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P2 Unit 4 Business

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Plan Market Research Assessment no 1


David and his wife has their own four business .Firstly they started D.A garden supplies business on main road opposite to a small suburban shopping centre .In garden and nursery business David supervise the nursery and Alison does the bookkeeping and oversees the landscaping projects. They also employed two full time employees and a part time landscaping consultant and two part time cashiers for garden supplies business .Furthermore after passing 8 years of their nursery and garden business they started one more business of café inside the nursery .For this new business they has appointed an additional part time staff member who works over lunch time and weekends. Moreover on …show more content…
There are multiple methods to address the current issue .We can resolve it by improving advertisement methods ,by knowing the needs of customers so that we can please them and last but no least by providing better and luxurious facilities to the customers as compare to the competitor.

How market research can contribute to the success of the D.A garden supplies?

Market research can helps David to bring its business back on track. Market research can help David in knowing their competitors .Furthermore it also helps David in knowing the customers behavior regarding to the market products. Market research can also help David in increasing his products quality. What are the research needs of D.A garden supplies?
1 A team should assigned to complete the research work. 2 Time period must be decided to complete the research and after that try to resolve the problems which came out after the research.3 try to gather information about location and close by shops.

4 Information on what kind of people live that area. What are the relevant legislations and key provisions applicable to D.A garden supplies?
1 Environment protection Act 2015 2 Equal Opportunities Act

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