...Date: March 14, 2016 To: GM Leadership From: Jordan Adams Subject: Avoiding Discrimination In 1984 General Motors reached a settlement with EEOC for $42.4 million. At the time, federal officials said it was the largest employment discrimination case to be settled outside of court. GM stated that they will be promoting women and minorities from within the company. General Motors must treat women and minorities as equal as they treat the men. By law they are required to treat everyone equal, and when they don’t, they have a risk of causing a law suit. GM needs to provide resources for all people to have access to, so they can gain knowledge of the company’s policies and practices. Not only does General Motors promise to promote women and minorities, they go above and beyond by providing an additional $15 million primarily towards minorities, and women to help send employees to college to help provide for their families. According to the New York Times “Members of the "affected class," the blacks, women and Hispanic employees, are to be given preference in the distribution of the education assistance funds.” On top of that, they also provided nearly $9 million in training for 250 women and minorities to give them better opportunities with the company. General Motors has gone above and beyond since they agreed to treat each other equally. GM has created a company who is focused on treating each other with respect and equality they deserve. Employees have taken it...
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...Pooja Iyer 1228 California Ave, Apt#B301, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 49006. poojaiyer.mani@wmich.edu +1-269-365-3547 SUMMARY Highly organized and motivated student seeking work at an organization where my design and technical skills can be used to the fullest for the promotion of work at the organization. Academic Background Masters of Science in Engineering, Teaching Assistant, CGPA:3.25 Expected Graduation: Dec 2016 Western Michigan University (WMU)- College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CAES) Kalamazoo, MI Major: Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Technology in Engineering, CGPA:7.3 June 2014 Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, India PAPER PUBLICATIONS * “Exhaust gas Emission Revelations During the Study of Performance of Pongamia oil as Bio diesel” in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology(IJERT) - Vol. 2 Issue 8, August – 2013, ISSN: 2278-0181 * “Design and Fabrication of Solar Electric Scooter” in International Journal of Research in Engineering and Sciences(IJRES)- Vol.2 Issue 5, May- 2014, ISSN (Online): 2320-9364, ISSN (Print): 2320-9356 * Presented a paper on the “Mechanisms used in an aqua robot and efficient ways of building it to increase the efficiency of the bot” in Technofest 2012. Gurunanak Institute of...
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...asdfasfasfasdfasfasfsd asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfsdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfa asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs asfdfs dfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfasdfasfasfasdfdfsdfa afs f asdf as fasf afs f asdf as fasf afs f asdf as fasf afs f asdf as fasf afs f asdf as fasf afs f asdf as fasf...
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...uiaiuf aiusd fas d fasf aosfa sidufashfads f aius dfas af iasdifuasiuf ai usf af aisf ias fiuasdf aios fias fioas fo as fas fashf asdi fais fais fasoiduf aisodf ais fias f iads fiaisu df Hello!!skvaknvosanf fasoid osa vsap vuasn vo hsf sd fos afi asfisdfads fsadfhuas uduasd iasd a aih fia iufhfiua si fasifas ia fiasf asfafi asiuf asf iuasfiua sa s iua isaf uiaiuf aiusd fas d fasf aosfa sidufashfads f aius dfas af iasdifuasiuf ai usf af aisf ias fiuasdf aios fias fioas fo as fas fashf asdi fais fais fasoiduf aisodf ais fias f iads fiaisu df Hello!!skvaknvosanf fasoid osa vsap vuasn vo hsf sd fos afi asfisdfads fsadfhuas uduasd iasd a aih fia iufhfiua si fasifas ia fiasf asfafi asiuf asf iuasfiua sa s iua isaf uiaiuf aiusd fas d fasf aosfa sidufashfads f aius dfas af iasdifuasiuf ai usf af aisf ias fiuasdf aios fias fioas fo as fas fashf asdi fais fais fasoiduf aisodf ais fias f iads fiaisu df vv Hello!!skvaknvosanf fasoid osa vsap vuasn vo hsf sd fos afi asfisdfads fsadfhuas uduasd iasd a aih fia iufhfiua si fasifas ia fiasf asfafi asiuf asf iuasfiua sa s iua isaf uiaiuf aiusd fas d fasf aosfa sidufashfads f aius dfas af iasdifuasiuf ai usf af aisf ias fiuasdf aios fias fioas fo as fas fashf asdi fais fais fasoiduf aisodf ais fias f iads fiaisu df Hello!!skvaknvosanf fasoid osa vsap vuasn vo hsf sd fos afi asfisdfads fsadfhuas uduasd iasd a aih fia iufhfiua si fasifas ia fiasf asfafi asiuf asf iuasfiua sa s iua isaf uiaiuf aiusd fas d fasf aosfa sidufashfads...
