...Introduction: The intention of this research paper is to establish that President Barack Obama is a high-minded leader. This composition is aimed towards those who are uncertain whether they support our current president. In this research paper, the question, “Is Obama a great leader? “Will be answered. To support the main question of this paper these questions will also be answered: Does Obama have influence, has he created a positive change, Does he exhibit integrity, Does he have well-defined priorities, and does he display the quality of vision? Mythology: The method of research used in determining whether president Barrack Obama is a good leader was as follows: First, defining what traits a good leader exhibits. Through the article “Great Leaders grow deep roots: six characteristics of exceptional leaders” provided great insight in explain what a good leader is. Second, by researching speech given by Obama the quality of his leadership was able to be determined. Then, a variety of articles were investigated though the internet. Finally a number of blog post where sifted through to experience the opinions of others. By this method of research a wide range of thought was gathered on Obamas leaderships skills. Research: Many sources were used to derive a conclusion on Obamas leadership character. Below our the sources with their Claim, Evidence, and reasoning. Barack Obama in the speech, “American rhetoric” claims that America is a great country full of oppurnitys...
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...The title of my research paper will be Modern racism. I choose this topic because of as an American that was born in Africa it is always something that has been an interest to me. I came to America around the age of seven. I was young, and coming from Nigeria we were not taught anything about racism. My views on racism in America didn't really come from studying the history of slavery and civil rights in America, but rather from personal experiences I went through. In elementary school even though I was taught the history of African American I never really understood the impact of slavery. I merely took what I was taught as part of the curriculum, which I needed to pass a test. I never really absorbed much from learning. Most of the racist...
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...Before coming to class, we were assigned to read pages 51-60 in the composition guide. We were assigned these essays because they are researched argumentative essays. Our final paper coming up soon will also be an argumentative essay. The first essay I read was "Coloring the Workforce" by Valerie Keys. I found this essay to be very helpful. The essay not only talked about African Americans struggling in the workforce, but it focused on African American women. The essay gave very relevant examples and statistics which helped with its validity. There was also an abundance of sources at the end which help verify that the author did their research. The second essay I read was "Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Literature Review" by Vanessa Parslow....
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...International Economics Paper ECO/372 2016 International Economics International economics plays a big role in the way the world conducts business. This paper will first describe what the president, congress and the Federal Reserve do to stimulate and contract the economy. Next, this paper also will identify what motivates policymakers to stimulate or contract the economy. Then this paper will explain what the Federal Reserve says about policy goals and the strength of the economy. Lastly, the strength of other economies outside the United States as on Apple Inc. and what changes are recommend in Apple Inc.’s competitive strategies or supply chain will be discussed. Stimulating and Contracting the Economy When the economy is steady it helps businesses flourish and stay prosperous. When it is time to stimulate the economy it is ordered by the President and Congress. The President will propose a budget for the upcoming fiscal year; these proposals are presented to congress for approval. There are many ways a stimulus can occur; creating tax breaks and job creation are a few. The American Jobs Creation Act was created in 2004, within this act bipartisan support, infrastructure investments, tax breaks for small businesses and unemployment help were included (Boushey, 2011). Another option to stimulate the economy is to decrease interest rates. When you start talking interest rates, this is where the Federal Reserve steps in. The Federal Reserve has control...
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...Sub-themes are only indicative, papers on other related areas of management can also be submitted. The first page of the paper should have Title of the Paper, the name of the author (s) and complete mailing address. Length of paper should not be more than 3000 words, using MS-Word with Times New Roman Font Size 12 points and 1.5 Line spacing with 5-6 keywords. The participants are requested to forward the abstract and full papers via soft copy at the email id: conferencemgc2016@gmail.com LCD projector/Laptops will be provided for the presentation. Authors will be given time for paper presentation by keeping in view the whole management of event. Submission of Abstract Submission of full Length Paper th : 28 January, 2016 SRI FATEHGARH SAHIB "To Strive, To Seek, To Find & Not to Yield" ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CONFERENCE PATRON Jathedar Avtar Singh President SGPC & College Governing Body CONFERENCE DIRECTOR Dr. Jatinder Singh Sidhu Director-Principal, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib st I International Conference on On 3rd February, 2016 CONFERENCE CHIEF GUEST Mr. C.R. Bector Professor Emeritus Faculty of Management, University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada Attendance Certificate and Registration Rules: Participants are requested to make transportation and accommodation arrangement on their own. However, outstation participants will be provided accommodation on payment only. : 20 January, 2016 Academicians : Rs.1000 Industrialists : Rs.1500 Research Scholars : Rs. 800 Students...
