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Exam Outline


Submitted By ucscsteve
Words 3939
Pages 16

Chapter 16 – Diversification Strategy

* Linkages are not enough, the key to creating value is the ability of the diversified firm to share resources and transfer capabilities more efficiently than alternative institutional arrangements * Companies in low-growth, cash-flow rich industries such as tobacco and oil have been especially susceptible to the temptations of diversification * Diversification does not reduce “systematic risk” * Porter has 3 essential tests to decide if you should diversify 1. “Attractiveness Test” – the industry you enter must be attractive or capable of making attractive 2. “Cost-Of-Entry” – it must not capitalize all future profits 3. “BETTER OFF TEST” – the new unit must gain an advantage from being linked to the company (P&G & Gillete) * The attractiveness test and cost-of-entry usually cancel each other out. * An argument for diversification is “economies of scope” – This could be tangible resources such as sharing distribution networks, therefore eliminating duplication * You can also explore a brand to achieve “economies of scope” * Also management and organization capabilities = “economies of scope” * You don’t need to diversify to achieve “economies of scope”, you can license 1. ex: - Pepsi selling Starbucks Frappachino * Deciding which way to achieve “economies of scope” is a debate about market contracts (legal documents and watching partner not exploit) vs. internalization (running a diversified company) * If a resource can be licensed out close to real value, do it. * “Parenting Advantage” can help explain most successful diversification strategies * Diversified Firms can avoid external capital and have better financial information but allocating money can become

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