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Finer Bags: Even Better Than The Real Thing

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Producing and selling copies of original work may not only be unethical but also illegal. As discussed in earlier assignments illegal or unauthorized copies take away from the artist, designer, or producer. Copies takeaway monies earned from the sale of products. The company Finer Bags is a company that can take away revenue from the original designers. There may be reasons on both sides of ethics and I will discuss those a little later.
In the height of the cassette tape and video tape era there were TV commercials from Memorex that said, " is it live or is it Memorex". ( In this commercial they were not denying they were a company of copies of the original voice, they were advertising that you could not tell the difference between what was live and what was recorded. When studying the case study of Even Better Than the Real Thing I realized that were much the same way of not denying that they were a copy, they were advertising they were a great copy. Growing up I always heard a phrase, to describe people with less acceptable social …show more content…
The premise behind utilitarian, according to, is “a theory that the action should be the largest possible balance of pleasure over pain or the greatest happiness of the greatest number.” If you look at the happiness that customers, whom otherwise could not afford a designer handbag, received from being able to make people think that they had a designer handbag would give it may be a utilitarian argument that is ethical. I am sure many customers had an overwhelming sense of pride carrying a designer name handbag. I do not ,however, believe that the customer can have a utilitarian argument to justify buying a bag that they know is not real, take money away from the designers and manufactures, and con others into believing they have an authentic

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