Free Essay

Example of Consumer Behaviour


Submitted By Rahmatjr
Words 7400
Pages 30

PART A 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................2
1.1 What is the company?
1.2 Products and Brands
1.3 Targeted Consumers
1.4 Reasons of Choosing The Product
PART B 2.0 CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY FACTOR .............................................................5
2.1 Consumer Individual Factor
2.2 Motivation and Goals
2.3 Brand Personality
2.4 Consumer Imaginery
PART C 3.0 MESSAGE APPEALS ...........................................................................................17
PART D : SUGGESTIONS ……………………………………………………………………20
PART E : CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………….21





5 Gums is a brand of sugar-free chewing gum that is manufactured by the Wrigley Company.
The name "5" hints at the five human senses with the ad slogan "Stimulate Your Senses" and
"Everybody Experiences it Differently”. 5 gum was introduced to United States markets in March
2007, in Canada in January 2008, in Russia, Europe and Australia in 2009, in China,
India, Italy, Israel, Thailand, and Malaysia in 2010 . As what had been mentioned earlier, 5 Gums is a chewing gum brand which was established in Malaysia since 2010. The sophisticated element carried by the company had made many Malaysian really eager on what is exactly 5 Gums is all about plus the pro and con.

1.1 What is the company?
Wrigley Company is the one which is responsible in creating this 5 Gums all over the world and was established by William Wrigley Jr. Wrigley is a recognized leader in confections with a wide range of product offerings including gum, mints, hard and chewy candies, and lollipops. With operations in approximately 50 countries and distribution in more than 180 countries, Wrigley's brands bring smiles to faces around the globe. The company is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, employs approximately 17,000 associates globally, and operates as a subsidiary of Mars,
Incorporated. Based in McLean, Virginia, Mars has net sales of more than $30 billion, six business segments including Petcare, Chocolate, Wrigley, Food, Drinks, Symbioscience, and more than
70,000 Associates worldwide that are putting our Mars Principles into action to make a difference for people and the planet through our performance. Wrigley Company had become one of the famous business in sugar candy line and industry. Wrigley vision is to create simple pleasures to brighten everyone’s day. By implementing this vision as the base, Wrigley had enlarge the 5 Gums into various of brands and products to fulfil and satisfy customers’ needs and wants which indicate that one of their strategy to enter the market.




1.2 Products and Brands
5 Gums has many types of products and brands itself in creating a difference from the other chewing gum company as well as competitors. The brand features 24 flavors of chewing gum, all of which are available in the United States with the exception of Cirrus, Zephyr and Evolution.
The first three flavors introduced were Peppermint, Spearmint, and Cinnamon; second came
Tropical and Berry; and in 2009, Winter mint and Bubble. In March 2010, two new flavors, both named "React" were introduced in the United States along with the slogan: "Everyone Experiences
It Differently." "React" comes in both mint and fruit flavors. It was released in Australia in March
2011.[4] 5 also offers a watermelon flavor called "Prism", a Green apple flavor called "Vortex" and a sour tropical flavor called "Swerve".
In Australia, "Pulse" and "React2" were introduced in 2009 and 2011 respectively. A limited edition flavor called "Mutant" was released in Australia as a promotion for X-Men: First Class in
May 2011. It was discontinued and later re-released as Cirrus. [In 2014 a flavor called "Strawberry" was released in Australia. A flavor called "Evolution" with a sour to sweet citrus pear taste was introduced in Germany and Italy at first and then available to a few other European countries such as Greece and Cyprus. Also, in June 2012, Wrigley released Cobalt and Rain micro-packs, bottle and mini bottle formats. The bottles contain pellet style gum instead of stick gum in the standard packs. The bottle format is available in Canada as well. Since 2013 there's also a small pouch which contains 15 pellets. It is available in both Focus-flavors. In 2015, a new fruit punch flavour called Tempo was introduced. Flood was introduced in 2015 to US and Canada.
Apart from that, this product can be said as convenient product as well as we can find those anytime and in Malaysia most of supermarkets like 7-Eleven, Tesco, Mydin and Aeon did sell these products to the customers. Usually, consumers especially in Malaysia will take chewing gum when they are going to town for a weekend holiday or when they having a conversation with friends and mostly they consumed it outside the house because Malaysian culture isn’t really agree on eating or chewing gums at home as it looks like rude so on and so forth.




