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Code-switching as a Communication Device in Conversation

Kamisah Ariffin
Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia

Shameem Rafik-Galea
Universiti Putra Malaysia


Like in other multilingual contexts, code-switching has gained a foothold as a verbal mode of communication among Malaysian bilingual speakers. It occurs in both formal and informal contexts of communication. Empirical research has shown that the practice of alternating or mixing languages is not only common, but serves important communication strategies (Heller, 1992; Myers-Scotton, 1992). This study examines the purposes of code-switching and how it is used to achieve the speakers’ communicative intents in Bahasa Melayu (BM)-English bilingual conversations Data were collected through audio-recording of speakers’ speech during organizational training sessions. The data were analyzed according to the situations that triggered the code-switching. The findings show that speakers employed code-switching to organize, enhance and enrich their speech.

Keywords: code-switching, discourse functions, communication device

Code-switching, which may be defined as the alternation between two or more languages in a speaker’s speech, occurs naturally in the scheme of bilinguality. Studies have reported that code-switching often happened subconsciously; ‘people may not be aware that they have switched, or be able to report, following a conversation, which code they used for a particular topic’ (Wardaugh, 1998, p. 103).

However, although bilingual speakers claim that code-switching is an unconscious behavior, research has also shown that it is not a random phenomenon. As attested by Li Wei (1998, p. 156), Sociolinguistics who have studied code switching draw attention to extra-linguistic factors such as topic, setting, relationships between participants, community norms and values, and societal, political and ideological developments influencing speakers’ choice of language in conversation.

Code-switching is, thus, seen as a purposeful activity, that is, there are functions and intentions assigned to this behavior (Gumperz, 1971; Myers-Scotton, 1983; 1988; 1989, Hoffman, 1991). Based on this assumption, this paper investigates how code-switching is used as a device to achieve the communicative intents and serve certain functions in a conversation.

Conversational functions of code-switching
While the nature of code-switching is spontaneous and subconscious, studies have reported that it is actually used as a communicative device depending on the switcher’s communicative intents (Tay, 1989; Myers-Scotton, 1995, Adendorff, 1996). Speakers use switching strategies to organize, enhance and enrich their speech in order to achieve their communicative objectives.

The discourse-enhancing functions of code-switching have been much discussed in the literature. For example, speakers may code-switch to express solidarity and affiliation with a particular group (Gal, 1978; Milroy, 1987). In addition, code-switching can also be use to fill a linguistic or conceptual gap of the speaker (Gysel, 1992). It is seen as a communication strategy – it provides continuity in speech to compensate for the inability of expressions.

Studies have also shown that speakers code-switch to reiterate or emphasize a point (Gal 1979). By repeating the same point in another language, the speaker is stressing or adding more point on the topic of discussion. In addition, code-switching is also used for different pragmatic reasons, depending on the communicative intent of the speakers such as a mitigating and aggravating message (Koziol, 2000), effective production (Azhar & Bahiyah, 1994), distancing strategy (David, 1999) etc.

The present study
Studies on code-switching have moved from the notion that the switching behavior is a compensation for linguistic deficiency in bilingual speakers (Adendorff, 1996; Myers-Scotton, 1995). Code-switching is seen as ‘functionally motivated’ behavior (Adendorff, 1996, p. 389). Being a multilingual country, this sociolinguistic phenomenon is very common in Malaysian speakers’ speech. Studies have shown that it occurs in both formal and informal contexts of communication and has become a normal verbal mode among Malay-English bilinguals (Jacobson, 2004). If code-switching is functionally motivated, a study that investigates the functions of code-switching occurring in Malaysian bilinguals’ communication will, therefore, be meaningful toward the understanding of this phenomenon. This paper examines how code-switching is employed in achieving one’s communicative intent in Bahasa Melayu (BM)-English bilingual conversations during organizational training sessions.

The data from this study came from the audio-recording of speakers’ speech during the organizational training sessions. The subjects were all adult bilingual speakers of BM and English. The recorded speech was transcribed and speech that contained code-switching was identified and extracted. Code-switching was considered to occur when there was a language change in the speakers’ utterances. In this study, the term code-switching encompasses both switching at intersentential and intrasentential levels.

The data were analyzed according to the situation that triggered the code-switching. Situation here means the intentional functions of code-switching that the speakers use to achieve their communicative objectives, that is, how code-switching can convey the speakers’ intent.

To determine the functions of the code-switching, the categories proposed in the research literature were used to examine the representative switches: mitigating and aggravating messages (Koziol, 2000), effective production (Azhar & Bahiyah, 1994), distancing strategy (David, 1999), signaling topic change (Fishman, 1972; Hoffman, 1991), dramatizing key words (Auer, 1988), framing discourse (Koike 1987) and personalizing messages (Koziol, 2000).

