Premium Essay

Extended Destruction


Submitted By kendrickpattonid
Words 2574
Pages 11


ENG 201 Composition II

April 15, 2013

Technology has changed significantly over the past 20 years, TV’s are high definition, computers are reaching extreme speeds while staying colder even in tablet to phone form, and entertainment is marketed as virtual data. One of the leading changes in entertainment today is video games. There are now many forms to video games, virtual reality, consoles, PC gaming, simulators, and sports that are now controlled by body in the consumers very own living room. Video games have easily rivaled the video industry and also contribute to movie interests. Movies are being made after video games and games are being made after books, although the biggest and largest difference to the movie industry compared to video games is the after the point of sale distribution. What brings this very large difference between the two is the internet. Once the Internet was introduced to the gaming consoles at large, consumers were given opportunity to extend content. With the industry growing as large as it has and the internet bringing in these new opportunities, there are now politics, large and vocal gaming, and a larger hunger for money just like the video environment. Extended content is destroying the future of gaming and the standard price for digital content should not be set to a fixed full price.
When video games were first introduced they were distributed physically by cartridge and floppy discs. This process included the normal investments like shipping, boxing, box art, booklets, and other added objects or information with the games themselves. Today games are distributed largely as virtual data. With digital data also brought new forms of objectives. The video game industry strives to keep games from being resold to places

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