1.3 Targeted Consumers
5 Gums puts its target on youth group essentially as they know that most of youths are playful and most of the brands are generated based on nutrition facts which are good for youth health. Therefore, a large marketing segmentation had been focusing on this kind of group to ensure that 5 Gums is getting a place in youth customer choice. The second badge release with the highlights of Tropical and Berry flavors which was extended product of 5 Gums due to the demand applied from youths as they are more prefer towards something that is more to fruity taste and 5
Gums come out with those two products flavors in 2009.
However, their targeted customers had been extended to the extend line of market as in
2010 5 Gums had come with another flavors to please customers’ needs and wants but it is not over the youth anymore rather it had been requested by adult group. Therefore, now 5 gums are more focus on both groups to ensure that the brands could stay longer in market in future.

1.4 Reasons of choosing this product
First of all, the reason why do we choose this product to be in our assignment because we want to clarify whether the advertisement of 5 Gums is success in terms of influencing the audience of vice versa. As what we observed, we clearly can say that the advertisement of 5 Gums isn’t rational in Malaysia. The level of understanding of this advertisement is not really mean for
Malaysian culture and citizens. Therefore we hope that at the end of this assignment we can come out with any suggestion for an improvements for a better quality of advertisement.





2.1 Personal Factor
2.1.1 Age and Life Cycle Stage
Age is one of the personal factor that influence consumer behavior taste in choosing a product that are suit with their age such as the suitable cloth, furniture, or food. So that, marketer need to target the consumer in suitable categories that should use their product. For 5 gum product, their target consumer is a teen or young adult who can potentially be their loyal customer. Through 5 gum advertisement, it is clearly that they always using a model that can be categorize in teen and young adult age, which means that their target consumer is absolutely teenager or young adults.
This statement has been supported by Martin Schlatter, Wrigley’s chief marketing officer, in a statement, “Teens are constantly seeking opportunities to experience something out of the ordinary”. Based on his statement, it is obviously that 5 gum product is targeting teen or young adults to buy their products.
Other than that, family life cycle stage also important and marketer need to take into account towards this matter as this factor often influencing the buying decision. The family life cycle of the individual will influencing each aspect in the individual life such as values, lifestyle, and buying behaviour. Traditional family life-cycle stages is like young singles and married couple with children. On the other hand, non-traditional stages is such as unmarried couples, single marrying later in life, childless couples, same-sex couples, single parents and other. So that, nowadays marketer should carefully observe the market environment and select the potential groups that willing to use their products. As for the 5 gum product, their target consumer is a teen in a group of unmarried couple. This is because, according to 5 gum marketer, teen spending more time in chewing a gum compare to individual from other groups, and to strengthen their effort, their designing 5 gum envelope package in a nice design to catch attention from their consumer especially the teenager. Also in their advertisement, they often use young adult as a model in their advertisement to shows that teenager are their targeted consumer as this groups always eager to try a new things.




2.1.2 Occupation
The type of occupation also can influencing consumer decision in buying a product. For 5 gum product, their targeted consumer is a teen, which can be said as a group in range of 18 to 24 years old. For the teen, there might be studied, graduate, or starting a work, So that, person in this categories are tend to seek a new things to be try; in other word they like to experimenting a new things in their life. Occupation does not give a lot of impact toward teen because their taste is still same like other teenager. So, because of that, 5 gum absolutely targeted a right groups to buying their products.

