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Monitoring Kids Research Paper

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Do you trust your kids is a question most parents think. In this generation kids want more privacy and the parents want to monitor what there kids are doing. Privacy is something almost every teenager wants. “The author of BIG MOTHER IS WATCHING YOU, Shulevitz, Judith” says that parents are using apps and other technology to spy on their kids and she disproves the spying on kids. I believe that parents are doing the right thing by spying on their kids because kids in this generation cannot be trusted. Here are few reason why I believe that parents have the right to monitor their kids

One reason why I believe parents have the right to monitor their kids is because today’s teenagers cannot be trusted. This generation teens have more privacy than any other generation. At young age kids are given cell phones and other …show more content…
Parents are always trying to make sure kids are not doing anything bad and it they are, parents always want to correct their kids. For example author Shulevitz quoted “I learned that lesson this month, when Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Florida, arrested two girls for the online bullying of a seventh-grader who committed suicide”. While bullying is bad, cyber bullying is worse and if parents don’t monitor what their kids are doing on the Internet, it can lead to the same situation above. Here is another example that supports the monitoring of kids, Sheriff Grady charged the two girls with aggravated stalking, but blamed their parents for not "doing what parents should do." And what should they have done? Smash each girl's cell phone "into a thousand pieces in front of that child," he said. "Watch what your children do online," he added. Sheriff Grady implies that parents really need to watch what their children are up to and prevent this kind situation from ever

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