...Mental health and personality disorders are a growing phenomena in the last 50 years those in opposition to the existence of these disorders have claimed psychiatry to be a pseudo science and that these issues may simply be solved by exercise and vitamins. While there is undeniable merit to the benefit of a healthy lifestyle that includes vitamins and exercise that is an insufficient course of treatment for mental health and mood disorders. Mood disorders and mental health issues are chemical faults and imbalances within our brains that cause a lack of control over they we feel, think and act, the severity of abnormal brain function is just cause for treatment that exceeds recommending a healthy lifestyle, the treatment that is warranted is...
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...Healthy Lifestyle vs Fad Diets Lynda Schreiber Com/170 June 2, 2014 Linda Boyer Healthy lifestyle vs fad diets Introduction I. Calorie Count A. Healthy Calorie Count. 1. Body calorie needs to function B. Unhealthy Calorie Count 1. Effects of low calories on the body II. Exercise A. Exercise with diet 1. Effects on weight B. No exercise with diet aids 1. Effects on maintaining weight loss III. Diet Aids vs. Healthy Choices A. Hormone/ Chemical based Aids B. Healthy Lifestyle What is the best way to lose weight and is there such a thing as a miracle diet? I have asked myself this question many times over the past sixteen years. All though school I was considered the skinny girl then when I started gaining weight it just kept coming. Diet fads are all the rage, and I have tried most of them that are on the market with some results but they never stay. So I started asking myself what is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. I had to come to the realization that there is no overnight miracle and it all takes hard work. In order to achieve a goal weight and maintain weight, miracle diets are less effective than making healthy lifestyle changes. The first thing I have learned along my weight loss search is that calories are an important factor. All diets are based on a calorie count but what is the correct calories a body needs. The calories the body consumes in a day is different for each person. To figure out how many calories a body needs to function...
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...Diet and Exercise vs. Weight loss surgery Stacy Butler Com/155 May 19, 2013 Tiziana Omta Diet and Exercise vs. Weight loss surgery America has become known for having the largest population of obese people. Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States today, however, weight gain is common as people get older and have less time to prepare healthy meals, and exercise on a regular basis. The smallest changes can make the biggest impact when losing weight. Choosing which option that will be most effective for an individual can be hard. Diet and exercise is a way for many people to lose weight, however, others many have to resort to weight loss surgery. Weight loss by dieting and exercise is the method most people use to lose weight. Limiting calorie intake and changing eating habits will help accomplish weight loss goals. When considering healthy eating, fruits and vegetables is a good start to getting proper nutrition and healthy eating habits. In addition, having a structured fitness plan is one way of keeping oneself active, which is a large part of the weight loss process. In order to accomplish weight loss, it may be necessary to consult a personal trainer to meet your weight loss goals. Nevertheless, it is recommended to exercise at least three times a week for twenty minutes at a time. Weight loss and a proper diet and exercise program will improve a person’s health, and energy level. This will enable more physical activity, which that...
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...Family Nursing Diagnoses NUR/405 Family Nursing Diagnoses Community Nursing The community health nurse has a primary role to assess the relationship of variables in the community with how they relate to patients and health. Cultural, religious, ethnic, and personal upbringings are variables that are considered to gain a basic understanding of the community framework. The purpose of this paper is to discuss three nursing diagnoses related to AL and his family living in a suburban community in Staten Island, New York. Interventions and outcomes will be expected for each diagnosis and will be integrated into the care plan and educational program specially designed for the chosen family. Family Assessment AL is a 65 year old man with an Italian ethnic background. He is a smoker who has been recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, mild obesity, and a history of coronary artery disease with one stent last year. His physician stated he is borderline diabetic that could be managed through diet and lifestyle modifications, and could not advance if he is compliant with suggested regimens. He lives in a two-family residence with his wife, and his father who lives in the side apartment downstairs. He has two adult children who live within close range and visit several times a week. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring When caring for a special population group within a community, the nurse must integrate clinical thought to assimilate specifically designed...
