...changes in income tax rates and policies concerning individuals and sole proprietor businesses that were proposed in the Budget 2014. The three significant changes in tax policies are listed below. Review of Individual Income Tax In consideration of the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which takes effect on 1stApril 2015, the government had proposed several changes to reduce individual income tax rates with effect from Year of Assessment (YA) 2015. The proposed changes are: I. Income tax rates for resident individuals is to be reduced by 1% to 3% II. Income tax rates for non-resident individuals is to be reduced by 1% from 26% to 25% III. Current maximum tax rate at 26% to be reduced to 24% IV. Two new chargeable income bands be added above the existing highest income band exceeding RM 100,000, with RM100, 001-RM250, 000 as the second highest band and RM250, 001-RM400, 000 as the highest band. V. Chargeable income subjected to the maximum rate will be increased from exceeding RM100,000 to RM400,000. Such proposed changes will bring about savings across the band for all taxpayers and so increase the disposable income for all individuals. This measure is necessary as the implementation of GST will increase the cost of living which will impact the lower income bracket the most. The proposed change will bring about a more progressive tax structure as families with a monthly income of RM4, 000 will no longer have a tax liability. Also,...
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...Faculty of Business Administration Department of Arts Management Importance of tax revenues in Czech national budget Nikola Jankovičová Prague, 2014 NATIONAL BUDGET OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC National budget ensures proper functioning of the country and contains revenues and expenditures which are further divided. Revenue consists of taxes, social insurance, charges and non-tax revenues. The highest amounts of the national budget provide pension, social and health insurance, education and interest on the national debt. The Ministry of Finance creates the national budget annually. It is submitted to the government which approves it and sends it to further approval by the Parliament. Members discuss it in three readings - basic information such as total revenues, total expenses, balance and method of settlement are approved in the first reading. After approval of these parameters, it cannot be changed. Members have a right to suggest their own overtures in the second reading. Only technical changes and the entire state budget proposal are discussed in the third reading. This should be done three months before the end of the year. If the national budget is not approved by the deputies until the end of the calendar year, the country is in the following year in the budget provisional arrangement and governed as the previous year. Expenses are provided for every part of the state budget each month. The biggest expenses are the mandatory ones that must be paid because...
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...2013 Budget Speech Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan 27 February 2013 ISBN: 978-0-621-41456-1 RP: 345/2012 To obtain copies please contact: Communications Unit National Treasury Private Bag X115 Pretoria 0001 Tel: +27 12 315 5526 Fax: +27 12 315 5126 Budget documents are available at: www.treasury.gov.za 2013 Budget Speech Honourable Speaker I have the honour to present the fourth budget of President Zuma’s administration. Mr President you said in the State of the Nation address that “we should put South Africa first. All of us have a patriotic duty and responsibility to build and promote our country.” You further said “The National Development Plan provides a perfect vehicle for united action precisely because it has the support of South Africans across the political and cultural spectrum. Leaders in every avenue should be ready to rise above sectional interests and with great maturity, pull together to take this country forward.” This challenge applies to all sections of our society: business, labour, public representatives, activists and citizens in every part of the country. As we pointed out in the 2012 Budget, global economic uncertainty will remain with us for some time. South Africa’s economic outlook is improving, but requires that we actively pursue a different trajectory if we are to address the challenges ahead. 1 2013 Budget Speech Under your leadership Mr President, we have opened new channels of communication and built more cohesion among...