2.1.3 Economic Situation
Economic situation also is one of the factor that should be observe by the marketer before targeting the consumer. The decision to choice a product is affected by the level of person’s economic situation. Like example, when a consumer facing recession problem, they will tend to increase their savings and reduce expenses; including teenager. Teen will spending less in product that are not important for them. During recession, marketer would likely to take a steps such as redesign, reposition, and re-price their products. Like example, for 5 gum product, they always take a new steps to redesign their product by changing their product colour according to the flavour. Moreover, they also reposition their product by introducing new flavour through their advertisement.
2.1.4 Lifestyle

The lifestyle of a person can affects all of its activities, interest, values and opinions. Moreover, consumer lifestyle also can influence their behaviour and purchasing decisions. Lifestyle is a broad topic to be discuss, but generally teen are the one that always eager to try new things. No matter what lifestyle the teenager practice, they still have high curiosity to know everything by trying it.
As we know, 5 gum is targeting teenager as their targeted and potential buyer. This is because, teenager are the most that consume chewing gum and this group also always seek a new things



that can be try. Moreover, 5 gum always insert a message that a specifically targeted to teenager and their advertisement often involve young model and futuristic stages to represent that the message is for the Y generation.

2.1.5 Personality and Self-Concept
Personality can be said as a set of traits and specific characteristics of each person.
Individual personality can affect the choices of product that are suitable with their personality.
Like example, 5 gum product can be categorize as ‘excitement’ product that are specially designed for a person who have an element of ‘excitement’ such as daring, spirited, imaginative, and up-to-date. Clearly that, all the element are referring to the teen in Y generation personality.
Moreover, in the 5 gum advertisement also, they always insert an imaginative and up-to date advertisement with such futuristic places. And they also insert some daring and spirited teen in their advertisement, who always eager to try a new things in their life.
In other hand, self-concept is the image that the individual has or would like to have. For
5 gum, they always introduce a new gum flavour that are matches with individual personality.
Like example the blue-cobalt chewing gum is for a person that are daring, red-tempest represent spirited person, and green-rain is for person that always have a high curiosity to try a new things.
It can be said that, the producer of 5 gum are understand consumer wants by creating a product that can represent their consumer personality. In order to attract more customers, 5 gum develop various chewing gum product with an image and a personality that conveys the traits and values of consumers they are targeting. In the 5 gum advertisement also, they strongly try to emphasize that the person personality is different, so that by consuming different gum they will facing different experience. In detail, consumer are looking for products that reinforce the image they have of themselves or they would like to have. In nutshell, the more product convey favourable self-image to the consumer, the more it will be appreciated and regularly purchased.





Social Factor

2.2.1 Reference groups and membership groups
Moreover, the reference group can be defined as those that provide to the individual some points of comparison more or less direct about his behavior, lifestyle, desires or consumer habits.
Besides that, the individual can also be influenced by other group and this can be called as aspirational group which have a potential influence towards individuals. Like example, if 5 gums product is being consumed by a teenager group in college, sooner most of their other college mates will be influenced by that kind of behavior and will follow the same things. So that, marketer need to choose suitable leaders to spread the use of the product in a social group. Marketer can choose internal person if its involving small social group, or through sponsorship with a reference leader such as celebrity or athlete for a larger group.
Each person have their own membership group in their life. Membership groups can be define as a social groups to which a person belong and which will tend to highly influence the person. In detail it is usually related to its certain important aspect in person life such as place, social origin, age, and hobbies. The influence level may difference and it’s depending on individuals and groups. Generally, the consumption trends is same among the group member.
Like example, for 5 gum product, they are targeting teen as their target consumer, and it is somehow easy to spread the message as the teen have a large membership group among them.
2.2.2 Family
Family can be the most influencing factor for an individual. Family was able to create an environment that can help to shape individual personality. Family can be said as the powerful influencer that have a force to shape almost entire aspect of individual life. Like example, if a family prohibiting his child from drinking a coke and described the product as not good for health, most likely in the future the person will never buy a coke because of the influence from the family. For 5 gum product, it is quit impossible for the marketer. To influence an individual that has been influenced by their family, marketer must also target to capture the attention from the family group also. As for the 5 gum product, they have a lack in this aspect, because its targeted audience is teenager or young adult and not a family. Moreover, this product is specially designated for young adult and not for married couple or family. In advertisement also, clearly



