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Benefits Of Year-Round Schooling

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Words 1148
Pages 5
Danielle Poling
Dr. Wenzler
Freshman Honors English
18 April 2017
In the article, “Should American Schools Go Year Round?” Sindhu Nair suggests the current academic calendar is past its time:
This schedule was established when the United States was still a largely agrarian nation. At that time, this system was implemented because children were often needed to work in the fields during the summer. Since those reasons no longer make sense in this modern world, many people are advocating a shift away from this ‘antiquated’ nine month school year in favor of year round education.
Used in most American schools, the current school calendar, designed in the late 1800’s, no longer meets the …show more content…
Schools could be in session for sixty days with twenty days off, or ninety days in school with thirty days off (“Research Spotlight”). Both of these systems are very common in year-round schools. Having school for nine consecutive months can be very strenuous and overwhelming for some students. Teachers are constantly cramming in tests, lessons and projects at the last minute. For this reason, students start to lose attention, and begin to turn in average or below average work because they do not care. Nair states “in the early 1900s, American schools began experimenting with year-round schedules, but the idea didn’t really become popular until the past two decades.” Studies have shown that not only do students grades increase with school all year, but their stress declines and their attitude improves. “Year Round Education” finds that students want to take extra classes between sessions and strive to do better in …show more content…
2012, Accessed 17 Mar. 2017.
Marlan, Tori. “Taking Notes on Japanese Schooling.” EBSCO Industries Inc, 2017, Accessed 13 Mar. 2017.
McMillen, Bradley. “A Statewide Evaluation of Academic Achievement in Year- Round
Schools.” EBSCO Industries, 2017, Accessed 17 Mar. 2017.
Nair, Sindhu. “Should American Schools Go Year Round?” Teachers Alliance, 2017, Accessed 10 Mar.
“The Pros and Cons of Year-Round School.” Scholastic Inc, 2017, Accessed 9 Mar. 2017.
“Research Spot-Light on Year-Round Education.” National Education Association, 2015, Accessed 9 Mar

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