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...CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE CBO The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023 Percentage of GDP 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1940 1945 Actual Projected 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Federal Debt Held by the Public Trillions of 2005 dollars 20 18 16 14 12 10 0 2000 2004 2008 Potential GDP GDP Actual Projected Percent 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2000 Actual Projected 2012 2016 2020 2024 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 GDP and Potential GDP Unemployment Rate FEBRUARY 2013 Notes Numbers in the text and tables may not add up to totals because of rounding. Unless otherwise indicated, years referred to in describing the budget outlook are federal fiscal years (which run from October 1 to September 30) and years referred to in describing the economic outlook are calendar years. The figures in Chapter 2 have white vertical bars that indicate the duration of recessions. (A recession extends from the peak of a business cycle to its trough.) The economic forecast was completed in mid-January 2013, and the estimates of 2012 values shown in tables and figures in Chapter 2 and Appendix B are based on information available at that time. Supplemental data for this analysis and the historical budget data that are usually included in this report are available on CBO’s Web site (www.cbo.gov). CBO Pub. No. 4649 Contents Summary 1 1 2 A B The Budget Outlook...
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...decrease in the aggregate demand and expenditures will influence the economic system factors. (Sullivan,A.&Steven M,S 2005,p387) The changes in tax and government expenditure are regarded as the major fiscal policy instruments. Government revenue collection (taxes) plays the role in how much government and individuals have to spend. For instance, the government could stimulate the consumers’ spending by cutting taxes. The effect of fiscal policy: The variables will influence the economy in the aggregate demand so that the policy will achieve the objectives including the price stability, the economic growth and the employment. Keynesian economics indicates that the changes efficiently stimulate the aggregate demand at the economy boom’s beginning. (Blinder 2012) It is argued that Keynesian economics model can be used to establish the framework for strong economic growth. However, economists also debate the fiscal policy effectiveness. The arguments concentrate on crowding out effect whether the interest rate increase, which may offset the spending stimulation, is led by the government borrowing. (Fiscal policy of Cliff Notes 2013) Once the government faces the deficit, the public fund will be important, the interest rate will improve. 2. The major instruments of fiscal policy are the changes in the level and composition in tax and the government expenditure in different fields. The aggregate demand, the income distribution, the economic activity are influenced by the two...
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...National budget analysis FY 2013-14 ------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgement At first we would like to express our gratitude to almighty God for enabling us with the strength and opportunity to complete the term paper within the schedule time successfully. We know that practical knowledge in subject matter is essential to sub assistant the theoretical knowledge gathered in the educational institution. In order to resolve the dichotomy between these two areas, we were assigned to prepare this term paper on national budget analysis of FY13-14. First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to Imrana Sharmin, senior lecturer, Dept. of Economics. Her Eagerness to help us in every step of learning encouraged us to drive ourselves accomplished and well understood. Chapter No. | Description | Page | 01 | Introduction * Background of the Study * Purpose, Scope of the Study * Methodology of the Study * Review of existing literature * Limitation of the Study | 02 02 02 03 04 | 02 | Economy and Capital market * Economic Highlights * Key Economic indicators * Incentive for Capital Market | 06 07 07 | 03 | Revenue Analysis * Total Revenue composition * Total Tax Revenue Composition * Revenue Estimates | 10 10 11 | 04 | Government Expenditure * Public Sector * Power and Energy * Education *...
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...face at the end of 2012, when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect. The deficit which is the difference between what the government takes in and what it spends is expected to be reduced by roughly half beginning in the first days of 2013. This sharp decrease in the deficit in such a short period of time is known as the fiscal cliff. 2012 is the year the world is supposed to end, but it won’t happen on December 21st. For Americans it will be on December 31st. We don’t need a Mayan calendar to tell us that we’re heading towards doom; all we have to do is watch the TV or use the internet and read about the fiscal cliff. Almost all Americans will take a financial blow next year and low income families would be among the hardest hit, if the White House and Congress fail to solve the “fiscal cliff” of big tax increases and spending cuts set to start January 2nd. With the rise in payroll-tax increases, Expiration of the Bush tax cuts decreases in the Child Tax Credit, and the Dividend-Tax Increases, a middle-class family would be hit the hardest. According to Matthews, “For instance, if a couple together makes $82,000 and have four children and pay child care and even though money was tight were able to invest in $10,000 worth of blue-chip, dividend-paying stocks, in addition to socking away money in their 401(k)s; their taxes would go up $530 a month, or more than $6,000 a year. The Bush Tax Cuts have generated income, dividends and long...
