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Lifetime Tenure Of Judges

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Appointment and Lifetime Tenure of Judges Diminish the Rights of the People
Since the United States Democracy was first established, legislators and constituents have asked the question, “Should judges be appointed or elected?” Many state legislatures have argued that judges should be elected by the people because they make decisions that directly affect the people. On the other hand, the United States Constitution states that all federal judges shall be appointed to the bench and have lifetime tenure so as to preserve judicial independence. Although this policy may sound admirable, this method frequently leads to allowing an unfair advantage in trying to manipulate the views of the Court and can also lead to unproductive judges.
Judges …show more content…
For example, the landmark case of Roe v. Wade allowed a woman the right to privacy over her body regarding abortion issues. This case has long been a hotly controversial subject in this country. There was much speculation that Roe v. Wade could be overturned if Presidential candidate Mitt Romney had been successful in his bid for the presidency over the incumbent, Barack Obama (Baker). Romney stated on several occasions during his campaign that he would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned. President Obama stated in 2012 that the Supreme Court had four solid conservatives, who were Republican nominees that would gladly overturn Roe v. Wade. There were also four solid liberals, and finally there was Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was usually the swing vote. Had Romney won the election, and had the opportunity to make an appointment during his Presidency, there was no question that he would have appointed a conservative Justice who would have sided with the other conservative justices to overturn Roe v. Wade (Baker). This kind of power just to impose the personal will and views of the President on the entire country seems corrupt and unbridled. A justice should be on the Court to fairly interpret the law rather than to impose the views of the President on the people. The point is …show more content…
The United States Constitution states that a judge is allowed to serve under “good behavior” but may be impeached if necessary. However, impeachment rarely happens. Even if a judge is convicted of a felony, there is no automatic removal clause. A situation currently in the news that is demonstrative of the difficulties of removal of judges is regarding District Court Judge Mark E. Fuller of the Middle District of Alabama (Blinder). Judge Fuller was arrested and charged with battery of his wife in August of this year. Despite the repeated requests of officials for his resignation, Fuller refuses to do so, and there is no clause that allows him to be removed (Blinder). It appears that impeachment would be the only option, and impeachment is a difficult process that generally only applies to dereliction of a duty of upholding an official office. Although assaulting a spouse is a crime, and is a bad thing, it falls short of the definition of dereliction of duty of a

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