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Feminist Era Research Paper

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The Feminist Era With the majority of men going off to fight in the Vietnam War, women were left behind and expected to pick up the pieces and take on many of the jobs and responsibilities that those men were leaving behind. Women stepped up to this opportunity with pleasure. After the war ended, women were unwilling to passively accept a lowered status simply because the men were back home from war and able to return to work. The next big moment for the Feminist Movement was the introduction of “the Pill,” in the early 1960s. It allowed for women to have sexual freedom that had previously been impossible. Even with “the Pill,” it wasn’t until the early 1970s that the Feminist Movement really took shape. The Feminist Movement led many …show more content…
She makes many bold statements such as: “… what Freud believed to be biological was often a cultural reaction….” (1302). Her belief was that “…Victorian culture gave women many reasons to envy men: the same conditions, in fact, that the feminists fought against” (1302). Friedan spoke of the status that men have in our society being what women envy, not simply their genitalia. The only reason that woman’s envy is viewed as “penis envy” is because that is the only thing that separates a man from a woman. But it is not so much that as it is the status and perks that come with the gender that has that sexual organ. Friedan also argues that women have to keep their envy hidden from society “… to play the child, the doll the toy, for her destiny depended on charming man” (1302). She summed up that “You cannot explain away a woman’s envy of man… as being mere refusal to accept her sexual deformity, unless you think that a woman, by nature, is a being inferior to man”

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