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...Essay rough draft So many people these days experience health issues in regard to a heart condition, depression, or being overweight. With so many different exercise programs available, individuals don’t know which one to turn to for their need to improve these problems. Aerobics is a better form of exercise than weight training because it’s better for your heart, improves your mood, and helps you lose weight. Aerobics is a form of physical condition that increases the ability for your body to intake oxygen. This will stimulate the cardiovascular system, which will help to reduce fat, make blood pressure decrease, and make a reduction in stress (Britannica, 2013). To optimize longevity, nothing compares to cardio activity. Although strength training can help to prevent individuals to gain intra-abdominal fat, aerobic activity has many more health advantages (Women’s Health, 2012). When doing an aerobic exercise, it will make a person’s lungs process oxygen without having to work as hard. In doing this it will help your heart to pump more blood without beating as fast, causing a decreased heart rate (Fit & health, 2011). Aerobic exercise is also known to lower the risk of heart disease. Researchers are beginning to understand why the effect of aerobics helps the cardiovascular health. The studies they have conducted have shown that exercise can decrease inflammation; this reduces a fatty build up in the arteries, which is the cause of a lot of the cases of heart...
Words: 1214 - Pages: 5
...cholesterol levels were high, that he has high blood pressure, and that he has an increased chance of experiencing a myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack. His family care provider decided that Chad needed to lose some weight and start eating healthier in order to lower his blood pressure, lower his cholesterol levels, and decrease his chance of suffering a myocardial infarction. Chad agreed to make his doctor’s recommended lifestyle changes because he wanted to be there for his family no matter what the cost. After leaving his family care provider’s office and speaking with this wife about the bad news, he realized that he did not have a plan of action as to how he was going to lose the extra weight that was the source of his health problems. He didn’t know many things about eating healthier or maintaining a healthy lifestyle so he was unsure of where to begin. Later that evening, Chad was watching television and saw a commercial about a trendy new fad diet and how it could help him lose his extra weight in very little time, effortlessly. Chad decided to attempt this fad diet and after several weeks he had managed to lose several pounds and had almost reached his target weight. However, he started to notice that he was feeling tired all the time, as well as...
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...Eating healthy vs. Prescription weight loss pills Amy Kelley COM/155 June 16, 2013 Jessica Ptomey Eating healthy vs. Prescription weight loss pills The World Health Organization estimates that nearly two-thirds of all American adults are overweight. The National Center of Health Statistics recently found that 34% of Americans are clinically obese (10 Weight Loss Statistics, 2013). Those are very shocking statistics to hear about our nation. What we do with that information is up to us. We can accept the weight that we have as a nation or chose to lose it. Eating healthy and exercise are important for losing weight but there are some advantages and disadvantages to prescription weight loss pills. Here are some facts that can help you make the choice. Proteins are nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. Protein is recommended at the absolute minimum of ½-gram per pound of bodyweight per day for people who do not get exercise and 1 full gram of protein per pound of bodyweight for people who are active in any way (How much protein do you really need to eat every day?). But do not forget about the b\vegetables. Vegetables, also, play an important role in losing weight. Put out a vegetable platter. A body of research out of Pennsylvania State University finds that eating water-rich foods such as zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers during meals reduces your overall calorie consumption (Easy ways to lose weight: 50+ ideas, 2013). If you eat fewer calories than you...
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...Part 2: Critical review on the “Effect of Exercise during Pregnancy on the Outcomes of Pregnancy. Introduction: The World Health Organisation (WHO) defined pregnancy as the period where a woman bears a growing baby in her womb, which were a moment of bliss and perfection for most mothers [1]. Nonetheless, both the mother and her growing offspring are susceptible for numerous health complications. For this reason, various approach can be used to overcome these risks. One of them is exercising during pregnancy because problems regarding pregnancy and labour are unlikely to occur for active women [2]. There are several researches that proved prenatal exercise will improve maternal and neonatal outcomes [3][4][5][6]. Benefits of exercise during pregnancy for mothers: A research done by Barakat, Pelaez [3] which is “Exercise during pregnancy and gestational diabetes-related adverse effect: a...
