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Fear of Failure


Submitted By sassycass94
Words 903
Pages 4
Fear of Failure

Fear of failing, or atychiphobia, has been present in one form or another in everyones lives. What a failure means to one person is completely variable to another and what matters most is how you handle it and go forward afterwards. William Faulkner stated, “Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it.” Some people become so stricken with the image of failure that they become immobilized and cannot even bring themselves to start the task at hand. There are others however who embrace the challenge and view failure as a learning curve and opportunity not to the make the same mistake twice. Failure exists in every person’s life and can define our existence and character.

Understanding that fear jeopardizes success and from failure we gain new insights, the question arises as to why people are so afraid to fail in the first place. People like to understand where things originate and how they became as they are so let’s discuss fear of failure and it’s roots. As a child in school for example, commonly if a child fails they are not given rewards. In some school culture the football player that doesn’t kick the football highest is a wimp, the one who failed that last math test is dumb, or if you didn’t make in on the basketball team you’re a loser. The harsh reality is, many of us have felt like other people judge our failures. Our focus is emphasized too much on visible success and not the ways that we need to learn and grow to achieve it. This is perpetuated by peer groups, the old and young and quite often the media and music industry. An example of this is explicitly clear in the show Toddlers and Tiara’s. Young girl’s, some under the age of three, are introduced into the adult world expected to cope with tough competition.These children are taught that failure just isn’t an

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