Findings and Discussion
The data present a very rich description of speakers’ use of code-switching as a personal communication strategy. The data clearly illustrate how speakers organized, enhanced and enriched their speech through code-switching strategies such as signaling social relationships and language preferences, obviating difficulties, framing discourse, contrasting personalization and objectification, conveying cultural -expressive message, dramatizing key words, lowering language barriers, maintaining appropriateness of context, showing membership and affiliation with others and reiterating messages. These findings are discussed below.

To signal social relationships
Code-switching can also be seen as a tool to indicate the social relationships between the participants. The data illustrate that speakers code-switched either to level the rank or to wield power between the participants.

The following data show that the speaker switched to English pronouns to indicate her strategy to level the rank between her and the participants.
Excerpt 1
|Trainer |: |You all memang. Tak, I kata, yang lain tu. Sebab kalau your branch |1 |
| | |cukup, I rasa dia orang takkan guna you, ok. Sebab kalau you |2 |
| | |betul-betul nak mengajar you kena tau sebab you memang tak pernah buat|3 |
| | |letters langsung. |4 |
| | |(That’s typical of all of you. No, I was referring to the others. If |5 |
| | |your branch does not have enough [lecturers], they won’t ask you to | |
| | |teach [that subject]. You have to have knowledge in it if you want to | |
| | |teach because you haven’t done letters at all) | |

As can be seen clearly, the use of English pronouns was used to show equal relationship between her and the participants of different status, age and familiarity. In Malay speech behavior, it is very important to observe the use of pronouns or forms of address for people of different social roles. This confirms earlier research on Malaysian bilinguals’ communication which reported that the use of English pronouns can avoid rank signaling (Noor Azlina, 1975) and equalize power relations between speakers (Nair-Venugopal, 2000). In addition, the use of English pronouns can also be seen as a deliberate effort to avoid the serious implication of not adhering to the mores of addressing people among the Malays. As exemplified by Asmah (1992) in using BM, a simple error in the use of pronoun or forms of address, or a slip of the tongue in some language act, may not be easily forgiven (p.44).

The analysis of the data shows that speakers code-switched to manifest power. For example, in the following excerpt, the speaker switched to BM when referring the trainer to the subordinate group.
Excerpt 2
|Department |: |Err all of you would have problems – put your problems down because |1 |
|Head | |later, we want to solve it for you. Don’t forget because when he’s |2 |
| | |talking, you’re having ideas, and, and, and, it’s good. Write it |3 |
| | |down, and after, in the correct forum, you bring the problem out, |4 |
| | |OK? Please hold it, so our Encik K ( Mr K) won’t be delayed. |5 |
| | | |6 |
| | | |7 |

The data provide strong evidence in illustrating the existence of power between the participants in the context of interaction. The speaker switched from the language of interaction to BM when referring the trainer, who was also another head of department, as ‘Encik K’ (line 7) to the group, who were considered as the subordinates in the organization. The switch to ‘Encik K’ seemed like a deliberate move to indicate his superiority, thus, this implies a demarcation of power and status between him and the subordinates.

To signal language preference
Studies have also shown that speakers tend to code-switch to fill in the lexical gaps in the language of interaction. The data from the present study confirmed this. Speakers maintained the English terminology for technical jargons and referential terms rather than using the BM equivalence. The analysis shows that such maintenance arises, perhaps due to habitual use of the terms, training received in English, the comprehensibility of the terms in English compared to BM, and the availability of the English terms in the speakers’ linguistic repertoire.

However, a closer look at the data shows that speakers did not only code-switch due to the lack of vocabulary, but rather as a language of preference.
Excerpt 3
|Trainer |: |Objektif penilaian tanah ni ialah kita nak tentukan nilai, market |1 |
| | |value dan juga benefit value. Secara dasarnya, value ni ditentukan |2 |
| | |oleh lokasi tanah yang nak dinilai tu. Macam mana pun, value dan |3 |
| | |potential sesuatu property tu ditentukan oleh lokasi. So what we need|4 |
| | |to understand her is, spatial factors are very significant in making |5 |
| | |any decision regarding land valuation |6 |
| | |(The objective of land valuation is to determine value: market value |7 |
| | |and benefit value.Fundamentally, the value of the land is determined |8 |
| | |by its location ...) |9 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

As can be seen from the excerpt, the speaker’s use of English referential terms such has ‘value’ (lines 2, 5) and land valuation (line 9) was not because of the lack or unfamiliar terms in BM. The BM equivalence, ‘nilai’ (line 4) and ‘penilaian tanah’ (line 1) occurred in his speech. However, it seemed that the English version was preferred as the word ‘value’ was used more compared to ‘nilai’. Romaine (1995, p. 143) points out that, Although it is popularly believed by bilingual speakers themselves that they mix or borrow because they do not know the term in one language or another, it is often the case that switching occurs most often for items which people know and use in both languages. The bilingual just has a wider choice – at least when he or she is speaking with bilingual speakers. In effect, the entire second language system is at the disposal of the code-switcher.