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...Video Games and Health ITT Technical Institute It’s easy to see the appeal of the video game. They allow us to do things that most people would never have the chance to experience, or something that’s flat out impossible. From the roar of a massive v-12 engine in a Ferrari, screaming down a straight at 230 miles per hour, to the rat-tat-tat of a heavy machine gun, complete with the imagined scent of cordite and powdery, obliterated dry wall, or even directing stalwart troops across a decimated sci-fi battlefield, there’s nothing quite like the visceral experience of a well-made video game. I’ve plummeted feet-first through Earth’s fiery atmosphere in a vessel no bigger than a phone booth with blue and purple iridescent plasma-bolts exploding inches from my head. I’ve experienced the elation of besting a massive, scaly, fire-breathing dragon in single combat that had just burned down an unfortunate village. The experiences that these games give us are just not available anywhere else, to such an interactive extent. However, therein may lay a problem. It is an undeniable fact that videos games can have an addictive quality to them, due to the escapism they provide. Wherever one looks, there seems to be someone engrossed in the latest action-adventure game, whether it be on a handheld device such as a smart phone, or on an enormous flat screen television that uses more electricity than Rhode Island. We have more leisure time in today’s society than in any other time in...
Words: 2119 - Pages: 9
...Associate Level Material Physical Fitness Worksheet Being physically fit is an important aspect of obtaining optimal health. Becoming knowledgeable about what it means to be physically fit may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness. In this worksheet, you identify the five components of health related fitness. Completing this assignment is a step towards gaining the knowledge needed to better manage your physical fitness. Five Components of Health Related Fitness Table Complete the table below. The first row has been filled in for you as an example. |Components of Physical Fitness |Description |How to Incorporate in Your |Benefit(s) | | | |Life | | |Cardiorespiratory Fitness |Being able to exercise at a |Walk 2 miles at a brisk |Reduced the risk of heart | | |moderate to high intensity for a|pace every day. |disease, hypertension, and high | | |long period of time | |cholesterol. | |Muscular Strength |Being able to use maximum force |Create a workout Bench |Build muscular strength preform | | |through a wide range of motion |press, push...
Words: 280 - Pages: 2
...HOBBY LOBBY VS. THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Leonila Gonzalez oUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIVERSITY HOBBY LOBBY VS. THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Leonila Gonzalez oUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIVERSITY Businesses can be affected by many laws and mandates that are set by the state or federal government. It can be difficult for a small firm to stay in business when such mandates are passed. The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama on Mach 23, 2010. Key components to the law are improving quality and health care costs, new consumer protections and access to healthcare, and mandating that all firms provided insurance for their employees. Small Business Tax credits were also included as an incentive and a way to reduce cost for the smaller firms. (Human Health Services, 2014) In order for a firm to be exempt from providing insurance to its employees they had to be classified as a non-profit organization or a Church. A businesses classification will give them exemptions for example a non-profit organization. A non-profit organization can be defined as “an incorporated organization which exists for educational or charitable reasons, and from which its shareholders or trustees do not benefit financially” (Investor Words, 2014). Because of the mandates of the Affordable Care Act, it is now in the center of litigation in which a for-profit organization is asking for exemptions from providing women health care, contraceptives, due to the owner’s religious belief. (Reese...
