...Unit 308. 1.1 Explain the impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people. Poverty can significantly impact the outcomes and life chances of children and young people in several ways: Children living in poverty often lack access to adequate healthcare, nutritious food, and safe living conditions. This can lead to higher rates of chronic illnesses, malnutrition, and developmental delays, ultimately affecting their overall health and well-being. Poverty can hinder educational attainment due to factors such as inadequate resources at home, lack of access to quality schools, and increased stressors that can affect concentration and learning. Children from low-income families may also be more likely to drop out of school...
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...most fascinating and perhaps most complex stages of life, its breathtaking pace of growth and change. Physically, children go from being small and compact one day to being all legs and arms the next. They mature sexually. They also develop the capacity to reason in more abstract ways, explore the concepts of right and wrong, develop hypotheses and think about the future. This is the time when people take on new responsibilities and experiment with independence. Because of the complexities and challenges faced by an individual during this stage, psychologists have termed it as a period of great “stress and storm”. When adolescents are supported and encouraged by caring adults, they thrive in unimaginable ways, becoming resourceful and contribution members of families and communities. We all know that children can’t wait to grow up, but why is this so? Psychologist Thomas Szasz explains that it is because they experience their lives as constrained by immaturity and perceive adulthood as a condition of greater freedom and opportunity. But what is there today in America, that very poor and very rich adolescents want to do but cannot do? Not much. They can do drugs, have sexual intercourse, make babies, and get money. For such adolescents, adulthood becomes an association of responsibility rather than liberty. That being said, sooner or later it happens, children grow up and the time approaches when they will eventually be leaving home. However, during this process, parents...
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...a transparency related to the material in this section. This icon is used to identify a key point in the material. Child Growth and Development 3 p.2 We often hear people refer to children’s growth and development. Are ―growth‖ and ―development‖ the same thing? What does each of these terms mean? •Growth refers to specific body changes and increases in the child’s size (such as:height, weight, head circumference, and body mass index). These size changes can easily be measured. Growth •Development typically refers to an increase in complexity (a change from simple to more complex) Involves a progression along a continuing pathway on which the child aquires more refined knowledge, behavior, and skills. The sequence is basically the same for all children, however the rate varies. Child Growth and Development 4 Growth (p.3) We defined growth as specific body changes and increases in the child’s size. During the first year of an infant’s life, babies can grow 10 inches in length and triple their birth weight. After the first year, a baby’s...
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...A young person experiencing puberty go through many hormonal changes which change their physical body appearance. They may experience mood swings which can lead to behaviour difficulties or get anxious about the way they look and become withdrawn. 13 Evaluate the effect on children and young people of having positive relationships during periods of transition. A child or young person who has someone who is supporting them positively finds it much easier to cope with the transition process. It is important that they form at least one strong relationship with someone in the educational setting. This then provides the emotional support the child needs to help deal with the changes in their lives. They know that someone is there that they can talk to who will communicate positively by being honest and open as well as reassuring the child while addressing their worries accordingly. Listening to how the child is feeling and offering solutions to help them deal with the transition is crucial to it going smoothly. No-one likes to go through a situation where they feel alone with no support. A positive relationship will reassure a...
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...Using the health belief model, how can nurses encourage patients to make immediate and permanent behavior changes; particularly as they relate to lifestyle choices? Perceived severity is the degree to which the person attributes negative medical, clinical, or social consequences to being diagnosed with an illness. Together, perceived susceptibility and perceived severity provide motivation for reducing or eliminating such threats. The type of action taken depends on perceived benefits (beliefs about the effectiveness of different actions) and perceived barriers (potential negative aspects of particular actions). People are thought to weigh an action's effectiveness in reducing a health threat against possible negative outcomes The health promotion, have achieved through internal mechanisms intrinsic or three people, some of these are: 1. Self-care, ie, decisions and actions that the person performs for the benefit of their own health. 2. Mutual aid or that people do to help each other according to the situation they are living. 3. The creation of healthy environments or environmental conditions that promote health, such as healthy schools that constitute enhancers scenarios the capacities of children, in which health education and health promotion They are educational options for human development and values education in childhood. The health promotion in addition to personal and behavioral considers as more comprehensive strategy for implementation and dissemination...
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...Q35 (10.1) Explain the importance of building children and young people’s resilience, self-confidence and self-esteem It is important for staff to convey confidence and aspiration as this will help to instil confidence and self-belief into the young person. This will enable the young person to go for opportunities in life and feel motivated to make positive decisions. A young person being spoken to and treated in a positive uplifting manner by staff members will also make them feel respected and valued. In our mother and baby unit we regularly praise the mums on how they are coping to instil confidence and help them to believe that they will be able to cope positively when they move into independent living with their baby. Also, whilst observing in our unit, the support workers will reduce support being given in some cases...
