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Personal Narrative: Loss Of Anxiety While Driving

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We all have that moment in life when something awful happens that it terrified us. A few years ago, I have suffered from driving anxiety after a minor accident. During the time, I was still learning to how to drive. A few weeks prior to my driving license behind the wheel exam. I took my dad’s car to take my brother to the market near my house without my dad supervision in the car. On way to the market, one car made a sharp left and hit me while I was going straight. I was so scared because I did not know what to do and I still not have my license yet. My hands were shaking. So I decided to drive away, and went home. It shocked me and I was terrified of driving. I told my dad that I do not want to drive anymore. My dad always takes me to places like work, school, etc. One day, I saw my dad looks so exhausted from work, and I know it is time to stop bother him. I decided to relearn everything and to face my fear. A month later, I finally got my license. Driving has been one of the most rewarding thing I have done. The freedom to go anywhere is great, I enjoy driving, and I am glad I was brave enough to face my fear and overcame it. …show more content…
It is the last thing people should have in their life. Many say why they should repeat their failure; first failure will let them know what does not work. That is because we have been taught at the young age that failure is bad, and right answer is always a good. However, it’s not always true. Failure is actually a great teacher. Failure without learning from it is bad. Failure gives motivation and teach people that life is not easy. There are always going to be obstacles on the way to success, and failures are those obstacles. People should never avoid failure if they want to be

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