To obviate difficulties
A closer look at the data show that code-switching is far from random. Speakers seemed to code-switch to obviate difficulties in finding the correct referential terms in BM. This can be clearly seen in the following excerpt.
Excerpt 4
|Trainer |: |There are five branches here, why don’t we take turn.. er.. go .. er |1 |
| | |menggubah, er .. menggubah, menggubal, heh, menggubah pulak ya. Alright, |2 |
| | |designing the questions for progress test. |3 |
| | |(.. composing, er, composing, designing, heh, why did I use composing..) | |

The data illustrate evidence that the speaker felt that she faced difficulties in finding the right referential term in BM for the word designing (line 2). The fillers ‘er’ (line 2), show that she was looking for the right word between ‘menggubah’ (composing) and ‘menggubal’ (designing). In BM, these words both have the same meaning as ‘writing’. However, in terms of verb collocation, the former is used for composing songs, while the latter is for designing examination questions or writing constitution. The speaker’s attempt to use the BM equivalence of the term ‘designing’ had caused her confusion as to which term to use. Thus, she decided to revert to the English term as she felt that it was more comprehensible. The word ‘alright’ (line 3) implies that she had given up looking for the right word in BM and the English term would obviate any confusion.

To frame discourse
Another function of code-switching is to attract and hold listeners’ attention. This is done by framing the discourse with the use of conjunctions like ‘so’ and ‘then’, and routines like ‘well’, ‘ok’ and ‘alright’. According to Koike (1987), this type of code-switching normally occurs at boundaries as an intensifying strategy to emphasize the utterance, hold the listeners’ attention and move the action forward. The following is one of the extensive evidence found in the situated discourse.
Excerpt 5
|Trainee |: |So macam mana kita nak masukkan dalam input form? |1 |
| | |(So, what should we put in the input form?) |2 |
| | |. | |
| | |. | |
| | |. | |
| | |Memang kita ada satu proses yang mandatori, buat data verification. | |
| | |So dalam perubahan, kita buat yang inilah, yang terbaru, so kita tak |3 |
| | |terikat dengan data LPH dahulu. Tapi data LPH dulu kita pakai sebagai|4 |
| | |bantuan untuk kumpul stok. Nampak tak? Nak buat pembetulan tak? |5 |
| | |(We do have a mandatory process, that is, data verification. So in |6 |
| | |the changes, this is what we do. This is the latest process, so we |7 |
| | |will not be bound to the previous LPH. However, the previous LPH data|8 |
| | |can help us in collecting the stock. Can you see it? Do we need to do| |
| | |any correction?) | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

As can be seen from the data, the body of the discourse was in BM, framed by the English conjunction, ‘so’ (lines 1, 4, 5). The switches occurred at the beginning of the utterance and were used to capture the audience’s attention before moving on to the topic of discussion.

To contrast personalization and objectification
Code-switching may also be employed to show a contrast between personalization and objectification. A speaker may use a language in talking about his or her personal feelings while using another language in describing facts or objectives. This can be illustrated in the following example.
Excerpt 6
|Trainer |: |So I hope whatever we have discussed here can help you with your |1 |
| | |teaching. … So, saya minta maaf, lah kalau ada salah silap, terkasar |2 |
| | |bahasa tu ya. |3 |
| | |(… Please accept my sincere apologies for my shortcomings, if any). | |

It can be seen that the speaker used English in objective-related utterance (line 1) and BM for the utterance that involved personal feelings (lines 2-3). Fotos (1990) found similar findings in her study on Japanese-English conversational switching among bilinguals. She found that English as a foreign language (EFL) learners tend to talk about their feelings in Japanese and use English for factual, task-related utterances.

To convey cultural-expressive message
Some cultural expressions uniquely belong to a particular language and cannot be expressed in another language. Speakers often switched from the language of interaction when it comes to cultural expressions as they feel that the language will not be able to convey the intended meaning. Excerpt 6 above is a good representation of this.
The concept of apologizing or asking for forgiveness for any shortcomings at the end of any social event is the cultural norm in Malaysia, particularly among the Malays. The phrase ‘saya minta maaflah kalau ada salah silap, terkasar bahasa tu ya’ (lines 2-3) as used by the speaker is a typical utterance for this purpose and it is uttered with sincerity. To say it in another language does not really convey the sincerity and intention of asking the forgiveness. This prompted the speaker to switch from English to BM. This linguistic behavior has also been observed in other communities. For example, Mendieta-Lombardo and Cintron (1995) found that the Spanish community in America would use the Spanish words to ‘express emphatically Hispanic concepts and to evoke emotional and cultural associations that the English correlate would fail to convey’ (p. 567).

