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Why Are Pennies Important

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Pennies: Timeless Treasure or Copper Cumber Take a moment and imagine this: one of your parents has asked you to run to the store to grab a carton of milk. You think to yourself, I really want to get back and finish homework so I can go out with friends, but this should not take to long. You get to the store and obtain milk, and finally walk up to the cash register. Then, you notice the line, which is outrageously long. An old lady has dropped her pennies. As she scrambles for her pennies, you think to yourself, This is just great! Pennies have been an indispensable part of the US currency and are a marvelous way to commemorate President Lincoln. However, the penny is useless and only wastes precious time being of such a low value; …show more content…
For example, Ric Khan proceeds to quote Jeff Gore: “‘The point of currency is to facilitate transactions’… ‘People fishing in their pockets. The cashier has to open a new bag of pennies. For me, it’s a waste of time I object to.’” (qtd. in Khan). This is essentially giving good examples of ways pennies slow society down as a whole and how could it not when it makes us take extra steps to allow for its usage. In like manner, Khan once again quotes Jeff Gore: “‘ The National Association of Convenience Stores and Walgreens drug store chain estimated that handling pennies adds 2 to 2.5 seconds to each cash transaction (remember that we are including the occasional customer who spends 30 seconds looking for the penny in his pocket.’” (qtd. in Khan). When one thinks of it, two seconds is not a very long time, but also think about how many customers a store might have and it will become clear how much time is spent just handling …show more content…
The value of a penny is minuscule compared to what it used to be. For example, William Safire, an editor for New York Times, introduces this idea: “That’s [the reason pennies are useless] because you can’t buy with a penny anymore. Penny candy? Not for sale at the five-and-dime (which is now a ‘dollar store’). Penny-ante poker? Pass the buck. Any vending machine? Put in a penny and it will sound an alarm” (Safire). Pennies just do not hold the same value as they used to a few decades ago, and places pennies might have been useful in, such as a five-and-dime, no longer have items priced around the penny. Further more, an article written by New York Times gives more information on the first Lincoln penny: “The ‘Lincoln cent’ first appeared during the centennial observation of Lincoln’s birth in 1909 and represented a major departure from previous American coinage” (“President Bush signs Lincoln Penny”). While the Lincoln penny is important to honour Lincoln’s legacy, it was also created about 100 years ago when its value might have been more plausible; there are after all other ways to honour the mark Lincoln left on this country other than the penny that are not as

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