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Shorter School Days Research

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Shorter School Days
Beep, beep, beep. It’s 6 am, time to wake up for school! Do you like waking up at 6am to go to school? How about not getting enough sleep every night? Are you tired of being tired all day, everyday because of school? Having shorter school days would improve grades and improve attitudes in the mornings. Studies show minds don’t start up until about 9 am. So why should we start school so early?
Children between the ages of 12 to 18 need about eight hours of sleep each night and sometimes even nine. From research, only about 8 percent of teens report optimal sleep, and 69 percent report insufficient sleep. “I’ve gone through bouts of depression’ from too much homework”, another student says. Most teens get assigned 17.5 hours …show more content…
“By reducing the time, students wouldn’t be as distressed and uninterested about going to school, meaning that grades would raise a significant amount.” If school days were shorter, there would be less homework for kids, therefor they would focus on the homework that they have that day.
Students should focus on other activities. “In fact, most colleges require a wide variety of activities for incoming freshman students. But these important activities are often squeezed out by time in school and with homework.” So, if school days were shorter, they would be able to focus on extra-curricular activities. Less time in school could give students a wide range of opportunities to explore other activities like school clubs, sports, clubs, theater or volunteering.
Students would want to go to school if there were shorter school days. They wouldn’t be cranky when they wake up because they know that they could get through the day because its shorter. “Although many critics are concerned that longer school days would negatively affect children's attention spans, Tulane's study revealed that they were actually better behaved, more attentive and exhibited better attitudes under the new system.” They would want to go to school because they will have extra time to do everything they want and not worry about not having time to do those things. They wouldn’t act up and they will have overall better attitudes about school in the long

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