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Hebrew Language Research Paper

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Hebrew literature spans an impressive 30 centuries, and it is still being written and published today. From the wonderful poetry of some of the oldest books of the Jewish Bible to the latest Hebrew language novel written by a happening Israeli novelist, the language of the Jews is alive and well.

Hebrew literature goes back a long way. The Pentateuch, the five oldest books of the Jewish Bible, known by the Jews as the Talmud, contains some of the best known and loved language in the world. Perhaps even better loved are some of the Writings, the third part of the Bible, which includes the beautiful Song of Songs of Solomon and the psalms. One of the advantages of learning Hebrew is that it gives a person the opportunity to read these literary treasures in their original words, which have come down to us unchanged through at least two and a half millennia. When the Christian Bible was being compiled around six years after the Council of Nicea, Constantine and his advisers found themselves unable to omit even the rather sensuous poetry of the Songs. So the bewitching language of the Jewish Bible included in the Old Testament reached a new audience in the Christian world. Although now sadly watered down by translation, it is still cherished for its beauty and meaning. …show more content…
With the increasing availability of Hebrew lessons, this would be easy even for a non-Jew to do. To read the Bible in the original Hebrew is rewarding not only for the beauty of the language, but also because it offers an unclouded view of the history and wisdom recorded by the ancient

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