To dramatize keywords
The data show that speakers also code-switch for a dramatic effect in order to attract listeners’ attention. It can be represented by the deliberate use of words that can emphasize the speakers’ point, or expressed in the forms of inventive expression as shown in the following excerpts.
Excerpt 7
|Trainee |: |Saya boring betul kalau benda-benda jadi macam ni |1 |
| | |(I really don’t like it when these things happened). | |

The word ‘boring’ in the speakers’ speech does not refer to the speakers’ boredom of what has taken place. This is a unique feature of the local variety, Malaysian English. The word ‘boring’ can be used to express either boredom or dislike. The speaker’s use of this English word within the matrix language, BM, was to highlight his dislike over the matter. Such use resulted in the dramatic emphasis on the situation.

Another dramatic effect can be achieved through the use of inventive expression. The following excerpt shows that the inventive expression occurs in the form of language play.
Excerpt 8
|Trainer |: |May be kita boleh bincangkan, alright, make a schedule. There are five |1 |
| | |cawangans here, cawangans, ya |2 |
| | |(May be we can discuss this, ok.. Draw a schedule. There are five |3 |
| | |branches here, branches) | |
| | |(laugh) | |
|(Chorus) |: | | |

The speaker’s invention of the word ‘cawangans’ (lines 2, 3), which was the pluralism of a BM word (cawangan) into English by adding‘s’, had a dramatic effect on the listeners. As suggested by Jorgenson (2003), such performance in group conversation can have an effect on the listeners; as shown in the data, the appreciation of the language play was indicated by their laughter.

To lower language barriers
Studies have shown that speakers accommodate and take into account other interlocutors’ linguistic factors in designing their speech (Giles & Smith, 1979; Bell, 1984; Giles, Coupland & Coupland, 1991). Speakers may diverge and converge their speech to accommodate the other interlocutors for effective communication.

The data show that code-switching is employed as a strategy to lower the language barriers between the speaker and the audience due to the discrepancy in their language competence. The speaker was more fluent and competent in English compared to BM. The audience, on the other hand, were competent BM speakers and their level of competence in English was only marginal. The following data demonstrate how the speaker used code-switching as a strategy to compromise her own and the audience’s level of competence in BM and English. Code-switching was, thus, seen as device to ensure understanding where she switched only at the topic-related words such as ‘baki’ (line 1), ‘perubahan’ (lines 1, 2) and ‘syarat’ (line 2).
Excerpt 9
|Department Head |: |Her question is under baki. For perubahan, there are certain syarat for |1 |
| | |perubahan. |2 |
| | |(Her question is under balance. For changes, there are certain | |
| | |conditions for changes…) | |

To maintain the appropriateness of context
The analysis of the data was inline with Blom and Gumperz’s (1972) concept of situational switching. The following excerpt illustrates how the trainer switched her language to keep up with the language used by the trainee in order to maintain the appropriateness to the context.
Excerpt 10
|Trainer |: |So kita taulah what are the latest, what are the latest features, what |1 |
| | |are the latest features of technology today, equipment and all that. |2 |
| | |(So, we would know….) |3 |
| | | | |
| | |Assalamualaikum. | |
|Trainee |: | |4 |
| | |Waalaikumsalam. | |
|Trainer |: | |5 |

It is the practice in Islam that when someone greets a person that it is compulsory for that person to give his or her reply. It goes without saying that the Arabic greeting ‘assalamualaikum’ should be replied with ‘waalaikumsalam’. As can be seen from the excerpt, the trainer switched her language of interaction to Arabic in her reply to the trainee’s Arabic greeting as it was the most appropriate thing to do. A Muslim will not answer it in another language as it will not be appropriate and seem absurd.

To show membership and affiliation with others
Speakers also code-switch when they want to establish relationship between them. The following excerpt illustrates the speaker’s effort in enacting a relationship with the others through code-switching.
Excerpt 11
|Trainer |: |Setuju ya? Member kita kat sana tu? |1 |
| | |(All agreed? What about our friend(s) over there?) | |

The speaker did not really know the participants of the training sessions. However, he tried to affiliate himself with the others by using the word ‘member’ when addressing them. The word ‘member’ is widely accepted in the communication of the local people for ‘friend’ (Yen, 1991). The speaker’s choice of the native variety vocabulary indicates his effort in establishing friendship, affinity and solidarity with the participants. Even though he could use the BM word for ‘friend’, his use of the English word seemed as a strategy to show that although he was the superior, he considered the participants as his friends. The English word gave the implication that he had elevated the participants’ status to his level. This is related to the prestige that English brings to its speaker.
To reiterate messages
Code-switching is also used to reiterate messages, which are, repeating what has been said earlier in another language with the intention of making the message clearer and understood.
Excerpt 12
|Trainer |: |If you want to convert it, each the weightage for quizzes is |1 |
| | |fifteen per cent, lima belas per cent. |2 |

It can be inferred from the data that the reiteration of the phrase ‘fifteen percent’ (line 2) was to ensure mutual understanding among the listeners. As a member of the Malay speech community herself, the speaker was aware that Malaysian speakers normally have a problem in differentiating between short and long vowels. This is because BM does not have short and long vowels. Thus, by reiterating the word ‘fifteen’ with ‘lima belas’ the speaker was making sure that everybody in the context of the interaction understood it as ‘fifteen’ not ‘fifty’.