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...a term used to describe the practice of using mandatory spending cuts in the federal budget. It was first the Budget Control Act of 2011 this was the bill that would have set a limit on what needs to be done and cut to make the economy better, but they fell to get this bill into play because there was a divide in the congress wants. The sequester came about because congress was required to vote on December 23, 2011 about cutting spending, but did not do so. Republicans and Democrats needed to agree to balanced spending reduction for the bill to be passed. If failed, which they did, the enforcement mechanism will began spending cuts starting in 2013 on March 1. It would split 50/50 between domestic and defense spending. The law protects some Social Security and Medicare benefits. Democrats wanted a mix of spending cuts and tax increases. House Democrats suggested trading the $85 billion in 2013 sequester cuts with a combination of tax increases, and the Senate Democrats also introduced the American Family Economic Protection Act which would have replaced the 2013 sequester with $110 billion in spending cuts and tax increases and both spread plans would spread out over the progression of a decade rather than hitting so hard in a year. Republicans insist that only spending cuts need to be made. House Republicans suggested the Spending Reduction Act of 2012 Budget would have replaced the 2013 defense sequester with a variety of spending cuts, including cuts to food stamps, the...
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...health, and pensions. However, comparing the 2013, and 2014 graph, it is evident that there is a 2% increase in health care spending, and a 1% decrease in welfare. The federal deficit for 2014 was $483.35 billion, which shows a drastic decrease in the federal deficit between the two years. The federal deficit therefore shows that the importation of goods were higher in 2013, than 2014. Within the federal budget of 2014, it is evident that Washington spent almost $3.5 trillion in 2014 whilst receiving around $3 trillion in revenues, which therefore shows that the deficit was around half a trillion (Boccia, R....
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...The City of Las Vegas, Nevada Budget Process Sarah Molda Missouri State University The City of Las Vegas, Nevada Budget Process In accordance with Nevada state Law, City governments in Nevada are created either by general law or special charter. The City of Las Vegas is a special charter city, and operates under a council-manager form of government as proscribed by Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 268, with our mayor elected at-large and six City Council members representing the 6 single member wards that represent the City. The vision of the City of Las Vegas is to be “a world-class, vibrant, affordable, economically and ethically diverse, progressive city where citizens feel safe, enjoy their neighborhoods and access their city government. Its mission is to provide residents, visitors and the business community with the highest quality municipal services in an efficient, courteous manner and to enhance the quality of life thorough planning and visionary leadership.” (City of Las Vegas) The Las Vegas city council oversees the general administration, makes policy, and sets budget. The council appoints a professional City Manager who is charged with the running day-to-day operations, with the City Managers office being responsible for the administration and operation of all municipal services for the City of Las Vegas as well as the oversight for all redevelopment and economic development. The City Manager's staff also tracks the progress of various projects,...
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...swearing-in at the U.S. Capitol was filled with traditional pomp and pageantry. Obama swore in January 21, 2013 for the public. He delivered a speech that previewed the priorities that he intends to pursue for his second-term (Tribune Newspaper, n.d.). His priorities include things like: gun rights, budget plans, and jobs for America. Obama is calling to give a fair shot to the middle class (Dorning, 2013). The Affordable Care Act is also in his plan for the next four years. Obama propose the “The Budget Plan”. Jobs for America, the middle class, and affordable care were discussed in this plan. Amy Goodman stated, “President Obama has unveiled a budget plan seeking to trim the federal deficit by cutting or eliminating over 200 federal programs, many dedicated to social services and education.” The Budget was a $3.7 trillion proposal that would cut funding in half for the IHEAP (Income Home Energy Assistance Program). This program subsidizes heating costs for low-income Americans. President Obama called for a freeze on annual domestic spending over the next few years. The Budget Plan also calls for cutting $300 million from community development block grants. Obama’s plan includes two modest tax hikes for banks and oil companies. However, the Budget does not only include those things. The Budget implements the tight discretionary spending caps that Obama signed into law in the Budget Control Act of 2011. Barack also wanted to limit an expansion of the Pell Grant Program for low-income...