that the message are not focusing to the family because there are no scene in the 5 gum advertisement that shows a family relationship with the product, and most of the time the product is linked to the teenager behaviour such as daring, spirited, imaginative and up-to-date.
2.2.3 Social Roles and Status
In a simple word, the position of an individual within aspect such as in family, friends or country can be defined in terms of role and social status. In detail, social role can be said as an attitudes and activities that an individual is supposed to have and do according to his or her position. Social role somewhat have a greater influence towards society or in social groups, and it is capable in influencing the consumer behaviour. This can be said as one of the powerful factor that can be used by marketer to influence behaviour. Like example, 5 gum using a real model in their advertisement, the model can be said as having the social role power because they spread the message of a product towards consumer.


Cultural Factor

2.3.1 Culture
The source of cultural factor are come from matters that are related with culture or cultural environment from which consumer belongs. Like example, in West, eating chewing gum in classroom is acceptable by Western culture, however such of this act is consider as rude in
Asian culture. In Western culture, chew a gum is good and bring a lot of benefit such as it help to clean teeth, meanwhile in Asian culture they do not like to chew a gum because they do believes that chewing gum is sweet and may cause diabetes. So that, for 5 gum the way of approaching the consumer in marketing is different and depends on culture. Like example, for Asian culture,
5 gum are tend to emphasize the benefit of gum in its advertisement and product such as sugarfree gum that can help to rinse off and neutralize the acids released by the bacteria in plaque.




2.3.2 Subculture
In general, a society is consist of various sub-culture. In detail, subculture can be define as a group of people who share the same value based on a common experience. Example of subculture is like religions, age group, or nationalities. Marketer may produce a product based on “ethnic” group to ensure the consumer is satisfied with the product. This is because, subculture is one of the factor that differentiate between on group and other group, and also the needs and wants between subculture is also different. So that, 5 gum marketers are choosing the best way to deliver a message about their product in advertisement in a way that can be accepted by the subculture group. Like example, Malaysian people are tend to buy chewing gum that have a nice-looking packaging, so that 5 gum producing a packaging with eye-catching design in Malaysian market because the consumer are more appreciating a product that have a nice packaging.
2.3.3 Cultural Trends
Cultural trend is a trend that are being followed by many people in which it being amplified by their mere popularity. It can be said, the more people follow the trend, the more others will want to follow it. Universally, teenager is one of the group that have its own cultural trend among them and they also have a follower for that kind of culture. Cultural trends is one of the most effective way that can affecting consumer buying decision. This is because, mostly consumer are more tend to follow the cultural that are spread among them.Like example, 5 gum targeting consumer among teenager because this group can easily being influence and can spread the cultural trend faster among them. Like example, in 5 gum advertisement also, they using model among teenager and show to the audience on how stylish the teenager who follow the act just like other teenager. Such of this message is being delivered in their advertisement to influence the consumer among teenager to practice the culture of chew a gum.





Internal Factors of Psychology

2.4.1 Motivation

Motivation is one of the factor that can drive consumer to develop a purchasing behaviour.
Motivation is working at a subconscious level and able to force a people to fulfil their needs.
Marketer are tend to create a product and advertisement that will reinforce need in the consumer’s mind in order to develop motivation to purchase a product. Like example for 5 gum product, the design is eye-catching and specially design to attract consumer among teen or young adult. Like example, teen might looking for a new chewing gum product with a unique flavour, in order to fulfilled consumer satisfaction, 5 gum producing various flavour to ensure consumer can choose the flavour they like. Other than that, some consumer also facing a problem with the size of chewing gum bottle. For 5 gum, they already aware with this issue, and they try to fulfilled customer satisfaction by offering this product in ultra-portable 6-tab micro packs, designed to fit nicely into the active lifestyles (and pockets) of gum chewers, as well as Car Cup and On-the-Go
Bottles designed for easier chewing while on the move.