The results of the study have shown that code-switching behavior is not random nor it is seen as a sign of linguistic deficient or inadequacy. Rather, it is a negotiation between language use and the communicative intents of the speakers. Code-switching is employed as a tool to achieve these intents. It is also used to express a range of social and rhetorical meanings. As pointed out by Myers-Scotton (1995), the choices that a speaker makes in using a language are not just choices of content, but are ‘discourse strategies’ (p. 57), that is, the choices are used more to accomplish the speaker’s intents than conveying referential meaning.

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Title : Dr

Name : Kamisah Ariffin

Affiliation : Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia

Address : Universiti Teknologi MARA Academy of Language Studies Lintasan Semarak 26400 Bandar Jengka Pahang Malaysia

Tel: 609-4602154 Fax: 609-4602207


Biographical note:

Kamisah Ariffin is a lecturer at the Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang. She holds a TESOL (Hons) Degree from the University of Southampton, UK and an MA (English) and a PhD from Universiti Putra Malaysia. She has over 17 years of teaching experience and is currently the Coordinator of UPENA (the university’s publication unit) of UiTM Pahang. Her research interests include cross-cultural communication, language choice and ESP. She has published and presented papers locally and internationally in these areas.

Title : Associate Professor, Dr.

Name : Shameem Rafik-Galea

Affiliation : Universiti Putra Malaysia

Address : Department of English Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM SERDANG Selangor D. E. Malaysia

Tel: 00-603-89468778 Fax: 00-603-8943-9914


Biographical note:

Shameem Rafik-Galea (PhD) is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of English, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Her research interests are in Language and Communication, Discourse studies and Materials design and development. She has published and presented papers locally and internationally in these areas.

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Super Toys Last All Summer Long

...Super-toys last all summer long How is artificial love different from the love one human can have for another? And if a robot truly could love a human, what responsibility would that human have towards the robot? Those are just some of the thought-provoking questions Brian Aldiss raises in his short story “Super-toys last all summer long”. Artificial intelligence of that caliber will not be achieved before many years into the future, but with technology still improving day by day, it is not a future further away than we can imagine, and the ethical questions raised are something we will have to take a stand on sooner or later, whether we like it or not. Brian Aldiss shows us a slightly dystopian future in his Science-Fiction short story “Super-toys last all summer long”. It is a world where three-quarters of the world are starving, and the only way of preventing that is to implement population control. This means you cannot have a baby without winning the weekly parenthood lottery, and hereby takes away one of the most basic human instincts, to pass along our genes. Obesity is also a big problem where Monica and Henry live. Even in our time it is a substantial problem, but in the story it seems like they have almost promoted the problem. “I guess there is nobody around this table who doesn’t have a Crosswell, working for him in the small intestine, a perfectly safe parasite tape-worm that enables its host to eat up to 50 percent more food and still keep his or her figurine”...

Words: 645 - Pages: 3

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Why Did Prohibition Last so Long?

...Why did Prohibition last so long? 30 Marks Prohibition of Alcohol in America was introduced in 1920 with the 18th amendment of the constitution and was finally revoked in 1933. Prohibition was always considered a failure, due to the way it was policed, the fact the American people at the time liked to drink and the fact that alcohol was very easily accessible. Therefore the fact it lasted thirteen years, despite it being obvious within the first five that things were not working, seems incomprehensible. There are a number of factors which worked together to make prohibition last as long as it did. The most important being morale reasons behind introducing it at first, but the popularity of prohibition, the time it to repeal a law and the fact it didn’t really affect people’s lives too much also had an effect. Firstly, a reason why prohibition lasted so long was due to morale reasons. Reasons that were used to get the law passed in the first place still stood and people sympathised with them. For example many women’s groups saw alcohol as a means by which men oppressed them, and also though that the money spent on drink could be better used amongst the family with raising children and other general necessities. This attitude didn’t stop during the prohibition years as people were still drinking and hence propaganda regarding prohibition still bore the pictures of families with mothers and children longing for their husbands/fathers to support prohibition. Also drinking alcohol...