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...Essaydasffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Saf As Fas Fa Sf Saf Sa Fsa F Sa Fa F As Fa Sf As F Sa Fas F Sa Fsa F Sa F As Fas F Asf Sa Fas F Sa Fsa F As Fsa F As Fsa F Sa Fsa Fsa F Saf As Fsaf Safsafas fsa fasf a fasf asfa as fasfsafasf safa fas fsaf af asf asfasf asf asf asfasfa fas fasfsafa asfa fasfa fa fasfads fa df dsf ds f dsf s fsd f sdf sd fsd f dsfds fjsd fje kfj ewkjf ewkjf wke fkwe fkew kfj ewfkew fk ewf ewk fkwe fkjew kjf ewf ewkjf kjewfew kjf ewf ew few kjfw jewfkjew kjf ewf kjew fkew few fkjew kjfew kf ewf ewkf ewk fkew fkew kj ewkjf ewkjf ewf wekj fkjew fkew few fkjew kjf ewkf ewk fkew fkjew fekew fkew fkjew kjfew kjf ewf ewkjf kjew fkjew fkjew fkjew fkew kjfew kfewkjf kjew few fkew kjf ewkf ewf wef kewj fkwje fkew fkew kjf ewkjf ewkjf wekjf ewk fkwe fkjew fkjwe ef kjew fkew fkew kf kew fk ewf ew few few few few few few few few fwefewfwe few f ew f ew f ew f ew f ew f we f ew fewf ew f e few f ew f ewf ewf ew f ew f ew few fw ewf ew few f ewf ew f ew f ewf ew few f ew f ew f ew few few f ew few f ew f ewf ew f ew f ewf M.G. is an 8-year-old boy who has been brought to the emergency department by his parents with a fever of 104º F, lethargy, headache, and stiff neck. Laboratory analysis of a spinal tap demonstrates increased white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Discussion Questions 1. What is the most likely cause of M.G.’s signs and symptoms? What is the origin and pathogenesis? What...
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...The age range wasn’t really far apart from 21 up to 22 I would say a normal college student’s age. All races came out saying Caucasian on skin color but a few said they come from like Norway ancestry or that they were mixed Irish/German descent as well. Genders consisted two females and three males. The places of birth all but two was from around Chicago area the other two-birth place of Peoria, IL and Peru, IL. But even though they are all from Illinois the closer they are to southern Illinois views can change the farther south you go. You can see the difference in people from having family down Southern Illinois I would know. The only one that had really anything to say for Kelsey and how FASF has opportunities for students that are non-Caucasian. The others didn’t really have any experiences against their race. When it can to the disadvantages it was mostly where you come from you tend to be stuck there unless you have money to move out of a neighborhood that they are in now. Nothing really on differences other then maybe how today’s age groups are more excepting to different races then the older generations. Non-white people they can talk about their race and other races just fine, but if a white person talks about other races and theirs they have a fear of being called racist. All of the interviews agreed that on campus every non-white race has a building but whites and if they did it would be considered the KKK. Most of the people that I interviewed are majors in...