2.4.2 Perception
Perception can be describe as a process of select, organize and interprets the information that has been received in order to do something that make sense. Surely each individual have different perception towards certain things, and it depends on experiences, beliefs and personal characteristics. There’s a lot of aspect that will change individual perception. Like example in a 5 gum advertisement, for the first time, people are tend to use selective attention in which they will screen out most of the information that they receive through the advertisement. Like example, people may perceive 5 gum advertisement as a high-technology advertisement that are related with gadget. Some consumer may use selective perception in which they interpret information according to what they believe. Like example, for some consumer that already see 5 gum advertisement, they did not expect that the advertisement is related to 5 gum, and they might think




it is for other product such as cigarette. While, other consumer may like to use selective retention in which they only remember good points about the brand and forget about good points about other competing product. Like example, through 5 gum advertisement, some consumer might only remember about its slogan that is “stimulate your senses”.

2.4.3 Learning
In simple word learning can only be gain by action, which mean when individual act, they will learn. From the experience that we gain, it then will develop individual behaviour. The process of learning from surrounding will influence the behaviour of consumer because through learning process an individual will gain information and experience. For example, if consumer











they found that this product is fulfilling their needs and wants, surely they will repeat their purchase again because they feel satisfied with it. For 5 gum product, the marketer always do some positive reinforcement towards the product by improving its design and broaden the choices by offering new flavour in their product line. So that, when consumer realize that this brand is always improving their product, consumer will going through a learning process by understand that 5 gum always offering a greater product to fulfil consumer needs and wants.
2.4.4 Attitudes
Attitudes can be define as a feeling, an assessment of an object or idea and the predisposition to act in a certain way toward that object. If consumer facing bad experience with the product, directly consumer will develop negative attitude towards the product. To ensure consumer develop a positive attitude towards the product, 5 gum will produce a product that are exactly like what they promise to the consumer in their 5 gum advertisement by delivering a right message to the consumer. Like example, in 5 gum advertisement, they always emphasize slogan that is








promise by producing 5 gum product with various flavour that have a great taste that can stimulate your taste bud.





Generally, when needs are unfulfilled it will directly generate a tension that will directly

create a driving force. This driving force is known as ‘motivation’ that will exist in someone when their needs are not being fulfilled, and then the motivation will persuade the goals to fulfil their needs. Individual then will try to select the best goals to relieve and reduce their tension.
There is a lot of things that influencing consumer to buy a product that are available in market. One of the problem that exist when consumer want to choose a chewing gum’s product is the size of packaging. Consumer that are face with this problem are tend to switch to other brands.
So that, to win consumer attention, 5 gum’s offering their packaging product in suitable size for the consumer. In June 2012, 5 gum’s offering their chewing gum’s product in certain size such as in bottle and mini bottle format to fulfil consumer needs especially for the loyal consumer of this brand who wants to keep consume it from time-to-time.
In aspect of design, this product have an attractive design in its packaging that will surely attract consumer interest to buy it. Like example, some Asian countries like product manufacturer in Japan and Korea are highly emphasizing the design of its packaging because consumer in that countries are more prefer to buy a product that have a nice looking view because they will assume that the product is high quality. Generally, consumer in all over the world are almost the same in aspect of first impression towards a product that they see for the first time. If the packaging of the product is good, than they will assume it is high quality product and vice versa. Consumer that are not satisfied with the product, might switch to the other product that are better.
The problem involving the design of product might related to the color and images which are not so attractive. So that, it then will create a tension that will drive a consumer behavior to choose a goal that can fulfil its wants. Consumer might choose a product that have a design that are suitable with their personality. So, when it comes to chewing gum’s, absolutely, 5 gum’s does not have a problem with its packaging because the design of its packaging is attractive enough. 5 gum’s also launches its product based on consumer personality which is the color of their product represent consumer personality. Moreover, the design of this product is simple and not so mess like other product which have too many color and images in its product which then makes consumer hard to remember it in future. So that, this 5 gum’s product has fulfil customer wants,