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...8 Week Treatment Plan using Expressive Group Therapy working with children who struggle with insecure attachment. What does insecure attachment look like? Attachment can be defined as “an emotional tie with another person, shown in young children by seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress on separation” (Myers, 1998). Early bonding experiences have a significant impact on the developing child and achieving a positive bond is essential to the child’s overall well being later in life. The relationship formed between caregiver and child acts as a template for all subsequent relationships. There are four different patterns of response that are considered to be indicative of child attachment to an adult caregiver; secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-resistant/ambivalent or disorganized /disoriented. Theorist such as John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth and Erik Erikson proposed that during the 1st year of life a working model is forged based on the caregiver/child relationship and lays the groundwork for future interactions. If the child is unable to form a secure attachment to his or her caregiver it can result in problems such as, relating to people, problems accepting care, problems with transitions, lack of conscience, emotional immaturity, and problems with trust and self-esteem. Children who have been severely maltreated, abandoned, raised in orphanages or placed in multiple foster homes exhibit...
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...itself must have the ability to attract and retain highly skilled employees. So, that organization must be able to compare between what employees want and what employers are willing to give. This participatory approach to human resources and the perception of a common understanding among human resources managers and executives offer benefits through flexible and innovative care of their employees. In addition, Samad found in the area of wage surveys, Electronic Applications are paid 5 to 8 percent above the market for various categories of electrical engineers and do not do anything about that based on the informal exit interview system or in others word, higher position for the engineers after working so many years and the junior and younger engineers have gone to the competitors. Then, the structure of the exit interview survey must have their formal set up that in the future will know possible explanations if anything happen. 2. What additional questions should Samad ask or what additional information is needed before proceeding toward a solution to this problem? Why? It’s clear that it’s important to develop a retention plan to retain employees and keep turnover...
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...Unit 4 Keeping children safe Health & safety at work Act 1974 Employers must ensure that the workplace is a safe environment and that posters are in and around the setting to promote this, also they must ensure that all staff members are made aware of this law and given essential information on this. The health and safety policy will be discussed in a staff meeting where they can be written up as a policy in the setting. All staff must follow this policy and work effectively following procedures with care and familiarising health and safety rules to all children. Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous occurrences Regulations 1995 RIDDOR Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement. Passing on this information enables the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authorities, to identify where and how risks arise, and to investigate serious accidents. They are then able to help practitioners with these statuses and provide advice on how to reduce emergencies ,accidents and ill health in the Early Years setting. Control of substances and Hazardous to health Regulations COSSH 1994 control hazardous substances in the setting set by a simple framework. This then prevents Illness to employees and children in a setting. Fire precautions Regulations 1997 The premises must be checked by fire officers before the start of the first term, this gives them a chance to be able to advise the employers what is needed to...
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...P1: Behaviourist Approach. An introduction into this perspective is that it studies how conditioning, reinforcement and social learning influence behaviour. It does this through laboratory experiments and observations. In witch they use animals and humans. It is a scientific approach to measure behaviour and investigate how behaviour is learned. They argue that the environment shapes behaviour. Also argued that genetics and cognition are deemed as unimportant in determining behaviours. There are three main theories to this perspective which are: Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Social learning. Classical conditioning: Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) was working with dogs to investigate their digestive systems; he noticed that one dog began to salivate when Pavlov assistant entered the room with food. Pavlov thought the dog had learned to associate the assistant with food. This meaning food automatically lead to response of salivation, this is called an unconditioned response. The food was the unconditioned stimulus. As the production of saliva was automatic and not learnt. With this, an unconditioned stimulus leads to an unconditioned response. Pavlov then introduced a bell at feeding time, the bell was a conditioned response as the dog then produced saliva on the bell ringing as the dog associated the bell with feeding time. This happened over several trails and then the dog learned this. Eventually it began to salivate when only the bell was rung and no food was...
