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Female Masculinity Research Paper

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The concept of female masculinity not only show that there are alternatives to the typical male masculinity, but the term suggests that the idea of masculinity can be different based on cultures and it is not a strict, absolute definition that most societies make us believe. Female masculinity, most importantly, is a sign of rebellion since the women are rejecting the expected gender roles that society expects of them. The females portraying masculinity are going against the ideals of being a female either by wearing masculine clothes or acting masculine. However, the concept of female masculinity not only help explain the ideas mentioned above, but also explain how masculinity is not synonymous to just men, how there is a standard to masculinity, and how society sets standards as to who fits in a certain gender. …show more content…
In the article An Introduction to Female Masculinity by Judith Halberstam, Female masculinity is not a new concept; females have been expressing masculinity for many years. Females exhibit these traits, for example, by being strong or athletic, like bodybuilders, being a female-born transgender, or cross-identified women, it just have not been generally accepted by society to accept that women can express being masculine (15). Seeing the examples of how women can express masculinity, it tells us that masculinity is not synonymous to men and how fluid gender expression can

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