where its product are being produce based on consumer personality. Of course, consumer are satisfied when they use a product that can represent their-self.
In addition, one of the most important matters in chewing gum’s product is the taste. Other chewing gum’s producer company might offer various taste to win consumer heart. But if the product being produce does not fulfil consumer wants, demand will still low. So that, in order to fulfil customer needs and wants, producer must understand and know consumer needs and wants before producing and marketing their product to the market. So that, in this case, 5 gum’s not only offering typical chewing gum product, but they also offering 24 unique taste of chewing gum’s that are rich in flavor. In order to make the taste of product better, this product will only focusing in one flavor, which means there is no double flavor in one gum’s. This strategy is a good steps, as this brand are seriously want to fulfil their customer wants. In detail, there’s might be customer who like strawberry flavor but don’t like mint, so when there’s exist a chewing gum’s product that focusing only in chosen flavor, thus it will satisfied customer wants.


Brand Personality
Generally, brand personality can be define as the specific mix of human traits that may be

attributed to a particular brand. In addition, a brand personality provides an emotional identity for a brand, which then produce a feelings among customer towards certain brand. On the other hand,
“brand personification” will occur when consumer attribute human traits or characteristics to a brand. Moreover, brand personality have two relationship towards human characteristics that is attachment anxiety and avoidance anxiety. Attachment anxiety can be said as a degree to which people are concerned about whether they are worthy of love, where avoidance anxiety means, one’s view of others in the context of attachment. Mainly, there are five brand personality traits that can be identified that is sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness. So that, it is a wise step for a marketer to always conduct a research and study the personality traits of their consumers before personifying their brands in promotional messages.
In the case of 5 Gum, marketers of this company also put a lot of effort to emphasize the existence of brand personality element in their 5 Gum product. Based on the slogan that has been used in 5 Gum advertisement that is “stimulate your senses”, it is obviously that they are trying to



emphasize that their brand is in ‘excitement’ category. Besides that, in the 5 Gum advertisement, the advertisement were often set in futuristic surroundings meant to dramatize the ordinary act of chewing by linking it to heart-pounding experiences. Referring to the way on how they deliver a message in the advertisement, they are trying to emphasize that their brand are always up-to-date and imaginative because consumer that use 5 Gum product will feel a great sensation compare to other product. In the 5 gum advertisement also, they often deliver a message that a consumer who are trying their product are the one who have a spirited and daring characteristic because they try to seek a way to stimulate their senses by using 5 gum product.
Obviously, marketers are emphasizing that 5 gums can be categorized as a brand that have an excitement personality, because based on their advertisement, they try to using many excitement characteristic such as daring, spirited, imaginative, and up-to date. Clearly, through the 5 gum advertisement, the marketers deliver a message that consumer who are using 5 gum product have excitement personality such as daring, spirited, imaginative, and up-to-date.


Consumer Imagery

Each consumer have a different behaviour and perception towards each brand in the market.
Generally, consumer imagery are refers to consumers’ perceptions of all the components of products, services, and brands, and to how consumer evaluate the quality of marketers’ offerings.
In detail, each product and brands have specific images and symbolic values for consumers based on the unique benefits that these products has claim in their advertisement. As in this case, a product that we study is a chewing gum from 5 Gum brand. Of course, 5 gum also will try to create a positive perception among consumer towards their product by claiming that they product has offering a benefit towards consumer. In all their advertisement, 5 gums has strongly emphasize that their product capable to stimulate consumer senses compare to other chewing gum brand. So that, based on slogan in advertisement that is “stimulate your senses”, 5 gum brand has try to emphasize this unique benefits of their product towards consumer in order to create an intended imagery in consumer mind.