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...as well as new complications. Sustainability, cost, quality, and mission are among many of the reoccurring issues that will require attention, creative approaches and solutions from governing boards and presidents in order to move forward. This paper analyzes HBCU enrollment, retention and graduation rates, how the hiring and firing of presidents and fundraising affects the branding of the institution. My hope is that the findings will contribute to the national dialogue about the future of HBCUs and serve as a resource for boards and institutional leaders to focus their...
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...placement in the _______________ training program. EDUCATION University of Santo Tomas, Manila Doctor of Medicine April 2008 De La Salle University, Manila Bachelor of Science in Psychology October 2003 St. Joseph School, Olongapo City March 2000 INTERNSHIP University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Manila Post Graduate Intern May 2008-April 2009 RESIDENCY TRAINING Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center, Manila Internal Medicine January 2010-December 2012 AWARDS First Place Filipino-Chinese Medical Society, Inc. 12th Biennial Convention Research Poster Presentation (2012) Second Place CGHMC Annual Interns’ Research Paper Contest (2009) First Place CIM Annual Research Paper Contest, Undergraduate Category (2006) Recipient SU College Highest QPA Award, Senior Category (2003) Recipient College Internship – Leadership Award and Best in Clinical Practice (2003) Recipient Intel Fellows Achievement Award, 50th Intel – International Science and Engineering Fair held at Philadelphia, USA (1999) Nominee Worldwide Young Researchers for the Environment held at Hannover, Germany (1999) Recipient Young Achievement Award – Dumaguete Science High School PTA Association (1999) Recipient Outstanding Red Cross Youth Volunteer, Negros Oriental Chapter...
Words: 556 - Pages: 3
...SEMESTER 1 2015/2016 “A RESEARCH ON INDONESIA’S INTEREST TOWARDS JOINING TRANS PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP” Prepared By: Muhamad Fadel Wijaya (1221665) Muhamad Fatih Azka (1311515) Ahmad Azzam Al-Qoyyimuddin (1313511) KIRKHS INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1st Chapter: Introduction A. Background...............................................................................................................3 B. Importance of the Topic...........................................................................................3 C. Research Question....................................................................................................4 D. Argument and Hypothesis........................................................................................4 2nd Chapter: Theoretical Framework A. Definition of Key Terms............................................................................................5 B. Literature Review......................................................................................................6 C. Collection of Data…………………………………………………………………………………….…..7 3rd Chapter: Case Study………………………………………………………………………………………….8 4th Chapter: Conclusion……………..…………………………………………………………………………11 References…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND President Joko Widodo, often regarded as Jokowi, announced in Washington during his first official visit to the...
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...Elea Archuleta Professor Stern English 101 & October 14 th, 2024 ISearch Paper My Question We all know “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue” but what happened after that can be a bit unclear. In recent years, as the full story of Columbus Day has come to surface, many now criticize the celebration of Columbus. He who was once seen as a heroic explorer, is now viewed as a symbol of colonialism and oppression against the Native American populations. This shift in perspective has led to the establishment of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a holiday to honor the Native American people and replace the traditional holiday. This year, as I'm enjoying another long holiday weekend in recognition of Colombus Day, I cannot help but wonder, "Who was...
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...(“DuraBear”). Two factors have led to the company not employing any formal forecasting techniques. One of these is the sudden change in product mix, the other is the rapid growth has focused their attention on building capacity. The President of the company, Mr. Ralph Wada, has recognized the need for a more formal forecasting process as the company matures. He has expressed an opinion that forecasting should be as simple as possible and yet still meet the needs of the business. Mr. Wada wants to use the start of the new fiscal year (May 1) to initiate a more formal forecasting system. He has decided to focus on the two main bearing products which comprise 90% of their revenue. With no existing expertise in demand forecasting he has turned to a small consulting firm to recommend appropriate forecasting techniques, prepare a forecast for the next four months, and provide advice and training to an identified NCC employee in the Operations organization. Ms Ronnie Havens has exhibited an interest in statistical applications and has taken some courses in college which will serve as a foundation for taking on this new responsibility. Mr. Wada has also asked other staff members to assist in developing the forecasts. Mr. Jonathan Nguyen, Vice President of Marketing, has been able to provide external sales demand for the two products for the...