Words: 2412 - Pages: 10
...A study conducted by Lauren Futrell Dunaway et al. in the New Orleans area found that “children whose family cooked dinner at home more than 5 times per week had significantly more consumption of fruit (64% vs. 58%) and vegetables (55% vs. 39%), but less soda (27% vs. 43%)” (1). Eating more fruits and vegetables and less sugary foods, like soda, help in maintaining a healthy weight. However, moving away from that healthy eating environment will cause college students to gain weight. Dunaway et al. also found in their research that “when children and adolescents are away from home, they are more likely to consume sugar-sweetened beverages,” (7). Living on campus for the first time, college freshmen are not going to have their parents around to tell them to put down their sugary drinks, and with their newfound food independence, which means they have the freedom to choose what every they want to eat, they will put themselves on a path leading straight to the “Freshman...
Words: 1171 - Pages: 5
...Health Care Vs Fitness Nicasio Jones Adventist University Health Care Vs Fitness This paper will discuss how the healthcare industry and the fitness industry both address the individual health needs of a person; however, the cost and method of healing differs between the two industries. In the healthcare industry, an individual is identified as a patient. Upon the first visit of any medical facility. Personal information is collect by the front desk staff. The patient has to complete a health questionnaire that list any prior conditions, current lifestyle habits like drinking or smoking. They also provide all of their medical insurance information. They are even interview by a nurse to hear what symptoms they are feeling. Their vitals are recorded to assets their current condition. And then they receive a physical exam by the physician who will diagnose and prescribe a personal plan of care for that patient. In the Fitness industry, an individual is identified as a member. Upon the first visit to the fitness facility, a new member fills out a health history questionnaire and provides their credit card information. Also as part of the introduction process the member receives several sessions with a fitness trainer that will review their health history and help develop and workout program to help the member reach their goals. The cost of healthcare has increased over the few years. With the increase of obesity and other lifestyle diseases, the cost of care has escalated...
Words: 1257 - Pages: 6
...functions. When the number of calories taken in is equivalent to the calories burned or used, body weight remains the same. Eventually, people consume more calories than they burn; this causes an energy imbalance resulting in weight gain, overweight and even obesity (National Institute, 2012). While exercising and dieting both contribute to weight loss, the different effects such as nutrition intake, time consumption and mental effects must be factored in. The human body requires nutrition to function properly. Nutrition repairs muscles, organs and skin. Exercise with no diet does not provide the proper nutrition that is essential to the body (Paez & Kravitz, 2000). Exercising and burning calories is important to recover the body with the proper nutrients. However, it defeats the purpose of exercise when somebody's daily food intake is above or below his or her suggested nutrition. Therefore, the nutrient intake with just exercise and no diet does not fuel the body inadequately. The appropriate amount of nutrients is consumed while dieting properly. Nutrients are required for the body to function appropriately. Essential nutrients are something the body can’t produce or can’t produce in an adequate amount of time on its own. Essential nutrients can only be provided by a proper diet. These nutrients include water, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fat. (National Institute, 2012). There are recommended daily nutrients depending on an individual’s sex, age, weight, height...
Words: 875 - Pages: 4
...overweight individuals with risk of T2D was needed. The study, Motivators and barriers to exercise among adults with a high risk of type 2 diabetes – a qualitative study, was preformed to help fill this knowledge gap. The purpose of this study was to describe the motivators and barriers to exercise among subjects with a high risk of T2D. (Korkiakangas, 2010) Background of study While there was previous research study, the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study, motivations and barriers to exercise with individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. Prior to this study, there was only one research study on motivation and barriers to exercise with individuals at risk for Type 2 Diabetes. The purpose of this current research study is to obtain more information and to identify and describe the motivators and barriers to exercise among subjects with a high risk of T2D. The obtained information will be used to develop content and methods for counseling. Nursing will be able to use this new developed content and methods for counseling to help guide the patient that is at risk for T2D to improve their overall quality of life. Research has shown that diet and exercise has prevented and improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, and positive effects on blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, weight loss, muscle preservation, and increase in quality and quantity of sleep. (Korkiakangas, 2011) The benefits for exercise are obvious, but the most challenging...
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