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Honor Code Research Paper

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Honor policies within school systems have faced mere judgements of rants from the student body due to the overwhelming strict ideas enforced. Students who seem to be completing their own work at their best ability are under a shadow of deceit and pure lies. This current development has been growing at a rapid rate due to the easiness of prior work from alumni within grasp of the suspected students. Computer access is one of the leading causes for plagiarizing in the new generation, copying is usually an effort which has been deteriorated during these preceding years since the results are staggering and punishments increasing as the cycle rages on. Therefore, school administrators and student officials should take in data results from questionnaires …show more content…
Such as in my case our school has a organized student body that goes over the mandated rules and sees if these designated ideas are necessary at all in current day issues pertaining to us as a whole. But with the case of the honor code we have made no changes to the organized set of rules, it is that simple. First, the school gives each student a compact to which both parent and child read before signing an agreement to the school, by this the school is notified that you understand what you're going up against if you end up breaking a rule especially an honor code. Second, our teachers gives us a syllabus usually every semester if not just the beginning of our return from summer vacation, the paper indicates the honor code again to allow us as students to pretty much have a clear comprehension of how strict copying,cheating, or plagiarizing is towards our future.In the basis of know how it should not come to a suprise if you get caught cheating you recieve a consequence as expressed in the set guidelines given to you from the beginning of the school year. As expressed, “It’s not like we’re saying we hate you, it’s just that we have standards here...” (Kahn) The same interpretation is usually given off to the teachers from the students once they are caught. Usually at the same time it has to …show more content…
Therefore, since the rules are set off in an organized, cleared, and partnership matter it shouldn’t come to a surprise to the victim that they will have to face their consequence for either copying,plagiarizing, or cheating since the results were foreshadowing. Sometimes students may voice out their opinions to the student body for help which sometimes works out, but at the end of the day at my school we talk about other necessary topics such as headphone policies or uniform checks instead of the wishes of a few wrongful students. Similar, “ This section was revised to require a pledge of honor at

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