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Explain A Complicated Procedure To A 4-Year-Old Child

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81. - 100. You are to explain a complicated procedure to a 4-year-old child. Describe how you would consider their cognitive level (Piaget) psychosocial stage (Erikson) and moral level (Kohlberg) to create an appropriate setting and information to help the child understand the procedure.
Pre-operational stage-To explain Piaget’s cognitive level of a four years old child, I am going to focus on his second level of cognitive development called pre-operational stage. The child’s thinking at this stage is said to be before operations. This age starts at two and ends at the age of seven. It is at this crucial stage that the child learns to use language symbols. At this level of development the child cannot separate ideas or even apply logic (Cherry …show more content…
It is good to introduce the concept of social learning. One cannot be able to understand a teenage girl or create an effective setting if he or she does not commit to studying that individual. Here, it is good to take care of the possible external social influences that motivate the girl at this age. Like the boys, girls also suffer role confusion because of the interaction they are exposed to. To produce the best setting of learning, one must at least have an understanding of motivational hierarchy. Possibility of a girl to succeed depends on the belief she has on herself. Self regulated learning here entails motivation, goals and self control. Remember, experiences of girls to those of boys differ. The physical changes in boys and girls are different. The best approach to use for this girl is modeling. Modeling should be incorporated with other social activities to enhance activeness. This instills a deep level of understanding, promotes critical thinking, enhances positive peer interactions, and promotes critical thinking and it also boosts esteem. Cognitive evaluation can also be employed to determine the individual abilities. The more a girl is made to discover herself, the more she becomes

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