...1 Dehydration Mike Martin SCI/241 01/21/2012 Mike Esposito 2 Water is important for creating and sustaining life. In humans, the body is made up of about sixty percent water. Every part of our body including muscle, bone, and blood consists of some percentage of water. About a third of our total body water is extracellular fluid, which is fluid outside and between cells and water in our blood. This is the most important as the blood in our bodies delivers the oxygen and nutrients to all cells. Without the proper amount of water everyday there is a risk of dehydration. Severe dehydration can cause nerve damage, seizures, abnormal blood pressure, brain damage, arrhythmia, and even death. Water is essential to everyday health maintenance as it helps in the balance of our body fluids, such as absorption, digestion, circulation, and distribution of nutrients. The muscles, which are about seventy-five percent water, need that balance of fluids to perform properly. This is especially true when exercising, or running. Body temperature is also regulated with the help of water, since water changes temperature slowly. Water also helps the body get rid of toxins through the kidneys. Without enough fluids the kidneys will keep extra fluids instead of passing them through urine. Water also helps pass food through the intestines, which in turn prevents constipation. 3 Every function in our bodies runs smoothly and works properly with an adequate supply of water. This could...
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...Summer is the perfect time to get out and about. Sunny days and outdoor activities are a wonderful way to spend quality time with friends and family. And there is nothing better than being able to bring your fur-family along for some fun in the sun. However, being outdoors in the heat can also hold some hidden dangers. Knowing what to look for and how to stay safe this summer will ensure everyone has a great experience. Stay hydrated When the temperatures rise and you start spending more time outside, it is imperative that you and your pets stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before you leave and make sure to take extra water with you. Don’t forget a collapsible bowl for them and make sure to drink water often. You can test your dog’s hydration level by gently pulling up the skin around their neck. It should go back down quickly. If they are dehydrated the skin will go down very slowly. If you notice this then you should get your dog out of the heat and give them water. Watch them carefully and if they don’t get hydrated soon contact your vet. Be aware of hot asphalt or sand...
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...Sickle cell anemia is the most common form of sickle cell disease. Sickle cell anemia is rare but it can have a huge impact on the lives of the people that have it especially if they are athletes. There is a certain population that sickle cell anemia affects but the most common is African Americans. It can present with many different symptoms and can be very painful which makes it important for nurses to know what to look for when pain crisis occur. Sickle cell anemia is also important for a nurse to be educated on because there is a lot of patient education that goes with having sickle cell. There is no real cure for sickle cell because signs and symptoms can present differently in everyone that has it which makes educating patients on...
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...are overcoming anxiety without using medication. You'll discover here why diet is one of the most effective natural ways to help overcome anxiety disorder. First, let's look at why more and more anxiety sufferers are turning away from drug-based medication towards natural ways of overcoming their anxiety. The usual medications prescribed by a doctor are anti-depressants to help regulate mood, tranquilizers to help calm, and, beta-blockers to help control the physical symptoms of anxiety and anxiety attacks. And these can work well when accurately prescribed and followed to the letter by the patient. So why do so many folks prefer not to take anxiety medication? Mainly, it's because of their pretty severe side effects that include dependency issues in some cases. And also because these medications don't work for everybody....
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...One out of ten people in the world go without clean water. That is a dangerous life to live. People cannot brush their teeth, drink water, or have a good hygiene. Going without clean water, causes a terrible life to suffer through. Bottled water is better than tap water because water bottles are great for underdeveloped countries, emergencies, and they help create occupations for a person that needs a job. Water bottles make life better for every human. Water bottles have a huge impact on the lives of humans living in rural areas. As mentioned in the beginning, there are many people in different countries that go without clean water. Bottles of water in different countries would help save lives of many in need. Bottled water is cleaner than...
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...Most people think it would be obvious if they had a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or infection. Unfortunately, that is not true. Many STDs show no signs or symptoms, which is why it is incredibly important that you are tested regularly. While it may be scary, it's necessary in order to maintain your health. If you are scared of getting an STD test, don't worry—you are not alone. By knowing what to expect, you can put some of your nerves at ease. So here are four tips for women getting an STD test: 1. Nothing Is The Same Just like regular health conditions, like diabetes, no two cases of STDs are the same. The same is true for testing. The wait time, friendliness, and experience of testing are all variable. So while you may experience...
