the earth was created, that’s not true! The Bible tells us the world is only 6 thousand years old. A lot of people listen to famous Hollywood actors, but few listen to the most important person of all, God.
Some evolutionists say they are a Christian and they have read the bible and believe it. If you believe the bible how could you believe the world is billions of years old. Furthermore God told us through Luke in Luke 1:3;4 where Luke wrote: it seemed good to me having a perfect understanding of all things from the first, to write you an orderly account most excellent Theophilus, that you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed. That right there tells us the bible is true, and they wanted us to have a correct account of the bible, …show more content…
They say that the bones match up with ours, but they found so few that they don’t really have any proof, and a scientist shaved her pelvis bone so her hip would look like a human hip. It’s not evidence if it had to be modified! The only reason it would look similar is because gorillas, humans, the terrestrial and everything else have the same Creator. So if we really evolved from apes, then why can’t people show pictures several generations up of half human half ape mixtures? Sadly some people think they can just call themselves a Christian and they will go to heaven, or when their young they will have worldly fun and when they're older they will become a Christian. You don’t how long God numbered your days to be! If you are a true follower you should God all your life, not just part of

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