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Therapeutic Jurisprudence Law

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In 1980 National Institute of Mental Health multisite epidemiologic catchment area (ECA) program did a study and “found that 6.7% of prisoners had a lifetime diagnosis of Schizophrenia compared to 1.4% of the non-incarcerated general population” (Desai 100). In a national survey conducted in 1992 it was found that severe mental illness in the past 10 years has gone up especially in large urban jails (Desai 100). American Journal of Psychiatry in 2006 published an article that stated “only 4% of violent crime in the United States can be attributed to people with mental illness” (Gaines 90), Therefore the United States government should establish separate mental health courts to insure that mentally ill people are treated fairly. Drug …show more content…
Those that are not in favor are against therapeutic jurisprudence which “ is the study of the effects of law and the legal system on the behavior, emotions, and mental health of people” (“Therapeutic Jurisprudence Law”). Some of the concerns they have are is “Involvement in the criminal justice system was neither intended to be a retreat, nor time to receive goodwill” (Bloom 61). What they mean by this is that in their mind to be arrested and serve time is not meant to be fun or to be spent watching tv all day like you might find at a psychiatric hospital. Another problem these people have is that from their point of view “therapeutic jurisprudence is that it relies on coercive state powers to effect treatment” (Bloom 63). What they mean is that people that would not seek treatment themselves are forced into …show more content…
In Canada there is one fully operational mental health court and that is in Toronto, Ontario which opened in “may 1998” (Bloom 97). This court was “ one of the first in the world and the only one (to date) to address the comprehensive mandate set out below” (Bloom 97). The main objects for the Toronto mental health court are: “to deal expeditiously with pretrial issues of fitness to stand trial and to slow down the ‘revolving door’ or reduce the risk of reoffending” (Bloom 97). What they mean by this is that the court aims to one figure out quickly whether or not an inmate is fit to stand trial and by that they mean that they understand the charges against them and that they are able to ade in their defense. Two “Presently to the best of the court's capability, accused are assisted by the court mental health workers in obtaining identification, social assistance of one sort or another, clothing, housing and in reconnecting with mental health facilities” (Bloom 98). By doing this they cut down on the risk of reoffending because instead of just being dropped off in the streets with no identification, clothing, housing, or contact with mental health facilities which would lead them to commit a crime to find shelter or clothing they have all of that so it cuts down the risk of them

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