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...Water Balance in Humans and Salmon Anthony Salgado BIO/101 January 22, 2015 Dr. Ellen Sparger Water Balance in Humans and Salmon Water balance is a very important function that most of us take for granted. Maintaining good hydration is essential for life, not just for humans, but also for animals like the salmon. Humans can go without food for more than thirty days, but cannot go without water for more than just a few days. This is the same for salmon, they can go without food longer than water. Salmon stop eating when they enter fresh water to spawn. Water balance is very important for their cycle of life. Humans and Salmon have similar organs (See picture of a salmon’s internal anatomy at end of paper) as both species have kidneys and bladders to help maintain their water balance. It is amazing to see how the body works in keeping us alive. Water is the key, and according to the Mayo clinic (2014) the water in our bodies make up about sixty percent of our body weight, this is why it is very important to stay hydrated. We lose almost a half-gallon of water per day just by living and doing our daily routines, this is why all of us should know how much water we should drink per day. Everyone has probable heard we should drink eight glasses of water per day. There is no hard evidence to support this but the Mayo Clinic (2014) reports this drinking eight glasses of water per day is not far off from their recommendations. They recommend men drink about thirteen...
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...Mineral and Water Essay Sci 241- Ellsworth July 1, 2012 Water is virtually the most important thing we put into our body yet most of us don’t meet the daily requirements of water. Water keeps us hydrated healthy and alive, so why is it that so many people despise water. Water is full of minerals which depending on the minerals have different functions and sources. In addition to keeping us healthy and alive water plays several very important functions in our body, including regulating body temperature, aiding in food digestion, and flushing out sodium. It’s important to understand the effects of water on your body that way you can understand the signs, symptoms, and general effect that dehydration water has on the body. Every summer countless people end up in the hospital with signs of dehydration, most of those hospital visits could have been avoided with proper understanding of minerals and water. Minerals are important to the health and maintenance of our bodies and bodily functions. There are several different types and kinds of minerals each of these playing important roles in our body, there are trace elements and macro and micro minerals. For starters the macro minerals are calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium. Each of these macro minerals have important functions in the body ranging from helping aid in the transfer of oxygen between tissues in the body to helping bones and teeth form, as well as controlling the...
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...You should always be prepared with basic skills. Making food on an open fire is one of the most important so you don’t starve. Shelter is another thing, always bring a tent or RV it just depends on how you are camping. My family always uses tents because it makes us feel more adventurous. You should always bring water to drink because it's very hydrating for you. Water is better to bring unlike soda or energy drink, soda makes you feel un hydrated. The last time my brother went camping he brought a six pack of pop and got de hydrated, but my sister and I didn’t because we drunk water. My dad always makes sure to bring a big pack of water with us when we go camping. You got to know how to make a fire, so you can keep warm. Fires are easy to make you just got to be careful and not burn yourself. Some people just bring blankets, but we do both fires and...
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...Alcohol and Dehydration As I started my research on the subject of alcohol and dehydration I started to think on how the body reacts to this abuse in my own body. Many people from teens to adults had consumed alcohol at one point in their life. I have experience this myself and I drink on occasion, but I refrain from drinking excessively. Now that I have done the research on this particular topic I am more aware of how our body functions and the negative effects alcohol has on our bodies. As I did the research I learned that our kidneys have a lot to do with the way our body controls the hydration of our bodies. I also learned how alcohol creates what many people call the dreadful hangover after a night of excessive drinking. In the next couple of paragraphs I will go more in depth with my research. After a hard night of drinking I had woken up with so much thirst and anxiety. I also looked horrible and felt horrible. The cause of the so called hangover has much to do with your body and the way it functions to the effects of alcohol. I found an article that goes into depth on how hangovers affect our body. A hangover is characterized by the constellation of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms that occur after a bout of heavy alcohol drinking. (1) Hangovers can vary from person to person. It can also vary on the type of alcohol you were consuming, and also to what you ate before, during, and after you stopped drinking alcohol. Studies showed that science still has not come...
