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Explain What It Means To Be A Medical Assistant Essay

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Everyone should have goals when they are striving to achieve a specific job or task. A good example, when people attend college achieving them dream.Therefore, I have a personal goal that considered as important in achieving during my time here in ivy tech community college. First is the goal of meeting with others people that have the same career that I want. Secondly, I would like to change myself by taking education. Thus helping me success my goals.Third, and final would be to receive my associate degree in medical assistant.However I’m interest in medical assistant job because, I like to help sick and old people.Even now if I help people I feel satisfy also, I like support or assist.That way I want to achieve my goal.

First, my goal of meeting other people that i have the same career that i want to do.Or have already been in the medical assistant field. In order to achieve this target i am going to talk individual people that have working for medical assistant. Also if they can tell me about past experience or tips and information that they have learned and willing to help other people from their mistakes. Therefore all this things making important to accomplish my goals. And my acknowledge get up. …show more content…
Education is important in our life, because education is what runs the world and change the economy. In order education is incredibly important and if you are educated people will respect than who have less education. Without it we could not be able to accomplish the many of tasks society need complete in order to survive. Furthermore i will be receiving my degree after two years, beside that i need to be working hard to achieving my goals. Even i imagine myself after a while, i feel something that i can admit it and making good money than i make now. I think that’s my feeling for

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