Introduction Paragraph The comforting sound of winter break for example, a week long period where you can catch up and enjoy the time off. Who wouldn’t love having more days off during the school year? Year-round schooling allows schools to have a two week long break every month and a half. The traditional school year requires students to attend school, with two breaks, until summer. Year-round schooling allows students to have a more flexible schedule. Every school should switch to year-round schooling because it allows students to retain memory, have intercessions at the most vital times, and provide a stress-free learning experience.
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An important part of performing well in school is retaining material obtained throughout…show more content… Summer school takes place in the summer for traditional schools, which doesn’t help students in an effective way. The California Department of Education stressed how “Intersessions take place more frequently, remediation can occur in sequence, offering to help a student in a timely manner.” All the breaks throughout the year give students a chance to catch up. Also, Amanda Morin, a school-age children expert, explained how intersessions throughout the year could “possibly decrease retention rates and decrease the need to include summer school in local budgets.” Not only would intersessions help retain memory, they would also save some of the school’s budget by excluding the need for summer school. The National Education Association also stresses how having intercessions at the times where the students need it is vital in order to improve a student's academic ability. Intersessions will allow students to learn the material needed to be made up at the time it is important. Why should students have to wait until summer, when the information isn't important…show more content… Year round schooling also allows families to plan vacation time more effectively. Tracy Heubner, representing Educational Leadership, expresses how having more time off will lead to less stress, which will improve a student's academic ability. Stress can become dangerous if it is not lowered, but year-round schooling will help to lower one's stress level. Having frequent breaks will help families plan vacation according to what works best for them. For example, Amanda Morin states that “Vacation time can be more evenly distributed throughout the year, making it easier to schedule family vacations and give students opportunity to regenerate more frequently.” Vacation is usually a time for people to relax. When students relax and lower their stress levels, they can come back to school more prepared and ready to learn. Not only would year round schooling lower students stress, but it will also lower teachers stress. Many students can agree that when a teacher has a positive attitude, the students also get excited to learn. The California Department of Education stressed how when teachers receive more breaks, they can plan the curriculum seasonally, and not have to worry about students forgetting material over summer break. Overall, year round schooling provides a positive and stress-free environment for both students and teachers.