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...not the case with water, we must have it in order to stay alive, we could not go many days with no water. Most people don’t realize that our bodies are actually made up of 60% water. If we do not drink enough water we will dehydrate. If we become dehydrated it means that we have lost more water than we have taken into our bodies. Different things and circumstances cause our bodies to expel water and we must drink enough to replace what we put out. Water plays a huge role in our bodies, water is what enables us to sweat, urinate, water pushes poisons out of our systems when we are sick. There are many ill effects of not getting enough water and dehydrating. People can actually die from dehydration. In order to stay hydrated and keep our bodies functioning properly it is imperative that we drink plenty of water. Water does more than we can imagine in our bodies. Water is what regulates the bodies temperature and it is also a cushion for your joints. Water is what helps us to urinate and have bowel movements. Water can also help us to lose weight. The more water we drink the less food we will eat because water will trick us into thinking we are full. Water also eliminates all the toxins and impurities out of our bodies by flushing them. All we have to do is make sure that we drink a lot of water and in turn we will help our bodies digest food, boost our metabolism, and release excess fat. If we do not drink enough...
Words: 1111 - Pages: 5
...Centerville Area Agency. I will assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate. In order to assess the population in question I must evaluate data collected during a quantitative and qualitative study. A survey will be done by each individual member about services they wish should be included to better their healthy lifestyle. A survey also will be done to obtain information about how they remain hydrated and tools used. This quantitative study will provide information about how to tackle the goal at hand which is decreasing the incidence of dehydration in the elderly greater than 65 years of age. Also, a qualitative study would be done to interview patients and obtain firsthand information about how they remain hydrated and what can they do to improve on hydrating themselves. “..qualitative research will find a route to the goal of influencing practice” (Morse & Clark, 2010, p. 1172). By doing this I am working with the community effectively in order to identify the resources needed to provide quality healthcare. Collection of food diaries and location of watering sources is important in understanding how patients are accessing water. During the assessment phase all these items will be reviewed in order to collect all the data needed to determine the proper...
Words: 884 - Pages: 4
... 3) Why is a pencil used in drawing the origin line in chromatography? If pen was used, it will dissolve giving colors and so, the experiment won't be accurate. 4) When using ethanol, give a better apparatus arrangement, and why? Cover apparatus with a lid, because ethanol is volatile. 5) In the tests and observation tables, when in the first row, they tell you that upon heating condensation occurred, there will be a question asking what does this show about the solid? It is hydrated. 6) When copper is used in the test, and the answer is four marks, the best answer is: light blue precipitate (ppt) which is soluble in excess to form dark blue solution. 7) Why is this experiment done in a fume cupboard? It releases harmful gases that are poisonous. It is toxic. 8) Which result appears to be inaccurate? It is the point not appearing on the drawn graph, you read its x-axis and write it with a reason indicating that it doesn't occur in the graph. 9) Why should the solid be crushed? It increases surface area for a faster rate of reaction. 10) Why is the experiment made in a well-ventilated room? To prevent the burning of the substance. 11) Explain the term (decant). Filter/Pour the liquid leaving the solid alone. 12) Why is concentrated sulphuric acid not used to dry ammonia? Because it will react with the base ammonia, which is neutralization reaction. 13) Why should samples be taken from different parts of the field? To get more accurate results. 14) Suggest why it is...
Words: 1437 - Pages: 6
...school want a happy smart learning environment? Well allowing this important learning tool we save time, benefit student health,and the backpacks do not pose safety hazards as originally believed. First with students being able to travel faster with their backpacks, we would save time. No longer will students be going to their lockers for forgotten materials because with carrying the backpack they will have all learning materials with them. Therefore lockers won't be a necessity anymore, so hallways will be less congested. This would make our custodian's job easier, so they don't have to worry about the misfortune of opening jammed lockers. Also this can save time between class, making students less stressed and worried about being on time....
Words: 427 - Pages: 2
...changed in price and explain whether the price change is due to supply or demand. Did the change in price affect your decision to purchase the item? Elasticity . Analyze the determinants of the price elasticity of demand and determine if each of the following products are elastic or inelastic: a. bottled water b. toothpaste c. cookie dough ice cream d. fresh green beans e. gasoline In your analysis, please make sure to explain your reasoning and relate your answers to the characteristics of the determinants of the price elasticity of demand. Externalities . Explain the difference between a positive and negative externality. In your analysis, make sure to provide an example of each type of externality. Why does the government need to get involved with externalities to bring about market efficiency? What solutions nee...
Words: 382 - Pages: 2