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Firefighters Vs Paramedics

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In today’s society, working in any public safety field is dangerous, stressful, and rough on body and mind. These fields include firefighters, paramedics, and police officers. Yet some of these positions are underpaid, understaffed, and perhaps most devastating: under-trained. All of these job titles require a significant amount of effort and dedication to their community, but due to lack of training, conflicts arise between these government workers and their communities. While firefighters and paramedics are very important fields and can affect the outcome of a citizen’s current situation, law enforcement officers have the power to affect a person’s entire life, and also their own. Whether it’s wrongly arresting someone for a crime which they did not commit, or mistakenly shooting someone for having what they believed to be a gun in their hands, law enforcement officers’ split- second decisions matter. Also, training for firefighters and paramedics is primary straightforward and the same throughout the nation, while training for law enforcement officers is primarily State determined. …show more content…
Although firefighters and paramedics risk injury and sometimes death, these jobs primarily deal with predictable elements. Firefighters can typically predict where a fire may spread or the structural integrity of a burning building and paramedics can predict and diagnose the problem with a patient may be whether it’s a broken bone or a reaction to a deadly toxin. For law enforcement officers, people are extremely unpredictable, especially for the untrained officer. Officers must endure countless hours of training to prepare them for the adrenaline-fueled career ahead of them. However; are the hours really

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