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Facts About Abortion Research Paper

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1) "U.S. Abortion Statistics." Facts About Abortion:. N.p., 28 July 2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2014. <>. is a website that essentially advocates for the end of abortion. It is a site that puts tons and tons of information about abortion to educate the misled and the ones without much knowledge on the issue. It offers a general education to people of various ages but really wants to target young adults, being that is the main age group committing the acts. It also pro-vides its own clothing brand furthering the awareness of abortion. From analysis of this particu-lar source I noticed that they seem to have a strong sense of christian beliefs and religion. It states that Abort73 goes and exhibits at Christian music festivals …show more content…
BBC formally stands for British Broadcasting Corporation. It is UK based but is still an international public service broadcasting company. It is the oldest and largest broadcaster in the world. As a source of my paper, the abortion ethics guide is very beneficial for the simple fact that it holds a lot of useful information, contradicting perspectives on the issue and objective wording.

4) Moss, Debra C. "'Fathers' Rights' Sought: Men Ask Courts to Give Them a Voice in Abortion Decisions." ABA Journal. 74.7 (1988). Print. This fairly short article composed by Debra Cassens Moss is a telltale sign that there are men in this world who really care to have their voice considered when it comes to keeping the baby or getting an abortion. It gives the situations of three different men in three different cases but with the very same result. These men came to the courts to ask for a vetoing power in abor-tion decisions but make little to no progress. It is said that the woman who physically bears the child is the one who is immediately affected and with that, the decision of the mother is the one that is looked at with higher

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