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Fifth Homework


Submitted By xiaochunjuan
Words 1090
Pages 5
Fifth Homework

Use Hewlett Packard’s financial statements to answer these questions. They are in a separate file.

1. Predict revenues in 2015. Revenues fell in 2014 because services sales fell due to key account runoff in ES (Enterprise Services). Assume that revenues grow by 5% in 2015. 111,454,000,000*(1+5%)=117,026,700,000

2. Do products or services have a larger growth rate of revenues in 2014? Products revenue growth rate:(73,726,000,000-72,398,000,000)/72,398,000,000=0.018 Services revenue growth rate:(37,327,000,000-39,453,000,000)/39,453,000,000= -0.054

3. Do products or services have a larger gross profit margin in 2014? Show your calculations. Products gross profit margin:(Revenue-COGS)/Revenue=(73,726,000,000-56,469,000,000)/73,726,000,000=0.234 Services gross profit margin:(37,327,000,000-28,093,000,000)/37,327,000,000=0.247

4. If the trends in question 3 persist, what do your answers to question 2 and 3 suggest about likely changes in the overall gross profit margin for HP in 2014? With this information all you can provide is a direction not a precise answer. Services revenue growth rate is negative and has a larger absolute value than the products revenue growth rate. This shows that the total revenue should decrease compared with the former year. The products and services gross profit margin are close. It shows that the cost of services is also decreased in consistent with the decrease of services revenue. When revenue increases/decreases, it will increase/decrease the gross profit margin and when cost of goods sold increases/decreases, it will decrease/increase the gross profit margin. Since the total revenue and total cost of goods sold have almost no change, the overall gross profit margin should also stay almost the same

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