2.7.1 Brand Image
Nowadays, marketer put a lot of effort to ensure they can effectively positioning their brand in consumer mind. To ensure this strategy effective, marketer must emphasize the uniqueness and core benefit that represent their brand. Like example for 5 gum brand, the uniqueness that its marketer claim is a taste of the chewing gum is flavour-rich and sugar-free that surely can stimulate your senses. To strengthen their brand positioning strategy, they also offering 5 gum product in compatible pack such as in slim envelope which contain 15 sticks of gum, in which they try to convince consumer that they will fulfil consumer wants by offering a chewing gum pack that can easily carry on everywhere. To ensure 5 gum brand can maintain its brand positioning, they broaden their chewing gum product by offering various unique flavour to fulfil consumer needs.
Surely, such of this step is taken by 5 gum because they don’t want to lose with other chewing gum brand. To create and maintain their brand positioning, 5 gums brand has develop aggressively till today; with various flavour of their sugar-free chewing gum that came out with various pack such as in slim envelope and mini bottle. But obviously, people will always remember that 5 gum product is in slim envelope and futuristic design in its packaging.




The advertising of 5 gum used in to presentation it product by using broadcast and internet.
The 5 gum used to broadcast its advertising in television by every day to promote their product to the customers. The 5 gum also used to promote through internet such as in YouTube,
Facebook and so on. The 5 gum was determining of using AIDA model where, to get attention, hold interest, arouse desire and obtain action of the customers. In this advertisement use celebrities as their intermediation between company and customers, where their use athletes and model to present their products. The television advertisement was the most effectiveness performance compare to other channels.
The 5 gum used to high-tech environment of the advertisement to present the products.
From the positive effects the 5 gum is presenting new product with new trend slogan of
“Everyone Experiences It Differently” which increasing the expectation of the product. From the packaging, can say that the products are convenience of use for adult since, easy to get from the convenience stores. The casting background is important too in presenting the product in other level of dimension to attract the customer to watch the advertisement. Basically this advertisement win other advertisement since there was lacking of chew gum advertisement on television which made the 5 gum less competitor compare other advertisement.
From the negative effects, less information on advertisement and least focus to the main point which is product and the end of advertisement will show the flavor of the 5 gum. The advertisement of 5 gum always used too late to deliver the message of the products made the message easily to get lost where the customer could not catch up what the advertisement really talk about and fail to reach customer attentions. The graphic was too much until lacking the main information about the 5 gum because people can interpret the advertisement as the movie trailer or something else. So, too much high graphic fail to reach message to customers.
Another thing is, they fail to show the advertisement about chew gum by showing the packing of the product but not detail show it is a chew gum product.
This advertisement use regency effect where the info learnt last will be remembered better rather use primacy effect where the info learnt first will be remembered better. So, the end of



the advertisement of 5 gum place strong points, which they believe that customer will more acceptable, since, the advertisement use regency effect or may said Britain style to attracting customers. The message appeals use in this advertisement is psychological where enhances product appeal through emotions where they used man and woman in the advertisement but probably use man and woman indifferent using and normally when introducing the new flavor, they will use male or female as main presenter deliver the message. This advertisement primary emphasis is emotional to presenting where the effect increase as emotional arousal increase rather than presenting rational appeals where will take time to reached the customers in order to reached the message they have to wait for delivery the messaged and followed by secondary emphasis product attributes and it benefits.
The advertisement message order spilt to three sections. First, in climax order where saving the best for last which will let know information more briefly in the last of advertisement.
Continue with anticlimax order where putting the best material first rather put in the middle or last of the advertisement. The last is pyramidal order where sandwiching the best material in the middle of the advertisement. As in this advertisement of 5 gum used climax order scheme is the best effective as may attract the customer.
According to (Yang, 2014),the advertisement of the 5 gum, obtained 4 significant outcomes, first the effect of visual puns on the advertising credibility depend on the product type, and visual puns yielded a higher credibility in low-involvement-rational advertisement than in high-involvement-rational advertisement. Second is, difference in degree of skepticism towards an advertisement among the customers affected them belies in the claims of an advertisement containing a visual pun, and the customers with low-skepticism were more likely to believe an advertisement compared with high-skepticism. Third visual puns in lowinvolvement-rational advertisement yielded a relatively higher credibility among customers with a high-skepticism. The fourth, visual puns in high-involvement-rational advertisements yielded a relatively higher credibility among customers with low-skepticism.
The marketer chose the right appeals but fail to fully reach the message to the customers as customer enjoyed watching the advertisement but do not get the message of the product.
The 5 gum more focus on the enhances product appeal through emotions but the fail to reach customer expectation because as I speaking here Asian people more like to apply primacy



effect as info learnt first will remembered better than regency effect where suitable for western people which use Britain style to implant the information in the last. This statement supported by (Asch, 2005), the primacy effect in impression formation in Asian are more effective.
(Zunin, 2007), first impressions are solidified within the first one minutes of interaction with a stranger. As may conclude here, the advertisement of 5 gum fail to reach the information on
Asian people.





