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Fear Of Failure Research Paper

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Bill Cosby once said, "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." In many ways, this statement is profound and true. To get anywhere in life, we all must first have the drive and the desire to even begin the journey to a better place. However, I believe the fear of failure and failure itself also plays an important role in changing and propelling our lives.
This year has been the hardest ones I have ever experienced in my life. I was quick to learn that Senior year in particular not only gives me the highest degree of possible freedom, but also holds an entirely new set of expectations and responsibility over my head. Turning eighteen was like having a huge pile of stones unleashed onto my chest, then being expected to breathe with the unaccustomed weight. I have never been expected to work nearly as hard as I have this year alone, but this same year has been one of the most exhilarating I have ever experienced. This may be mainly due to the journey that I have had, even if I am still at the beginning of it, and it has been an uphill climb the entire way.
I never realized that I wanted to become …show more content…
I believe I have done just that in my journey. Along with the bare minimum of what I have had to accomplish to graduate, I have also balanced online classes on top of that along with applying for scholarships and preparing for full-time college within a year of graduating. I believe that none of this could have been accomplished unless I truly wanted this, and I do: I now cannot see myself in the future without a certificate to teach in the near future, and I will get this dream unless someone straps me to a chair and forces me to quit. I will use my drive, motivation, and perseverance to carry me to

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