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...asdfsdfzdfsdfSDf sdf sd fasfs;l’fksd;lfkldgkewgjoiwekgdg;lskdgjklsdjglksdjglksdjglsdfjglksdjglsd;jg;lsdfjglk;dsfjgl;sdjglkfd;sfgjlkdsfjglkdsfjglsdkgjskdljglsdkgj sd ss s s d s f pf s d f s d l k o d l s d k s d k g k l d s j g l s k d f j g k l s d j g l k s d j g l k s d j g l s d k p o w e i t p o e w i t w e o i t d m s v r o i g v j o i i g i e wr g i w g w o i e ti w e r i w e r i . J R J R J C G T J G K W J G A S F M A L K S J F A L S K J F L A S J K F A L S K J F A S L K J F L A S K J F A S L K F J A S L K F J A S L K F J A S L K F J A S L K F J A S L F J A S L F J A S L J F L A S J F L K A S J L K F J A S L K J F L A S J F D s sdf sd f sd fs f s f sdf sd f sd fsd f sd fsd f...
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...ADS FASF JA SSSS SSS SSS SSSS SSS SSSas jkl JKL JAK LJSDF akjsf kla jsdfk lja skd jfhj akd fs kjahdfkjhakjdsfn adjsfkajdsfklj kl jdfklajdf lkja dklfjasldfj kl jfl kjadfkljlk f df fd f d f ds f adsfa f rag th eh df g s gf a df a f a sf a f s f as df gf fg h gh fsg fsdg ds fd g h f a af d gfd s gfd g f d sfdg g f fg fjk j jk jjk h ghh hj aadsfkj klaj jadskfljakl klj kljakl jfkla jklfaj lja ljf l fl fkljlsaj fklas klasjfkjklasdjfkl j fkl jn jkj hj ghgh gh ghj hj hkjkljhjh yug jh hhj jk j j kj hh gh g yu jkl j hjg df ersdtr hjkj kjl jiu ut r tg hj hhg gfy rtgyu hj hbh gh tres rxdcfbh jfnjnadsfkn afjioaj iofjadso ifjadiofj ja dijad fs idoas iofdjas oijaosdjf ojoijoaidfsj ojaodfs ad sjoaj dsiojas ioj adsfo oadfj sodj o ad adsfiojadsio jodfs ajoaj dfsoiadfso oadfs oiajds foijadsiofjoi joifj io adfoafo oadf soafdsoadfso oadfs oadfso oadj fo fo afof df asdfsn oasdfno anfo odf oajdsfoj oadf ojafo jaof oad fj oajsdf oja dso jfa odj ofadj oja ofj ofjdadfj oadijf sojdf ojao sjoadjsofj oj adsfo jads ofj oadsjf ojadfo ja odfsj ohariu fiubasdn fonawuerbf jagui baidfsn lkansdf iobiafub iubadfsi bkajdfni as o dbif aijd sf I ua bs df kljn adfs n iua shd fiu has d fnio au ds hfia dfs d afs adsjfkas da fjkladsfj klajdsfasdfj kldjafs kla dsjfklajdsfkl dafsj kladsfadfkj jadsfkljakldsfj dklafsjklasj dafsj klajdsfkl aeoif aiadfjioaewf dasfjioaejfio jgfvndaf jaidsfj ioafojadfsjio ajfasdf ashdfakj safj kasjdfajdflkadjfs kladlfj lkadfsjklasdfn kljadfsl kjkladsfjsdfj klajdsf ladsjf...
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...RMIT International University Vietnam Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) Assignment Cover Page | Subject Code: |ACCT2163 | | | | |Subject Name: |Accounting Theory | | | | |Location & Campus (SGS or HN) where you study: |RMIT Vietnam | |Title of Assignment: |Individual assignment | | | | |Student name: |Pham Thanh Huong | |Student Number: |S3275153 | | | | |Teachers Name: ...
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