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Executive Summary: View Own Job Interview

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View Own Job Interview

1. After I watch the video of my team’s job interview, I think that all of my team members are engaged and friendly during the interview. Especially the interviewers, they shake hands with the interviewer when they first met, and they always smile at the interviewee, which let the applicants felt very relaxing during the job interview. As the volume, rate, and eye contact aspects, the three of the people in hiring committee all did a very good job, they asked and answered the question clearly and loudly and made eye contact with the interviewer frequently. The hiring committee and showed respectful and encouraging, all of the interviewers dressed up formally and smiled at the interviewer during the job interview.

2. For the applicants, I think we also did a pretty good job during the job interview. When we prepared for the job interview in class, all the people in our group participate and no one absent when we prepare the interview. We discuss the questions and answers together in class, so everyone was well prepared. After we went home we also went through the questions and answers by ourselves for several times. Therefore when we did the job interview we all felt full of confident. The applicants’ are clear and engaging. They connect with the hiring committee and leave a deep impression by dress up formally, we wore suit to show the respect to the …show more content…
For the questions, we include important aspects such as skill, knowledge, problem solving. For example, in the question number six, they asked a question that “Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job and how did you handle that.” In this question, it can help the hiring committee to see if this applicants have the skill to deal with the problem that she met during work. Because they are hiring an office manager, so as a manager it is very important for them to have the ability to deal the conflict in the office. Therefore, I think this is a very good

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