Words: 1017 - Pages: 5

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Not Sure

...Fighting the scams, frauds and charlatans The Original T urtle Trading Rules ORIGINALTURTLES.ORG The Original T urtle Trading Rules  2003 T able of Contents Volatility Adjusted Position Units Examples F O R E W O RD 14 14 Free Rules? Are you kidding? 1 The Importance of Position Sizing 15 The Origin of the Free Rules Project 1 Units as a measure of Risk 16 The Ugly Truth about the System Sellers 2 Adjusting Trading Size 17 Rules You Won’t Follow Don’t Matter 3 The Genesis of the Project 3 C H A P TE R F O U R Entries Breakouts The Turtle Experiment C H A P TE R 5 18 Adding Units 19 Consistency I N T R OD U CT I ON 18 20 O N E A Complete Trading System 7 C H A P TE R The Components of a Complete System 8 Stops 21 Markets – What to buy or sell 8 Turtle Stops 21 Position Sizing – How much to buy or sell 8 Stop Placement 22 Entries – When to buy or sell Alternate Stop Strategy – The Whipsaw 23 Benefits of the Turtle System Stops 24 8 Stops – When to get out of a losing position9 F I VE Exits – When to get out of a winning position 9 C H A P TE R Tactics – How to buy or sell 9 Exits 25 Summary 9 Turtle Exits 26 These are Difficult Exits 26 C H A P TE R S I X T W O Markets: What the Turtles Traded 10 C H A P TE R S E VE...

Words: 9727 - Pages: 39

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Poiuyr Copr

...the purchase price. After the merger is completed, the target's stock will be converted into stock of the acquirer based on the exchange ratio predetermined in the merger agreement. The arbitrageur delivers the converted stock into his short position to complete the arbitrage. In an efficient capital market, the price of the target and acquirer will fully and immediately reflect the terms of the merger. However, risk arises from the possibility of deals failing to go through. Such possibility put the risk in the term “risk arbitrage”. Green circle had USD 500 million in AUM with 5% upper bound of position in a distinct investment (or 25 million). Smith arbitrage position was within the bounds or 13.5 million in short Abbot and 12.5 million in long position for Alza stocks. The proportion between Abbot and Alza shares was determined by the appropriate market prices of Abbot and Alza shares and announced exchange ratio of 1.2 Abbot sahres per 1 Alza share under the merger deal agreement. The potential return on investment could be up to 10% (or 19% annualized). Such high potential return on the investment is balance by the risk of deal break. For calculations...

Words: 1196 - Pages: 5

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Ostrich Meat Future Contract

...pound Grade A ostrich carcasses. The daily Price cannot be $0.05/lb. above or below the previous day’s settlement price. 2. i) According to world – ostrich organization (, the current demand for ostrich meat is way far more than supply. Therefore, there will be a constantly increase in the price of ostrich meat. Investors are reluctant to take short positions of ostrich meat futures; however, there would be a lot of people willing to take long positions. Thus, the long positions will be in far excess of short positions. Was the market exist, it would not be balanced. ii) Breeders of the ostrich meat, such as rancher, who tend to avoid the risk of ostrich disease or to offset the rising of feed price, will undertake short position of the future contract. The users of the ostrich meat, such as the food processor, who expect the price to rise, will undertake long position. For example, an investor who expects the ostrich meat to be in excess of demand will long the contract. 3. i) The deliverable grades of the contract are specific, it includes the weight, grade, and the pack standard of the meat, this will help the contract to be better executed. ii) The daily price limit of each contract is 5 cents per pound ($3,000/contract) above or below the previous day’s settlement price (expendable to $0,075/lb) which could secure the loss of both sellers and buyers. 4. i) The trading unit of 60,000 lbs. is not appropriate for a meat...

Words: 1090 - Pages: 5

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...Cover Letter Advice When writing a Cover Letter to send to a potential employer,  try to include the following elements: 1. State what are you applying for eg.  "I am writing to apply for the position of Marketing Assistant..." 2. Say why are you applying for this specific position. eg.  "I am passionate about marketing and feel that this position would enable me to develop my skills further..." 3. Elaborate on why you want to work for this specific company. eg.  "... in your company, to become part of such an iconic brand..." 4. Give some basic pesonal information. eg. "I am a third year ESPEME student at EDHEC Business School, Nice,.." 5. List a few of your best qualities and motivations. eg. "I am highly motivated, hard-working, with great attention to detail..." 6. Let them know that relocation isn't a problem, if the position involves moving to another country or "London is an interesting city, and I would enjoy working in such a vibrant environment..." 7. Specify that you are enclosing (post) or attaching (email) your CV eg; "Please see my attached CV for your consideration..." 8. End the letter hopeful and confident of a response.and ususally signed "Yours sincerely" eg "I look forward to hearing from you." 9. Re-read your Cover Letter and ensure that it is concise, polite and formal. 10. Remember, you need to  try to "stand out from the crowd"!  The person receiving your application may receive hundreds of applications...

