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Extended School Hours

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The school board is considering adding an hour and a half to the school day. There would be several negative effects if the school board extends the school day by one and a half hours. It would cause scheduling conflicts with out of school activities, students would be more drained at the end of the school day, and it may cause conflicts with sports in other districts. For these reasons, the school day should not be extended by one and a half hours.

The school would have to spend more money if they decide to add one and a half hours to the end of the school day. Teachers would work longer hours and be paid more. This reason alone would be a significant increase in the spending of the school. There would have to be more materials because the students can’t sit for an extra one and half hours and not have work. Extra staff is also something that would have to be thought about because if there is an extra class added there has to be a teacher to teach it. The utility bills would be alot higher …show more content…
Travel/wreck sports practices will have to be later and that might cause students to not get enough sleep. Families may not be able to pick up students from schools because of their work. Student will not have enough daylight to play outside and get exercise and will have to spend all their time doing homework. An extra hour and a half will cut into quality family time and families might become more distant. There will be less time for homework and if the extra hour and a half isn’t being used for homework there may not be enough time for students to do homework and get a good night's sleep. Sporting events in school will be a mess because schools in other districts may not get out the same time as us. Finally, bus drivers may be harder to find and they will be upset because they will have to stay out longer than they are used

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