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Family Interview Essay

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1. I interviewed my mother, Crystal.
2. She was born in 1957. Crystal is a 59 year-old female.
3. Crystal received a Bachelor of Fine Arts. She currently works full-time at Transamerica as an Indexing Specialist.
4. Her current family structure is a two-parent household, with her husband, and four children. Two kids are married, one moved back home, and the other (me) is in college.
5. For most of her life, she grew up in rural Iowa. In her childhood she grew up on the farm. Once she got married she moved around different cities such as Waterloo and Cedar Rapids, finally landing in a small-town of approximately 1,3000 people.
1. Crystal says both parents participated in raising her, however with unequal roles. Her mother was the main caretaker as the stay …show more content…
Several goals come to Crystal’s mind looking forward to the next two to five years. Personally, she hopes to lose weight, eat healthy, and exercise more to increase her energy level, have a high self-esteem, and to live longer. She currently does not have educational goals unless she needs more for her job. She desires to find an exciting and suitable job that she can stay with until retirement. A few of her family goals include spending as much time with grandchildren as possible, with her parents in their waning years, so she has no regrets, and to go on a big family vacation in a few years. She wants to get involved with other activities to widen her circle of friends, since it has gotten smaller since her children grew up. Finally, spiritually, she wants to join more church activities in addition to reading the Bible regularly and attending church weekly.
6. If she could go back in time, she would have listened to her mother and go to Hawkeye Tech for commercial art instead of her chosen college. She says it did not prepare her well in the art field. She does note consider her current job as a career, and would need to be reeducated in art with all the new technological changes over the

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