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First Class Pet Research

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First Grade Class Pet Research
I believe that there are many different pets that would be good for a first grade pet. The main reason for a class pet is so that the students can study the pets. So I think that the following pets would be the best. For example, Hermit crab, Turtle, Frog ect. Some pets are more complicated than others, but most are interesting. Each pets are very affordable and mostly easy to take care of.
The hermit crab, a interesting, but simple creature. They live up to 10 years and can grow up to six inches long. Hermit crabs are very communal and can be handled but if they feel threatened they will pinch. Hermit crabs must live in an tropical environment, with at least five gallons of space for every two hermits. The hermits terrarium can be small but must have a top to keep them from escaping and to keep the humidity. Hermit crabs eat pellet food. They usually eat very slowly and at night. Small hermits don’t have big enough claws so you might have to feed them crushed pellets or powered hermit food. I believe that a hermit crab is a little too complicated for a first grade class. Expeccially since hermits don’t like much commotion. …show more content…
They grow up to 10 inches long, so they don’t require such a big habitat. Fully grown turtles need a 75 gallon tank full of swimming space. Typically when they aren’t swimming they will lounge on a rock under their heat lamp. Water quality is very important. If water is not cleaned it could cause many infections and other diseases. High quality filters are very important for the turtle to keep the water sustainable and clean. Turtles eat when they are swimming, so they mostly eat turtle pellets, but it is good for them to have some vegetables and fruit once in awhile. Overall, I believe that a turtle is a little too complicated for a first grade class. Especially since they do not like to be

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