Words: 277 - Pages: 2

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Af Formula

...capitalization rate). Liquidity – the ability to convert an asset into cash easily and at fair value * Long position – if you are “Long” a stock, you own it. * Short position -- If you are “Short” as stock, you have shorted it. Order Type | Purpose | Trigger price | Market Order | Trade (buy, sell or short) at current price | N/A | Limit buy | Buy at an attractive price | Below current price | Limit sell | Sell at an attractive price | Above current price | Stop-loss | Limit loss on a long position | Below current price | Stop-buy | Limit loss on a short position | Above current price | * Limits and Stops are called contingent trade orders because the trade is contingent on the price. * Margin percentage = equity/stock * Equity=Assets-Liabilities * For long positions the stock is an asset rf= 30 year treasury (thay E(rm)-rf = MRP) * When the constant growth DDM holds, the stock price will grow at the same rate as dividends * Capital Gains Yield equals ‘g’ * The Expected HPR then is: * Growth Rate: g= ROE * b * b= plowback ratio= (1- payout ratio) * payout ratio = div/EPS * ROE = Net Income/Shareholder’s Equity * The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) defines the relationship between risk and return E(RA) = Rf + A(E(RM) – Rf) * Risk-free rate Analysts and Corporations typically use current market yields on long-term bonds * The expected risk premium of an asset depends on the market risk premium and the...

Words: 537 - Pages: 3

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...1.10 x 0.35 x 2 2x 0.85 cu.m. F.A. 2x 2.31 sq.m. Cutting List To be purchased Converted into Kilograms ALONG SHORT SPAN 2x 12pcs-12mmdia x 1.10m 3pcs-12mmdia x 9.00 24.00 kgs ALONG LONG SPAN 2X 12pcs-12mmdia x 2.20m 3pcs-12mmdia x 9.00 24.00 kgs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F ALONG LONG SPAN 1X 116pcs-10mmdia x 0.30m 6pcs-10mmdia x 6.00 24.00 kgs C-1 2-units (Foundation up to top of Roof Beam Level) Volume 0.15 x 0.40 x 6.60 x 2 2x 0.40 cu.m. F.A. 2x 7.26 sq.m. C Concrete : cu.m. F.A. : sq.m. Structural Grade 33 : Intermediate Grade 40 : S-1 Volume 0.115x 3.45x 4.40 1x 1.75cu.m. F.A. 17.00 sq.m. Cutting List To be purchased Converted into Kilograms Remarks Along Short span Excess 1x 34pcs-12mmdiax 3.45m 17pcs-12mmdiax 7.50m 113.27 kgs 1x 8pcs-12mmdiax 2.10m 2pcs-12mmdiax 9.00m 16.00 kgs Extra Bars Along Short span 1x 88pcs-12mmdiax 1.00m 15pcs-12mmdiax 6.00m 80.00 kgs Along Long span 1x 27pcs-12mmdiax 4.40m 13 1/2pcs-12mmdiax 9.00m 111.93 kgs 4.60m 1x 6pcs-12mmdiax 2.50m 2pcs-12mmdiax 7.50m 13.33 kgs Extra Bars Along Long span 1x 64pcs-12mmdiax 1.20m 13pcs-12mmdiax 6.00m 69.29 kgs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

Words: 645 - Pages: 3

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Parking Lot Research Paper

...If you just had a new parking lot poured for your business, you probably want your investment to last. Here are some things that you need to pay attention to over the years in order to make sure that you get as many years as possible out of your new parking lot. #1 Always Clean Up Debris One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your new parking lot is by keeping it clean. Don't let dirt, weeds, leaves and trash build up and accumulate in your parking lot. This type of debris can get into cracks in your pavement and cause them to expand. Leaving debris sitting for an extended period of time can also damage the surface of your parking lot. Assign an employee to sweep and clean your parking lot at least once a week. Keeping your parking lot clean will prolong its life....

Words: 466 - Pages: 2

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...The topic I choose to research on is the effect of short selling on economy. Short selling is when an investor borrows shares of trading security fro his or her brokers, sell the stock immediately, and use the proceeds to buy back the stock at a lower price. Essentially, it is a way for investor to profit when the price of a trading security goes down. Since I am finance major, this topic is highly relevant to me an I want to know more about it.             I first used Google to search for information about short selling. I used the search terms “short selling article.” Google returned a large amount of links, mostly website explaining and discuss the concept of short selling. Many popular articles about the topic showed up. However, when I tried to find scholarly article about the topic, the results were very limited. Most of time, it took me to a site with an abstract of scholarly articles. I then tried using a search limiter such as putting quotation marks around “short selling” and “scholarly articles.” All it returned were sites that want me to pay for the scholarly articles. I guess using Google is great when one needs to get acquainted with new topic and read popular articles, but is very ineffective in find scholarly articles that are relevant to a topic.              Next, I tried using a meta-search engine call called Dogpile. Dogpile displays the combined results from general search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex. The results were much more comprehensive...

