...ADN vs BSN Skilled or Educated For many centuries there has been a long standing debate regarding which type of nurse possesses greater competency or better prepared, an Associate Degree Nurse ( ASN) or the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing( BSN). Many have argued that the ADN prepared education has more bedside skill but lacks critical thinking.(cite) and leadership ability. On the other hand the BSN education is the most prepared to think critically and work in leadership positions. Much of the research has even explored which degree program has a higher potential for hire. As nursing has created this chaos of distinction, there are some that may argue that it is pure rhetoric and then others that have given statistical evidence to how it effects patients outcomes relating to lower mortality rates, decubitus ulcers and pulmonary embolism(cite). Based on the research and evidence found it would be safe to say that, the impact of having a BSN significantly increases the nurses ability to deliver the best patient care due to the sound ability in making critical decisions, perform in higher administrative and leadership roles and increased marketability. According to most studies the ADN who pursues the BSN will benefit because they will become better able to think critically and function in a capacity of leadership and collaborate more effectively as a professional with the interdesciplinary team. Research toots that there is better patient care and patient outcomes when care...
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