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Factors That Affects the Study Habits of Students


Submitted By sheenarosas
Words 2593
Pages 11

Students taking a scholarship examination inside a classroom in 1940
Ancient China was the first country in the world that implemented a nationwide standardized test, which was called the imperial examination. The main purpose of this examination was to select for able candidates for specific governmental positions.[4] The imperial examination was established by the Sui Dynasty in 605 AD and was later abolished by the Qing Dynasty 1300 years later in 1905. England had adopted this examination system in 1806 to select specific candidates for positions in Her Majesty's Civil Service,modeled on the Chinese imperial examination. This examination system was later applied to education and it started to influence other parts of the world as it became a prominent standard (e.g. regulations to prevent the markers from knowing the identity of candidates), of delivering standardized tests.

Influence of World Wars on Testing

Both World War I and World War II made many people realize the necessity of standardized testing and the benefits associated with these tests. One main reason people saw the benefits was from the Army Alpha and Army Beta tests, which were used during WWI to determine human abilities. Alongside the Army Alpha, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale "added momentum to the testing movement."[5] Soon after, colleges and industry began using tests to help in accepting and hiring people based on performance of the test.

Another reason more tests began to come forth was that people were realizing that the distance between secondary education and higher education was widening after WWII. In 1952, the first Advanced Placement (AP) test was administered to begin closing the gap between high schools and colleges.[6]

Modern-day use of tests[edit]

Some countries such as the United Kingdom and France require all their

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