Premium Essay

Facebook- Winning the World


Submitted By Hamshari
Words 3751
Pages 16
Facebook: Winning the world
Or has it already been won? | AbstractThis project aims to analyze the factors contributing to Facebook’s success in the social network industry and what competitive advantages they have that outperform other social network rivals.
Anas Hamshari & George Khunjgurua
European School of Economics - International Strategic Management – Professor Angelo Arcuri |

Facebook: Winning the world
Or has it already been won? | AbstractThis project aims to analyze the factors contributing to Facebook’s success in the social network industry and what competitive advantages they have that outperform other social network rivals.
Anas Hamshari & George Khunjgurua
European School of Economics - International Strategic Management – Professor Angelo Arcuri |

Executive summary.

2. Introduction. (ANAS)
3. Mission & Vision Statements. (GEORGE)
3. Strategic Vision. (GEORGE)


4. Competitive Advantages. (GEORGE)
8. Summary of Competitive Advantages. (GEORGE)
8. Other success factors of Facebook. (GEORGE)
11. PEST. (ANAS)
13. Porter’s five forces. (ANAS)
15. Exploration & Exploitation. (ANAS)
16. Red and Blue Ocean Strategies. (ANAS)


19. Final Conclusion. (ANAS)


21. Reference.


Among social networking organizations, Facebook is one of the most talked about and the most popular choice for people around the world. It was officially founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and by 2011 there had been over 800 million registered users, making Facebook the biggest and most widely used social networking website around the globe. With a 90% of revenue coming in from marketing activities and 10% coming from sales commissions, Facebook reported a $1.27 billion income for the year 2011. The total value of Facebook

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