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...above, as inherently of man and the institution created by him. One of the ways man has tried to manage and control the damaging effects of uncertainty in his institution especially as it relates to his financial transaction in use of budget. These are many varied definitions of budget, according to Obazele (2000:127)in his book titled Accounting for public sector Activities in Nigeria. Budget is defined as a “statement whish express future plans in financial terms.” It is also defined by Okoye (1979: 301). In his book titled Cost Accounting Management Operational Application, as “plans prepared and approved before The of use. A budget is defined in the institution of cost and management Accounting, 1966 edited of Terminology as a financial and/or quantitative statement prepared and approved prior to a defined period of the policy to be pursued during that period for the purpose of attaining a given objective”. Going by the above definitions of budget by previous authors, it could be deduced that a budget as an element of control in it. Control here means a “standard of comparison for checking an experiment which result is known” (Horby : 2000 page 251). Budgetary control according to Pickles and Lafferty (1974:3145) relate to “the use of budgets as control devices whereby predetermined plans or standard, output, income and expenditure are compared with actual attained so that, if necessary corrective action may be taken...
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...acting as the city of Macon has its police department. As of 2013, Bibb County has a population estimate of 154,721 persons with a negative variation of 0.5% from the year 2010. The majority populace is between the ages of 18 and 65 making up 53% and male and female populations compare 47% to 53%. The county has a mixed population with African Americans making up 53.4% of the population as the leading race with American Indian/Alaska natives being the marginal rate at about 0.3%. English is the main language with about 5.1% of the population speaking a language other than English. Bibb’s population is well-read with about 82.4% having a qualification of a high school diploma and 22.8% having a Bachelor’s degree. The mean travel to work time is 20.5 minutes. There are about 57,000 households in the county with a home ownership rate of 55% and almost 70,000 housing units. The average household income is $21,443 per year (as per 2012 data), and 23.5% of the population lives below the national poverty level. Economic activities in Bibb include commerce, with private nonfarm employment making up a big percentage. There are agriculture and manufacturers for shipments. Type of budget the Georgia city operates A Balanced Master Budget- a balanced budget, income, usually, equals or exceeds spending. Deficits from one financial year cannot be carried over to the next. This is a common practice with much of the balancing of the budget at state level is assigned to general funds and not specific...
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...Update November 2013 Bangladesh Economic Update Volume 4, No. 11, November 2013 Acknowledgement Bangladesh Economic Update is a monthly publication of the Economic Policy Unit of Unnayan Onneshan, a multidisciplinary research organisation based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. A team works under the guidance of Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir, comprising Shahida Pervin and Abid Feroz Khan. © Copyright: Unnayan Onneshan The content of this publication may be reproduced for noncommercial purposes with proper citation (please send output to the address mentioned below). Any other form of reproduction, storage in a retrieval system or transmission by any means for commercial purposes, requires permission from the Unnayan Onneshan. For orders and request, please contact: UNNAYAN ONNESHAN 16/2, Indira Road, Farmgate Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh Tell: + (880-2) 8158274, 9110636 Fax: + (880-2) 8159135 E-mail: info@unnayan.org Web: www.unnayan.org Bangladesh Economic Update, November 2013 Page | 2 1.INTRODUCTION This issue of Bangladesh Economic Update probes into the tax system of Bangladesh in the backdrop of falling investment, missing revenue target and growing pressure on revenue. This issue of Bangladesh Economic Update probes into the tax system of Bangladesh in the backdrop of falling investment, missing revenue target and growing pressure on revenue. Bangladesh has comparatively lower tax to GDP ratio, even compared to most of its South Asian counterparts. For example, tax to GDP ratio in...
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