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Why People Should Stay Hydrated

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Summer is the perfect time to get out and about. Sunny days and outdoor activities are a wonderful way to spend quality time with friends and family. And there is nothing better than being able to bring your fur-family along for some fun in the sun. However, being outdoors in the heat can also hold some hidden dangers. Knowing what to look for and how to stay safe this summer will ensure everyone has a great experience.

Stay hydrated

When the temperatures rise and you start spending more time outside, it is imperative that you and your pets stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before you leave and make sure to take extra water with you. Don’t forget a collapsible bowl for them and make sure to drink water often. You can test your dog’s hydration level by gently pulling up the skin around their neck. It should go back down quickly. If they are dehydrated the skin will go down very slowly. If you notice this then you should get your dog out of the heat and give them water. Watch them carefully and if they don’t get hydrated soon contact your vet.

Be aware of hot asphalt or sand …show more content…
When it is hot and has been hot for days, these surfaces can burn your dog’s paws. In fact, asphalt can easily spike up to 135℉ and can burn tender pads in less than a minute. The same is true for sand, it can quickly become scorching on a hot day. Check your dog’s paws often and apply topical soothing products like Musher's Secret Paw Protection. You can also get them little booties for the beach or long walks on a hot street. Burnt paws can quickly become infected so if you notice any blisters, cracks or redness that won’t heal then you should check with your

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