Advertisement supposed to be effective and attract people to spend their tiny time to see it.
Based on this 5 gums advertisement is actually really attractive, and they had extraordinary impact added in their ads. But at the same time, this ads is And to improve this ads, few suggestion is provided. Firstly, the advertiser should get over their thinking about “I know when I see it”. They somehow believe that the consumer will recognize good advertising when they see it, and so they routinely abstain from objective evaluation process and the ads is actually a bit exaggerating. So as for the solution, we think that the ads should be more straight to the point, and avoid being too excessive. Gums means to chew, they should chew the gums first to show how the imagination going to work. That way, consumer would understand more about the gums ads, especially for kids. To be specific, this ads is actually very misleading to consumers. The first time we see these ads, we do not think that this ads is an advertisement for chewing gum redundant description. As we can see, Wrigley’s 5 gum is squarely aimed at the teen and young adult market with its trendy black envelope packaging. But the design of the pack is actually very misleading as most of the teenager or the consumer thought that 5gum package is actually a cigarette new cool pack. In order to avoid this confusing scenario, the advertiser should improve their packaging style in a more explanatory way, so that the consumer would not give the wrong idea.
Thirdly, ads promise more than product can deliver. “Spearmint that tingles as you chew,” the voice-over says, “stimulate your five senses”. That’s a lot of production, and some heavy imaginary. And actually it got the consumer interested. That, of course, is nearly to success as long as the actual product experience lives up to hype. But there it opens itself up to trouble, as the ads is quite overwrought, hyperbolic and generally excessive that it puts very high demands on a taste test. If the product is not exceed their prediction, then the disappointment will happen. Consumer learn when they think that they have been deceived, and will resent the advertiser. So as for the solution, advertiser may stop all the excessiveness to avoid customer resentment. They should never promise more than the advertised product is capable of delivering.




In the nutshell, if the company want their ads to be more effective, they have to stop showing on what the consumer want to buy but start to show how to solve their problems. Gums is actually very functionable candy for certain people like, when they involve in nervous state such as goes for public speaking, they chew the gums. So the right way to attract these consumer is to exceed their expectation or they would not be your second buyer. The most effective advertising pieces don't sell, they fulfil. They don’t talk about the company, they talk about the customer. They don't push price, they provide solutions.




As a conclusion, chewing gum is a convenient product which shall be comfortable with
Malaysian market because majority of us are aware on the consumption of chewing gum in our daily life. However, the advertisement made by 5 Gums itself are been seen as a failure as it is very confusing and make the viewer wonders what is the advertisement is all about and some might assume that the advertisement is not for 5 Gums rather it is a cigar rete or condom advertisement.
Therefore, the advertisement is wrong to be advertised in Malaysia and the way the company interpret its product is too heavy and complicated for Malaysian to accept and understand because
Malaysian culture is inverse upon what had been done by the company as Malaysian like to be on direct message appeal instead of all the dramas. For a convenient product like chewing gum, we are aware that most of the consumer are only buy those products regarding to chewing whenever they feel that they need to chew something after meals or maybe they might find the interest and need to buy chewing gum as they see those products near the cashier side display, therefore we think that for this kind of convenient product, there is no need for extravaganza advertisement to be on air, rather consumer actually had realized the existence of the product themselves. Last but not least, the market for chewing gum and the company who runs it needs to be more rational if this company wants this product to stay longer in Malaysian market.





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Selfish Brands Are Failing Social Media's Promise. -







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