Words: 1056 - Pages: 5

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Ipm Ch22

...BUS 415: Investment and Portfolio Management SPRING 2011, AUBG Quiz 1(a) 1. If you place a stop-loss order to sell 100 shares of stock at $55 when the current price is $62, how much will you receive for each share if the price drops to $50? A. $50 B. $55 C. $54.87 D. Cannot tell from the information given Answer B. The broker will sell at current market price, after the first transaction at $55 or less. 2. You wish to sell short 100 shares of XYZ Corporation stock. If the last two transactions were at $34.12 followed by $34.25, you can sell short on the next transaction only at a price of: A. $34.12 or higher B. $34.25 or higher C. $34.25 or lower D. $34.12 or lower Answer B. 3. If you buy 100 shares at $20 per share with 50% margin, the cash you must put in your brokerage account is _______________. A. $2,000 B. $1,500 C. $1,000 D. $500 Answer: C 50% = (100*20 – L) / (100*20) Liability =1000 Initial Cash outlay = 1000 4. If you originally bought 100 shares at $20 per share with 50% margin, and the price of the security falls to $15 per share, your margin now is ____________________. A. 100% B. 67% C. 50% D. 33% E. 0% Answer: D 50% = (100*20 – L) / (100*20) => Liability = 1000 Margin = (100*15 - 1000) / (100*15) Margin = 33% 5. Suppose you short sold 100 shares of DIS at $40 per share, and that the broker required 50% margin. On the next day...

Words: 499 - Pages: 2

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...Julius Chen George Chiu Armen Odadjian Mengyang Wu FBE459: Stock-Trak End of Semester Report Our portfolio had a return of +6.97% as of November 28th compared with a +3.86% return on the S&P 500 in the same time period. We ended with a Sharpe Ratio of 4.30 and portfolio beta of 0.23. Over 136 trades, we employed various option strategies, longed and shorted equities, speculated on commodities with futures, and invested in fixed income securities. Listed below are a few highlights and in-depth analysis of the strategies that we used. Protected Put Ticker | Position | Cost | Strike | S0 | ST | Profit/Loss | MU | Long | | | 30.61 | 34.30 | +$369.00 | | Buy Put | 1.72 | 31 | 30.61 | 34.30 | -$172.00 | DVN | Long | | | 59.02 | 67.20 | +$818.00 | | Buy Put | 1.60 | 57.5 | 59.02 | 67.20 | -$160.00 | SSYS | Long | | | 116.63 | 102.42 | -$1,421.00 | | Buy Put | 6.70 | 115 | 116.63 | 102.42 | +588.00 | *where S0= price at position open and ST=price at position close On October 22, we entered into three protect put strategies for Micro Technology (semiconductor maker), Devon Energy Corp. (energy company), and Stratasys, Ltd. (3-D printer maker). Our team believed that each company would outperform their peers in their perspective industries. Each company, however, operates in volatile industries. The semiconductor industry suffers from cyclical demand and producers often see margins slashed due to constant price wars. The stock prices of energy companies often...

Words: 3188 - Pages: 13

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Martingale Asset Management

...funds strategy. Also known as the short extension strategy, the 130/30 is basically investing long 130 $ for each 100 $ of equity and take a short position on 30$. Based on the results of a previously published research, stock portfolios with low volatility have been showing persistent low volatility in the ensuing years as well. On top of that, these same portfolios showed comparable returns to the broad based stock indexes like the S&P 500 and the Russell 1000. Jacques wants to exploit this strategy in their investment portfolios. An investor considering a 130/30 fund should weigh several factors: • What is the exact size of the short position, and any additional portfolio constraints?: Managers may attempt larger shorting ratios as they become better at identifying investment opportunities, but this also leads to a larger emphasis on management skill and potentially greater market risk. • How large is the historic tracking error rate?: Larger shorting ratios lead to a larger tracking error, or a deviation of the portfolio from the market performance. Does the fund exceed the typical 3-4% tracking error? • What are the tax implications created by the fund?: Are funds being borrowed or only obtained through short sales to cover the extra-long position? Funds that borrow money for the long position incur additional tax liability. • Are there enough dividends in the long position to cover the short dividend obligation?:...

Words: 455 - Pages: 2

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Tony Loton Stop Orders. a Practical Guide

...Tony Loton STOP ORDERS A practical guide to using stop orders for traders and investors Hh Stop Orders A practical guide to using stop orders for traders and investors by Tony Loton HARRIMAN HOUSE LTD 3A Penns Road Petersfield Hampshire GU32 2EW GREAT BRITAIN Tel: +44 (0)1730 233870 Fax: +44 (0)1730 233880 Email: Website: First edition published in Great Britain in 2009 by Harriman House. Copyright © Harriman House Ltd The right of Tony Loton to be identified as the author has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. 978-1-906659-28-8 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publisher. This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written consent of the Publisher. Printed in the UK by CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person or corporate body acting or refraining to act as a result of reading material in this book can be accepted by the Publisher, by the Author, or by the employer...

Words: 50326 - Pages: 202