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...Emerging Crisis: A Lecture about the Psychosocial Perspective of Personality I. Introduction Coon and Mitterer (2013) stated from their book that every life is marked by a number of developmental milestones. Those milestones are notable events, markers, or turning points that affect the development of a certain individual. Some examples of these include graduating from school, reaching your dreams, getting married, getting a job, becoming a parent, retirement, and one’s own death. One of the important things that a person needs to develop is his personality. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, personality is the set of qualities and behaviors that makes a person different from other people. From the definition, lots of questions arise. Some examples are “What makes them different from the other?”, “Why are they behaving like that?”, and “Who am I?” In order to answer those questions, Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development will help to understand the complexity of human personality. Erikson’s ‘psychosocial’ term is derived from two words – ‘psychological’ means mind and ‘social’ means external relationships (Chapman, 2013). According to Ramkumar (2002), Erik Erikson did most of his works during the 1930s to the 1950s as a psychologist. He was fascinated in child analysis. He was the student of Sigmund Freud and he was inspired by his works. From the article of Chapman (2013), Erikson’s psychosocial theory was drawn and was extended from the ideas of...
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...the classroom environment Education plays a significant role in supporting and influencing the healthy development of children. However, teaching is more than just knowing what to teach. Professional teachers must also understand how to teach their students. Therefore, in order to create an effective classroom environment which caters for the diversity of students and their various developmental levels and abilities, teachers are urged to apply a variety of teaching and learning theories. (Marsh, 2008 Ch12, p163). Piaget and Vygotsky presented theories on cognitive and social development which suggested that children often construct their own learning. Bronfenbrenner and Pavlov presented theories relating to behaviour and psychosocial development. Professional teaching requires consideration and understanding of both cognitive and behavioural theories in order to create successful learning opportunities. Piaget and Vygotsky shared the view that children actively construct their own learning outcomes. (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, Ch2, p49). However, they each differed in their concept of how constructivism occurs. Piaget believed that social interaction and experience with the physical environment creates situations for individuals to experience disequilibrium of existing understanding, (cognitive and sociocognitive conflict). Lack of equilibrium encourages the learner to assimilate and/or accommodate existing mental schemes which ultimately leads to a higher level of cognition...
Words: 1915 - Pages: 8
...“loco parentis” - expected to act like a diligent and sensible parent o educator must act in reasonable & responsible manner, respect welfare and safety of learner 10.3 ELEMENTS OF NEGLIGENCE o Negligence failure to act as a reasonably careful o Negligence may occur as result of failure to act when there is a duty to act. I o May occur by acting, but in an improper manner. o Four areas are relevant to the issue of negligence: (1) any action inappropriate to the line of duty (2) breach of duty (3) any action or event causing injury (4) proximate cause 10.4 WHERE NEGLIGENCE MAY OCCUR o the instructional programme o supervision o facilities and equipment o emergency care o transportation 10.5 COMMON SOURCES OF NEGLIGENCE o Physical educators may be found guilty of negligence when they fail to provide proper supervision by: - . neglecting to assist injured learners - . permitting learners to play unsafe games - . not giving adequate instruction - . taking unreasonable risks - . not organising field trips properly 10.6 CONSENT TO THE RISK OF HARM o make it any physical activity involves a certain amount of risk. o does not excuse the educator's responsibility to ensure the safety of participants. o Persons who understand the danger...
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...4222-245understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities (LD 201) Unit 4222-245 outcome 1: understand the legislation and policies that support the human rights and inclusion of individuals with learning disabilities: Identify legislation and policies that are designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities. The Mental Capacity Act 2005: This act was introduced in England and Wales in 2007 and aims to protect the rights of people whose mental capacity is in doubt and people who do not have mental capacity. It provides a framework for making decisions on behalf of the individual. It tells us what to do if we are involved in the care, treatment, support of people aged 16 and over who lack mental capacity to make decisions. The Act states that everyone is assumed to make decisions for themselves unless shown otherwise. If it is not clear whether someone has the capacity to make a decision concerning a specific issue and assessment of their capacity should be carried out. The Mental Health Act 1983: The court of protection exists to safeguard the interests of anyone who is incapable by reason of mental disorder of managing and administrating their property and affair. Anyone found on medical evidence to meet these criteria is known as a patient. The courts duties are normally carried out by appointing a receiver for a patient. The Mental Health Act 1983 gives the court...
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...from any medical issues or diseases; however he is allergic to egg which means that the nursery cook and staff need to ensure that they are extra careful with what they feed him. Overall this isn’t a great concern and other than that he is a healthy boy. Task 1: 1. Education through play: Schools & nurseries offer a wide range of services in order to stimulate the children. It also gives them a chance to interact with others whilst learning and gaining new skills. The most important and one of the main services is education through play. From my experience at Childs Play Nursery which we visited as a school trip, I found out that for young children to enjoy learning they have to physically engage in the activities. This is aimed at all the children who attend Childs Play Nursery as they are given fun, enjoyable and a range of different ways which include educational but also non-education activities. This could include numerous games including counting or learning the alphabet as a song, building blocks and getting them to count as they go along which would improve their numeracy skills. If the...
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