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...A Custom Research Project Statement of Work for NetSuite October 24, 2012 Statement of Confidentiality The enclosed information is submitted to NetSuite for the purpose of evaluating the SMB Group, its products and its services. The information included in or with this document, in its entirety, is considered both confidential and proprietary and may not be copied or disclosed to any third party, without the prior written consent of the SMB Group. The content of this proposal supersedes that of any previous proposal. This proposal is valid for thirty (30) days from the proposal date above. SMB Group, Inc. ( www.smb-gr.com ) | 17 Lancaster Rd. Northborough, MA 01532 | (508)410-3562 (P) October 24, 2012 Vishrut Parikh Director, Product Marketing NetSuite 2955 Campus Drive, Suite 100 San Mateo, CA 94403-2511 Dear Vishrut, Thank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal for a whitepaper about the TCO of Cloud/SaaS Delivered Integrated Business Application Suite vs. On-premise Solutions for SMB and Mid-Market Enterprises. This paper will highlight the total cost of ownership of NetSuite’s integrated cloud business application suite vs. comparable on-premise based ERP applications. We realize that you have many choices when selecting a research and consulting partner. The SMB Group is committed to providing real value and unsurpassed satisfaction in both our working relationship and in the services we provide to you. We hope this proposal meets your expectations...
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...Philip Hackett History Research Paper Professor Saperstein 4/30/15 Neutrality and Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson, the leader of the progressive movement, was elected to be President of the United States in 1912. Amongst other accomplishments and struggles, the 28th President's greatest challenge would come in the form of World War 1. His legacy would begin as the man who kept us out of war and then the man who plunged us into it. Wilson had an impassioned stance of neutrality throughout his first term, when the war first broke out. But shortly after his re-election in 1916, the President would reconsider and urge Congress to join the conflict. So what caused the sudden reversal? Why did Wilson, who so vehemently supported neutrality, suddenly change his mind? In this paper, I intend to illustrate why the President made the decision to go to war. Utilizing newspapers, scholarly novels, and Wilson's own words, this paper will analyze his mindset and ultimate decision. It will demonstrate that Wilson was forced to take the course of action he took due to changing public opinion, increased German provocations, and the necessity for post-war power. Woodrow Wilson was...
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...Mary Whiton Calkins Natalie Scrivens Katrina Ramos The field of psychology is one that seems to be dominated with the presence of men especially in the 18th and 19th century. The world was not focused on equal rights for women. Psychology did however have women who contributed greatly to the study and focus of theories and ideas that we still use today. In this paper I will discuss the life of Mary Whiton Calkins, theoretical prospective, and contributions to the field of psychology. Mary Whiton Calkins was born in Hartford, Connecticut in 1863. She was the daughter of a Presbyterian minister and was the oldest of five children. Mary had a very close relationship with her family. She was especially close with her mother. Mary was very much the strong and independent type. She moved to Newton, Massachusetts at the age of 17. Her family built her a house and she would remain in that house throughout her life. Mary’s father was very adamant about her education. He knew that without him overseeing and designing and education plan that Mary would not get the education that she needed to be successful in a male dominated world. Her father made sure that she got the best education possible and he gave her education privately. Mary’s father’s dedication and supervision of her education would reap great benefits for her. All of his instruction allowed her to enter Smith College in 1882 with an advanced standing as a sophomore. Mary would however face a crushing...
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...headed the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), through which almost all wartime military R&D was carried out, including initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project. He is also known in engineering for his work on analog computers, for founding Raytheon, and for the memex, a hypothetical adjustable microfilm viewer with a structure analogous to that of hypertext. In 1945, Bush published As We May Think in which he predicted that "wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified".[1] The memex influenced generations of computer scientists, who drew inspiration from its vision of the future. For his master's thesis, Bush invented and patented a "profile tracer", a mapping device for assisting surveyors. It was the first of a string of inventions. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1919, and founded the company now known as Raytheon in 1922. Starting in 1927, Bush constructed a differential analyzer, an analog computer with some digital components that could solve differential equations with as many as 18 independent variables. An offshoot of the work at MIT by Bush and others was the beginning of digital circuit design theory. Bush became vice president of MIT and dean of the MIT School of Engineering in 1932, and president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington...
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...Functional Area Relationships: Riordan Manufacturing BUS/475 – Integrated Business Topics March 1, 2010 Dr. Laura Pogue Functional Area Relationships: Riordan Manufacturing Riordan Manufacturing boasts their strategic capabilities and intellectual property strength as having the patents for major polymer material substrates. Because of these patents, Riordan is able to build unique products which create opportunity for their clients. The mission for Riordan is to be a company which pays attention to detail, practices extreme precision, and quality control. The attributes of the Riordan mission are seen throughout the processes of all Riordan projects. Careful checks and balances are placed throughout the process of generating new products which provide Riordan with the ability to create new products to meet the “unique needs” of their clientele. Riordan manufacturing exists to provide innovative products to meet customer needs. While Riordan may have started out holding patents for unique polymer processing substrates, the vision and goals did not stop there. Riordan manufacturing produces medical supplies, plastic bottles, and also owns a manufacturing plant in China which produces fans. The basic focus of Riordan manufacturing is to build a name trusted by clients to be superior quality regardless of the product. Reasons for the organization’s existence Riordan Manufacturing has 550 employees globally who are part of a Fortune 1000 enterprise...
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